Gtz IMC in doing a hidden Letitia Cube inside a p2w event. Now you can make even more people quit your game again.
Same thing here…entered first time, didn’t have Talts on me, so i didn’t buy anything, entered 2nd time, used 1 talt, all good. Now i can’t enter no more, couldn’t get my head around it WHY?! However after reading the comments above, it looks like i have to remove Talts from my inventory to be able to enter again. A bit of a JOKE isn’t it? Regardless of the event it self lol…5 weeks to get 1 Planium…rly?
It’s very obvious that this event has only 1 purpose - to squeeze the $ out of players and nothing else.
No offence, i do agree the sustaining of the gaming servers requires resources, but there are better ways of doing it. Make the effort a bit more rewarding, to cut down the feeling of pointless wasting of the time please.
Kind regards
So true if you think of it… still not the [Event Thing that gives good rewards] but more like
[Spend Event to win the prizes] making us fool is not a good strategy in marketing :))
Come on guys, they need moneys to fix their crappy server
No problem with spending real money to support this game
as long as they give back a good service and good offers to game as F2P .
Dungeon does not let me re-enter it! Wth…is this a bug?
This is exactly what this event is. A horrible excuse for an event that’s just a masked Leticia gacha cube.
You probably have talts in inventory, put them away.
It’s sad that it all revolves around Gacha cubes. What’s even more sad are the people buying em for thousands of TP.
If the other items in this game were at all worth buying, and not massively overpriced (like pets, and wigs, and hairstyles), I wouldn’t mind spending TP. But at the moment there just isn’t anything worth buying except character slots, and I refuse to participate in this gambling bullshit.
I wonder what happen to tos if lootboxes get banned…
they will tell us that lootboxes are just SURPRISE MECHANIC, so it wont get banned…
Just did the dungeon, then looked closer at the event page and came to this exact same conclusion…
Worst Event Ever!!!
Had to reinstall entirely because skills with overheats didn’t work at all. :))))
if you can’t reenter the victory dungeon but still want to bring talt with you (because you paid with silver in the 1st run), try this trick my guildie told me:
- don’t bring talts but bring dungeon cubes
- talk to the npc until queue window appears, but don’t click queue/enter yet
- open cubes (while the queue window is still open) till you get talts
- click queue/enter. now u can enter the dungeon eventhough you have talts in your inventory
isn’t that an abuse? Oxo;;;;; peeps might get beaned if this is an exploit oxO;;;
the talt is only good for 1 run for 1 week as i understood given the record listing on how many times we can do it by talt
150 tp for potentially 11 fragments means
you have to buy 4 x 150 tp roll
and 6 x 15 tp roll
690tp total
to get 50 fragments
420tp to get 30
and 1095tp to get 80
and what’s with these numbers even Owo?
has imc discovered memes and realized that true endgame is not the p2w stuff, and rather it’s the cosmetics?
that now, not only we can’t just direct buy cosmetics like before, due to the current gacha system, imc now goes like “Yo Dawg, I herd you like gachas, so I put an gacha in your gacha so you can while you .”
no that’s not an abuse. using that trick you still can’t use talt more than once, as intended.
it’s just a way to enter the dungeon with talt in your inventory coz apparently there’s a bug where ppl can’t reenter the dungeon bringing talt.
without that trick, ppl who used silver in the 1st run & don’t want to spend TP/medals can only enter once
ooh i see Owo
i thought you can use talt after using one already owO
didn’t quite grasp the thing about paying with silver on first run Owo;;
since talt’s like 5k and it’s better to do a rerun than pay 450k if ever one forgot to bring a talt on first run owO;;;
but thanks for the clarification and solution to this X3
To those of you having trouble reentering the dungeon,
Did you have talt in your inventory on your first entry? Did you use silver or talt to open the first cube?
I’m trying to recreate the issue and I can’t seem to figure out what is causing this.