Tree of Savior Forum

Varena Unable to See Shout, Party, and Guild Chat

Date and Time : 6/15/2016 from 10am-6pm GMT+8

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : auto/keyboard

Bug Description :
On my Varena account (Team Name: Rokusho), I’m unable to see any shout, party, and guild chat. When I type anything on /p or /g and hit Enter, nothing appears. I’m only able to see normal chat. I have it on the “All” setting. My F7 friend list and block list are blank.

I’ve restarted my computer multiple times and I’ve tried my other account on Telsiai and the chat works fine so it’s not somethng on my computer. My brother is also having the same issue.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Launch Steam.
  2. Click Play for TOS
  3. Enter server, enter character.
  4. Type any message on /p or /g

Screenshots / Video :
(be sure to attach screenshots for graphic bugs)


  • CPU : iCore 3
  • Graphics Card : Nvidia
  • OS : Win 7
  • Internet Connection : Globe Broadband
  • Country, Region : Ph

Same as with this issue but not resolved: Shout, party, whisper chat and Friend list NOT WORKING AGAIN

i got the same bug

Server Varena
Team Name SnowBelly

apparently i am also affected but i am not from Varena, apparently some people across other servers are also affected as well. my block/friend list are all wiped.

Did u find the way out? I have just had the problem same as u. That 's bad :frowning: