Tree of Savior Forum

Automatch , Chat , Friend List and Shout didin't work

Date and Time(05/03/2017) :

Server Name: Silute

Team Name: Craice

Character Name: All

Bug Description :
Two days that my chat does not work, neither the shout, friend list nor automatch shows the queue.

Screenshots / Video :

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : ALL


You should explain what is ‘does not work’ otherwise nobody can help you. The staffs will just tell you to send inquiry anyway.

I can not send or read messages in the guild chat, whisper or party chat.
I can not see the shouts.
I can not see, or add friends.
I can not see how many people there are in the queues, neither total nor to enter with me.

I’ve been like this for two days, I have already repaired the files, removed all the addons, searched for solutions everywhere, found dozens of people the same but no response.

All these problems are connected and started together.

Sounds like an old issue that has remain unsolved until today just like our commanderloadfail…

Any comment on this other than telling him to send inquiry?

Ok, more information, we’ll be able to solve this please give me support.

I asked a friend to log into my account and everything was working normally, at that point I thought it was a physical problem in my files.
I uninstalled the game and installed it on another partition just to be sure, I downloaded it all again.

To my surprise, I continue with the error, which makes me think that there should be more files saved elsewhere influencing this.

Any idea ?

wipe your OS

We will eliminate the possibilities one by one. At this point i suspect your problem might has something to do with steam. Try exit your current steam, install a fresh steam in another location, copy your tos to the new steam and run the game using the new steam. See if the problem persist.

Okay, I solved the problem.
It was a connectivity problem.

If I use a VPN (in the case I used the battleping) it returns to normal.
Not a fix but a solution, now I will have to pay a VPN to play.

sounds like a firewall related issue. Anyway have fun.

I do not think it’s the firewall, I’ve done several procedures that lead me to believe that, I think it’s a connectivity problem or a route, anyway, everyone who has the problem can test it, it worked here.

You are not having connectivity problem. You wont be able to connect to game if you are having connectivity issue. I’m no expert in networking and have only studied a little in that field. If I recall correctly VPN is used for ip tunelling where your packets are encapsulated before sent through specific ports. The clue that led me to think that it is firewall related is because you mentioned it works using vpn. This probably means that either your firewall or router blocked certain ports and caused certain packets to be blocked. Since it is unlikely for average users to randomly change settings in router, the biggest possibility is your firewall. I call it ‘firewall’ but it can be any traffic control apps such as windows firewall, traffic control/monitoring apps, antivirus/anti spyware.