Tree of Savior Forum

Vote Time! Rank Reset Option or Nay?

If it’s not that big a damn deal stop complaining so much about a large number of people asking for it and just let us ask for it.

You are, you get some flak. Whats the problem here.

Well, here’s a pretty simple way to look at it. Stat reset and Skill reset make it so you can distribute your points for leveling, and then at the higher levels where certain stats/skills are more relevant/necessary you can swap them for what your actual build would be.

Doing this with entire Ranks is not even comparable. “Oh let’s be a Kris/Bokor and do a ton of damage and now that I’m at high rank, lets be a Pardoner and make a ton of cash. Oh now I have enough silver to buy all the equips I want, let’s change to X Y or Z.” No… this isn’t even CLOSE to comparable when talking about a Stat reset or Skill reset.


If you think that’s true you are vastly under estimating the playerbase, vastly overestimated the forum population or don’t understand how statistics work.

the single circle reset can be offset by resetting a lvl 2-15 job lvl to lvl 1 of the previous circle… if you want to go back to rank 4 or 3 its going to cost you 1 more job reset… if you want to go from 4 to 3 now, another job reset… go from 3 to 2… another job reset. 2 for base another job reset… and you have to lvl them up at your MAIN characters lvl exp curve rate.

with my strategy imc makes a lot of money… job resets will take weeks of game play to get back to max… or months… obviously depending on your hours spent in game. not 1 person will be quick resetting to abuse pvp/pve situations


you learn from your own mistake

go reroll

you wont have the same outlook when you are lvl 600 and picked into circles that didnt synergize at all with your previous paths… because there was a lack of information at your fingertips… be it imcs fault be it yours… 900 hours of dedication shoudlnt be rerolled because you want stubbornness to rule the day

maybe you like slamming your head against walls… logic says offer an out to internet gamers of 2016… this isnt 1996

we get your hardcoreness. the vast majority of players here. were playing those hardcore situations with you, along side you, before you… they know the struggle is as real as you think it is/should be… flip side, they know when to evolve and why.


Im ok with there being 1 thread about this… when 10 threads about the same ■■■■ start popping out(even tho there is already a thread with 500 replies) it becomes obnoxious. And no, just because there are multiple threads doesnt mean it needs to be done, its mostly the same people doing it.

If your rank 1 - 7 synergy is done well then you either continue the next ranks with your rank 7 class or you use your brain and see what the new class skills offer for or with your other ranks. Many of the current Rank 7 classes will need at least another circle to truly shine as is the case for most lower rank classes too.

I know its difficult but you should be able to solve this.

This guy, right here gets it. My argument spit right out his mouth like the light of truth!

the problem with that is do you say good riddance to the first 20 kids that pick the new class?

those select kids that pick into classes and become the guinea pig for YOUR data-mining?

i would think not.

i believe you know you will never be those kids. and that comfort helps you make your decision about this now.

you feel me now?

I think you should get one reset per char. Not endless ones though.

You say kids. But I would like to see these kids grind up to those levels. I would say any kid that makes it there very much so likely knows what they are doing.

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The guy who almost every user here has agreed is a joke/troll account with a Naruto avatar? I’m not surprised.

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vanic is keen enough to know what the avatar is, and yet keen enough to steer clear of it… or is he… and im the troll… damn that rabbit hole.

No, I am not for this.

I have 2 200+ characters. I’m not a child, I did research, my builds are fine. I have 2 archers solely due to the fact I can’t reroll and you know what? 100 levels of spamming oblique shot is only bearable when you haven’t read the quest yet.

The circle reset idea in whatever form it takes will most likely be abuse free or expensive and difficult to abuse. Fine. Grinding 2 of the essentially same character to max is stupid when your mistake is literally 1 click away. Basically you guys are saying people with less free time than you are casuals. Lol

Didn’t you reply about being salty in another thread about this? You seem pretty salty atm good sir. I’d be okay with a “circle reset” if it brought you back to Rank 1 and cost 30$ or more in the Cash Shop.

I’ve re-rolled a couple 150+'s, not a huge deal. I learned from it and moved on. Actually I learned quite a bit more about the game doing so. In a positive light, not negative mind you.

Noooo. - this is a leader currently with 56%+

Thanks for making this poll.