Tree of Savior Forum

VERY confused on creating my build after linker and psychokino changes

Hello guys,

I have spent the last 2 days searching and reading posts in this forum trying to make up my mind about my build but I have not. I hope between many people here we can reach to some good point :smiley:

I have read about the Linker nerf, so that now if you want high dps getting Wizard C3 for the QuickSpell and 50% Damage buff is like ā€œmandatoryā€. I want a good build for PvP/GvG that also makes me somewhat viable in PvE, dungeons etc, I donā€™t know if that is possible I guess yes cause I donā€™t want to beleive that this game forces you to be or pvp viable or pve like black or white.

But on the other hand, I read many people saying that Cryo3 with Psikino (I think psycho3 but mayb it is just 1? dont really know) is very good combo with ice wall and PP + swap. Both PvE and PvP (single target).

SO I am a bit confused, as I really like ice spells but I feel as if I MUST take wizard 3 yes or yes, which is fine, but then I cant get cryo 3 and psicho3 at the same time as I will not reach any rank7 class. soā€¦ Anyone with experience can share his/her opinion please?

On the other hand, during the betas I searched lot of indo and videos and really liked the Linker gameplay for AoE damage and party support so that people will really love me in parties and I could be usefull also soloing etc, but then I canā€™t have all I know that , but how ā€œbadā€ would it be to take just linker 1?

And finally, why every build I see with wizard C1 or C2 only has 1 point in Earthquake?

thanks and sorry for the lenght :smiley:

Well imo you should make your build around Ele (ez wiz3ele3warlock1) or cryo (wiz1cryo3 and then ele3/chrono3/link3thau2-3 (feather).

Read this -> BUILDS - helped me a lot.

Thanks for the link it has good info but donā€™t know how accurate and subjetive all the builds there are evaluated. On the other hand, I donā€™t want to follow elemental path, I like cryo, psicho and linker but i think for dps we are forced to choose wizard c3 that is why I made the post.

Anyone can share opinion please? :smiley:

I was also searching in the past few days for build for me (decided to go for w3/ele3/war), and during my search i read a lot of threads. While all magic builds would greatly benefit from w3 - some builds/classes would benefit more from other c3ā€™s. There are no universal builds, and even when you find some that would look ok for both PvE and PvP at the first glance, there are usually 2 variants of given build with diffrent stat allocation, which makes it in turn completely diffrent build. Well - the most important thing (and usually the hardest) is for you to choose your main class - the core of your build - and only after that you should think and search for specific builds. Remember that you always can find some wiz3 linker and form a party with him. Most classes dont have very long cast times anyway so there is no necessity for quickcast, and even less for surespell - and IMHO its a complete waste of 2 ranks just for 1 skill. Ebolt, Earthquake, ref shield are completely ussless late game, lethargy and sleep are good enough from c1 - magic missile is ok, though there are much better skills from rank 3 onward. Well its only my opinion - so if Iā€™m wrong please share your thoughts - iā€™m more than willing to learn more about this game .

we have discussed this already very often but, at the momento the route wiz3 its only ā€œrecomendedā€ for ele3 or kino3, yeah you gain a 50% more of damage with your spells but you are droping two classes circles.

You need to have good damage skills for Quickcast its a little absurd go to the route of wiz3 and go for a support build.

If you want to go Wiz3 basically you need the next 3-4 circles to have a good skill damages.

Earthquake dont scale too well, the best part of the skill its the knockback, because of that you dont see EQ more than 1 point in most builds, and you are not ā€œobligatedā€ to go Wiz3 for ā€œhigh damageā€

As i said, I was going to go for Psycho 3 that is why I read Wizard 3 is very good for it. Though I would love to get Cryo too, as I love ice spells, but I guess I am better getting Wizard 3.

One thing I still donā€™t know what to do is how to invest the 45 points in Wizard c1-c2-c3 skills. I know that I will get QuickCast max to 5, sleep max to 15, Lethargy to 1 for strike buff and Magic Misile max to 5. Then, I read that the psycho spell PP which is mandatory, can be interrupted even with Surespell due to knockbacks but that Reflect Shield can deny knockbacks, so I was thinking on getting Reflect Shield to 15 (maybe 10?) and about SureSpell, at level 5 I get 15 seconds of effect and 15seconds of cooldown, so I am not sure if levelling it to max 15 or stay at 5 so that cooldown and effect time are equal so I just recast it each 15 sec? That way I have more points for energy bolt and earthquake to level to rank 4 easier (why do people just put 1 point in earthquake btw?).

