Tree of Savior Forum

[Video Guide] Necromancer Thread

Some times they do kinda bug out after being CCed but not always.
Also remember to stay somewhat close to the boss so your summons know to attack it.

They can be kinda dumb some times but you will learn to manage them with time :slight_smile:
Glad your enjoying the build :slight_smile:

Do you suggest any bossing rotation of skills?

There isnt a rotation, its more like a priority list
1 - Flesh Cannon
2 - Flesh Hoop
3 - Magic Missile
4 - Energy Bolt
5 - Flesh Strike if above 200 Corpse fragments

From what Iā€™m seeing every single frigginā€™ moment of my Tree of Savior life, thereā€™s an AI aggro limit of like, 8 mobs per target or something. Once someone or something has 8 AI foes targetting it, no more AI foes will target that enemy. At least, Iā€™m pretty sure the amount is 8 (maybe itā€™s 10? Seems like 8 though)

Really frigginā€™ annoying when you have more than 10 summoned minions in your party and are fighting one solitary boss, so only 8 of them are hitting him while the rest just stand around cause the only target in the room has reached its maximum aggro limit :expressionless: The fact that you can exceed this cap with just ONE character is stupid, but itā€™s especially noticeable if multiple summoners are around (Bokors, necros, heck, even nonsummonersā€™ companions like leafbirds count. Iā€™m not sure if summoned familiar bats count though)

Never really noticed that, but if thats true then they really need to sort the coding of this game out.
Tree of Savior still have a long way to goā€¦

Thanks for the detailed explanation Grompf!
I donā€™t think i will get to rank 7 until the event end sadly, so i will try a 1:1 and 2:1 Spr:Int distribution to see which one works better. I will start to save my money for the equips and attributes you listed. Necro so many attributes and a good deal of them are pretty expensive to levelā€¦

@Magicbiscuit: What do you think of including a simple list of Necro attributes, like the one Grompf posted, on the first post? I know that ultimately we should try to get them all, but knowing which ones to get first to better manage your money is really helpful!

I can add it to the post if youd like :slight_smile:
Ill get on it soon as i have some free time :slight_smile:

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I just passed Necro C2, life is way easier with Disinter ! I can Flesh Canon way more oftenā€¦
Probably going 2:1 INT/SPR.

Does someone know a mod related to corpses count ? (display how many you just collected, total collected ā€¦) ?

Why you even use disinter and some other corpse stuff? Corpse potions are very cheap and you dont use skillpoints on useless skills.

Because I donā€™t want to rely on potions, you may find that stupid but thatā€™s not my play style. I used some during circle 1 tho.

Disinter is amazing :stuck_out_tongue: specially with attributes.

Potions are kinda cheap butā€¦ with attributes, every other time you press disinter its like you earned 500 silver and i press mine alot :stuck_out_tongue:

1 skill point isnt the end of the world, what is it? 20% more damage on a spell? thats something like what? 200 damage? :stuck_out_tongue:

@ponponke Sorry matey i dont really use mods :frowning: would be handy if just added it as standard tho

To give some more substantial numbers on the difference between a full Spr- and a full Int necromancer build, I testet both again and took some screenshots. I farmed some Orange Grummer in Pystis Forest

My Build:

With full Int I had 98 Spr left from gear and 2854 magic attack that resulted in:

-damage per skeleton: 740-1200 = ~970

-damage per tick Psychic Pressure/Gravity Pole: ~3900

With full Spr I had 456 Spr and 1958 magic attack that resulted in:

-damage per skeleton: 1300-2200 = ~1750

-damage per tick Psychic Pressure/Gravity Pole: ~2300

To compare the total damage lets say we have a single Orange Grummer and 5 skeletons hit it while we channel Pole/Pressure. I think each skeleton hits once per second (correct me if I am wrong!), while Pole/Pressure ticks every 0.5 seconds.

Full Int dps: (970x5)+(3900x2)= 12650

Full Spr dps: (1750x5)+(2300x2)= 13350

The same example with 10 (Gravity Pole target limit at lv5) Orange Grummer. Here I count Shoggoth as two skeletons since he deals roughly double the damage from one (got lv10 Glackuman card), and just ignore that he has an aoe attack:

Full Int dps: (970x12)+(3900x20)=11640+78000= 89640

Full Spr dps: (1750x12)+(2300x20)=21000+46000= 67000

As you can see Int favors aoe damage since necromancer minions except Shoggoth only hit one target, while Spr shines most at 1-3 targets and is by no means as weak as many people think. Either way both paths are viable and have different advantages.

-Better aoe capabilities
-Somewhat easier to level and somewhat less depending on a strong weapon
-Better personal dps and with other non-minion classes
-Less reliant on minion damage (knockdown bosses are a bit less annoying)

-Much more sp regen (at some point more than you actually need)
-Particulary strong against 1-3 targets
-Minions much harder to kill
-More survivability from Reflect Shield


does corpse tower scale with spr or Int?

Afkmancer guide please


AFKmancer guide

Necro 3 Sorc 1 full SPR

Find high spawn spot. Summon TS, Shoggoth, Skeletons, skeleton archers. Sit down.

End Guide


@octane : Like your other minions it scales with both, your magic attack and Spr

Ohh so summons now scale with weapon matk too? I plan to test out a summoner build today and plan on making one after the reset event, I didnā€™t know they scale with your matk/weapon matk now thought damage was only from SPR. and another side question for sorc, does having 1* TS card and 10* TS card have a big difference in terms of their damage?

@octane Yes you should definetly level your card to 10, better sooner than later. Especially if you depend on your minion damage with a high-/full Spr build. The enhancement cards from the master event should help or buy/farm cheap shadowgaler cards from the lv50 dungeon :wink:

As far as i know and tested Summons only scale with Spirit, Spell level and your own Level.

I see, thanks! how about shogoths damage after the change? do they deal good damage now base on SPR stats? or still its purpose is for decay alone?