Tree of Savior Forum


Server Name: Klaipeda

Team Name: Starkisch

Character Name: Bless

Hi! Screenshot_24

I’m currently playing: scout>bulletmarker>linker>corsair. I used to play schwarzer reiter before rebuild and I enjoy doing lore/journal thingies. Here are some videos, I hope you guys will enjoy Screenshot_27

Screenshot_29 Challenge Modes

Video Description : Challenge mode stage 5 solo (Spelltome) while I was trying to figure out my build Screenshot_30

Video Description : Challenge mode stage 7 solo (Baltinel Memorial)

Video Description : Challenge mode stage 7 solo (Astral 21F)

Screenshot_31 Gemstone Feud

Screenshot_32 Rebuild Remnants of Bernice Dungeon

Screenshot_33 Demonlord Hunt

Video Description : Testing worldboss changes [Re:Build] Screenshot_37

Video Description : Opening Cubes after demonlord hunting with friends Screenshot_34

thank you Screenshot_36


From my experience, I would suggest sticking to Sr or even going Inquisitor for better CM farming. The build I’m using requires more investment and is a slower farmer overall.

You’re welcome /20characters

I don’t use Limacon while retreating on groups of mobs in CM, only during the bosses as it isn’t worth it because of the long CD, now.

Good luck on your entry!

Thank you /20characters



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