Tree of Savior Forum

[Video Guide] Cryomancer Thread

@gabrispy The number of walls you can hit with PP is dependent on PP level and even if you max PP, you would have to place all of the walls in a formation that allowed you to hit all of them, its not exactly the easiest of things to do.

So unless you get a really good formation of all 16 walls off, its a bit of a waste.
The % damage scale of Ice Wall isnt huge either, so you would be missing very little damage.

Have anyone tested build cryo3 thau2 wl2, how is it compare to build wiz2 link2 thau2 ff2

Havent tested it, but should be fine, not really sure how it would compare in damage.
Try it out, sadly i wont have time to test it myself :frowning:

I have 5 Pp im just kino 1

its enough 7?

do u know exactly how many walls pp 5 hit?

Hover your mouse over PP, it should say “Targets: xNumber” :slight_smile:
Thats the number of walls you can hit

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U will hit 9 walls at max with pp5 and ur totally right - u get ur pp uninteruptabel via psycho3 BUT that only counts for PP if u only want to rely on this 1 trick u wont be happy in grinding or partys above lvl 300. In addition u may hitting more walls but the placing (and u need a rly good placing) will be slower especialy with lags ect - u need more time to setup and more time means more can happen to u while ur doing.
ur partymembers wont weait till u 1 shot the bossand in the worst case its dead before u can start ur combo… I like pp/iw combo but to be honest - the other ppl ur playing with messed it up so often that it can be annoying.
If u want a PP combo build i advice to take sage at rank 8 for blink because it drags aggro (not always all aggro!) so u have time to set up…as i mentioned b4 its more of a singel or low party member playstyle.


Ice blast + ice wall was recently rebalanced so that each target can only be hit by one wall, right? If that’s the case, then the nuke combo of Rune Caster’s Rune of Ice + Ice Blast + Ice Wall is no longer useful, am I on track?

Yup, Ice blast is best used as a nuke aoe for trash now ( FP+IW) and ice wall is best used with gust or another shard generator.

Ah, RIP, it was fun while it lasted.

It’d be nice if there were other great combos with Rune of Ice though. I really love the RC’s costume (it’s so damn beautiful) and that burst combo was what made me play it. Now that it’s gone, I don’t think there’s much of a point for RC besides CryoKino, is there?

You could play RC without cryo too… thing is u need Wiz 3 at last to get full potential without Rune of Ice.
I played a W3 Link 2 RC FF 2 - works fine too.

Oh hey, that actually sounds interesting. What is the goal of that build though? Like is it a DPS, is it a farmer etc. Oh, and does Rune of Destruction and/or Justice work with FF’s Levitate?

Like i said in the guide and main thread.

Ice Blast can only hit 8 targets and only once per target.

Ice Wall + Ice Blast isnt dead, remember, Ice Blast used to do bugger all damage, so you needed 16 Walls for it to do the big damage nuke.

Now it has our highest %damage scale, see the videos of people taking a 1/4 of bosses HP with just one Ice Blast?
It still works just fine, EXCEPT now you dont need to max Ice Wall for it, can just leave it at level 1, opening more build paths.

Ah, that’s good to hear. I actually went to read everything you said after I posted that question, my bad >_<

About that 1 Ice Wall path, would it be better to go for that, or have 7 IW like in your cookie cutter build, plus say, Gust 10 to maximise the interaction between the two like Gust shooting IW shards since gust has unlimited AoE ratio, if I remember correctly, and also positioning it correctly so that Gust would hit the target AND shoot shards. Would that be better (or would it even work) than IW 1 and the rest into Snow Rolling, Subzero etc.?

Its more a singel/duo/pvp build
I used it in guild wars to share buffs - get scout invisible fly to the enemy base and BOOOOM taliban bloody attack xDDD ok not so fun in reality…
But it works.
Only problem with bloodcurse is that u always risk ur life if u use it - even with full HP
But this kind of build offers everything u need in general.
MM for early
Surspell - get your RC skills trough/not interrubtabel via Bloodsucking
Quick cast - RC again
Linker - Get everything killed via MM in early/midgame
Every FF dmg base type attack good dmg combo with linker
Levitate - U can use every not melee based attack in levitate - ofc u can use Justice/Destro
Bloodsuck keep u alive

Just 1 thing to mention - this is a pre balance build, i have NO clue if it work right now!

That is why i say my cookie cutter way is good for all builds, because it covers everything :slight_smile:

To keep IW at 7 and go for Gust, id say sacrifice Subzero shield, your other CC like Frost Pillar would still make you pretty tanky.

So change the points from Subzero Shield into Gust and the extra point you can put it in IW.
No much point keeping Subzero, with just 1 point its useless.

But does Gust actually have unlimited AoE ratio?

If so, on paper, Gust 10 + a well positioned IW 15 would deal more damage (because of the shards) than Gust 10 + IW 7/8?

Also, what about other skills like Ice Bolt, Ice Pike and Snow Rolling? Your cookie cutter says to put it at 1/1/5 respectively, but it’s also personal preference I guess? But then again, that seems to be the best XD

Currently I’m only confused on the interaction between Gust and Ice Wall, which is the best number for both?

Gust is very linear and can only hit like 4 walls i think not tested any further tbh

I see. If that’s the case, then I think @Magicbiscuit 's build of IW 7, Gust 10 would really be the best.

Thanks to everyone who answered!

Hi Biscuit! Thanks so much for your guide :slight_smile:
From what I understand, the IB + IW combo can only hit 8 targets, so there’s no use in putting more than 7 points in IW, but in a few of your builds IW is maxed. So is maxing it better, or should I just keep IW at 7?

In some of the builds its over 7 either to cement that its a support build or a PP + IW combo build.

7 is more then enough for anything you might want to do :slight_smile:

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