Tree of Savior Forum

[VIDEO] Lancer Skills Test & PVP

lol i knew this thread will have these coming, and got my popcorn early.


there were so many baits since 2 days ago and i am proud of myself for not biting

Yeah, why?


Hahaha yeah bud, now he’s claiming it’s just “rough guess” when he seems very sure about his claims in earlier posts.

…aaand the #1 spot goes to…

Thanks for giving me a hard time understanding you though. I mean, I tried, but it’s almost impossible. :joy_cat:

But youre the one claiming? Not me? Which one you had said is true? If cant follow what i said its probably your intelligence hindering you.

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Here’s a like for you, you poor thing. :joy_cat:

Let’s frame this thing and return this later once R8 comes.

Which one is false? Why your gimmies get rustled about the truth?

Aaaand there it goes. You just confirmed it yourself. :joy_cat:

Funny how you just previously said…

Then? Why are you so mad? Cant accept the truth how sucky you are?

Great, we’re personally attacking people now. Would’ve been nice if you just accepted other people’s corrections and doubts on your absolute claims as to not spread misinformation especially on new players.

And before you say more crap, 1 word: Undefeated Blade

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But youre the one attacking me? Your title only meant how much free time you have. You probably dont have a work or out of school youth. What false about Dragoon 2 using dethrone on Lancer at faraway? Its funny you kept saying misinformation without offering why it is not.

lolwut? I just said “it’s too early to assume things”. How is that attacking? :joy_cat:

Not really. I know a lot of other swordsmen who play TBL more than me. I usually just get into one 1-hour session per day (and sometimes not at all because matchmaker hates me), not even being able to complete the daily 50-points cap.

Since you’ve already gone personal, some interesting facts about me: I’m married, I have a baby, I have a 40/50-hour weekly work sched, and go out on weekends. You seemed really good at assuming things.

It’s nice of you trying to stray away from your point again…

I can keep re-quoting your previous replies but I’m tired of going around in circles following you. :joy_cat:

Uhhhhm, because we don’t have R8 in iTOS yet? At least I don’t make claims. Oh, all-knowing one. :slight_smile:

Oh common, look yourself in the mirror.


Go back to school and learn to understand proper grammar. Nice try though. Anything else?

^thats the one that rattle your gimmies right? Cant you see the if there? You lack basic comprehension you need to go back in elementary seriously. About you crying on clerics and wiz is the truth, thats why youre so mad.


  1. This is a Lancer thread. Please do not spoil it.
  2. Unless someone here plays at kToS, nothing here is considered authoritative.

This is supposed to be a gawd damned forum for exchanging ideas on how to bloody play the game even if IMC sucks at managing it.

Leave the bickering at the LOL dex vs str LOL thread.


The “if” battles continue! Hahahaha

Really? You’re going to defend your argument with that one “if” when your statement along with your other replies are proof of your claims.

Ops, off-topic again. :joy_cat:

Nice read, right? Hahahaha.

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[quote=“Biskee, post:78, topic:325134, full:true”]Really? You’re going to defend your argument with that if when your statement along with your other replies are proof of your claims.

Ops, off-topic again. :joy_cat:

Whats a claim on most cata suck including you? Thats the one you quoted right? It was you who 1st mentioned the 'ifs" so youre referring to yourself?

Your trolling failed miserably. You should feel bad about yourself.

Not really. I wasn’t even trolling, and you considered that trolling? :joy_cat:

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