Just wanted to say, I am also going for Wiz3 and ditching Cryo/Pyro altogether. Sure getting either would speed up the early game but I feel they will end up as filler spells at best by the time rank10 hits. In comparison, Quick and Surecast will probaly stay relevant forever.

I will admit, preparing this early is probaly dumb but I canā€™t help it.

Imo Cryo2 whould complement nicely kino3 and with added linker1 would be quite nice build. But you seem quite determined for a build alreadyā€¦

ā€¦so - Wiz skill allo - reflect shield is good for early to min lvls - for higher lvls its dmg reduction is a joke, there is no more stagger resistance which leaves only knockback resist - many ppl including me think that for int/con builds its waste of points. Surespell is good to lvl till the skill duration reach the amount of cooldawn - 15 sek (which as far as i remember is lvl 6?) Energy bolt is good at the beginning, but after reaching MM it become useless - then again you can always buy skill reset scroll

@miyasaki003c hah i know what you mean - still thinking about whole 10 ranks even that i know that new classes will probably change my class development direction and so on, so the safest for now would be either supporter char or even better money maker (alchemist) to earn money for future chars + potion maker for myself.

From what I was told and noticed sometimes when casting PP at c1 knockback still happens with ES when it stops blocking bigger portion of damage on hit. Itā€™s harder to replicate it once you get c2 attribute.

I even made my own thread trying to figure out how to pick my build. The one thing im almost sure off is going W3-E3 route, why:

  • W3 mainly cuz of surespell and quickcast (like someone mentioned, no matter how much classes they add this spell will always be relevant)
  • Elemantalist over all the other ones because of the strong aoe (skill might change and get nerfed bu the aoe dmg you can put out from this class is insane)

As i dont plan to pvp with the wizard, the above in my opinion offers me the best to play with a party, i dont have crazy cc like other builds, just enough from sleep and stone curse.

The biggest question for me is what to do pick on rank 7. I even made a thread asking people as i mentioned before. The reason is that C1 linker offer more utility, i think featherfoot could be a great since it boost solo play and offers strong ST damage, warlock to me is the one that dont bring as much to the table since it just brings more aoe dmg on a long cd, but is the favorite rank to end the build.

I read that spreadsheet, but im still torn between what to pick on my last rank.

my main issue is what happens when Rank 8+ arrivesā€¦ the meta will change again and that build u took goes to hell ā€¦or skill gets nerfed and the build isnt good anymoreā€¦

That why im not worried about future ranks, Elementalist will stay a strong aoe class no matter what happens, they would have to rework to the whole class to mess it up, Wiz C3 could be trucked if they change something about surespell and quickcast otherwise is golden. Hence my dilemma about what to pick as rank 7. I have a feeling Feather is a better route, than warlock. What is holding me back is that majority prefer warlock as a the rank 7 pick.

So what ? Let them play their Warlock.
If youā€™re satisfied following majority builds, just watch their stream. You donā€™t need to play.

Not sure what your comment meant, i still dont know if is a good idea to pick one over the other. That is pretty much what im trying to figure out.

Linker doesnā€™t really bring much in terms of synergy in this build in my opinion. After the nerfs the CC bind part lasts only 2sec at c1. You are sacrificing a lot damage potential by not picking Warlock. There would have to be a good reason to pick Linker in that build like party composition.

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Curses, I canā€™t let you misunderstand my aggressiveness.
What Iā€™m meaning is that you should follow your hearth :o Especially if none of theses classes feel especially OP to you.
Metagame is still moving.

That pretty much why i dont want to fall to the mainstream to much by using the generic warlock at rank 7. Since i feel i have enough aoe power from the Elementalist, adding ST from the Feather would feel more balanced to me. Considering how everything here is permanent i dont want to make a mistake. I tried reading to see if anybody compared the ST output from feather and the Warlocks to see how they fair against each other, but no luck.

Feather would need some form of CC to cast Blood Sucking in peace. Surespell will help with flinching, but not knockbacks. The rest of the skills is not that impressive without Linkers JP.

Warlocks DT is actually a good single target damage spell that can be used on more that one enemy.

It would be easier to theory craft on alternative builds, if we had at least R8 unlocked.

Right now the non meta builds work when you arrange whole party and play with friends exclusively.

well , warlock C2 will be amzing for sure , just being able to put a 10 those skillsā€¦ but how knowsā€¦whats in the store for the others classes as new spells