Tree of Savior Forum

US mentality behind regional servers

I see a good amount of hypocrisy here…[quote=“k.kubiak94, post:1, topic:154634”]
Dear players what we see is just US mentality,

Talking seriously, i don’t see alot of US players talking bad things about EU, so stop complaining about then…

Again, I reiterate. It’s too early to just decide on such things. Be patient and wait. Of course, IMC would cater to the regions which have the most demand. But this isn’t final, yet. Demand can increase and decrease depending on region. Do you know whether the demand will remain the same on your own region? You can’t predict the future. IMC is just testing out the waters. This takes time and investment. You just gotta wait it out and keep supporting your home turf as much as you can. Everything has to to be taken with a grain of salt. Be patient want wait.


EU’s contribution is visible as it is, theres no need of proving ourselves worthy of 1 server. Now we make ourselves look like dogs to be beaten and laughed at, and if we wont bite, they’ll reward us. How messed up is that.


Should we make a poll ? With 3 options like
1- : I’m from EU, RUS and i will refund
2- : I’m from SEA/OCE and i will refund
3- : No , i wont refund and keep support IMC .

?? should we?

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This is not getting any better… It’s time to use my ultimate weapon…

Summon The Kraken!! JULIE ヽ(✧Д✧)ノ



My god it still surprises me how ignorant ppl can get…


Talking seriously, i don’t see alot of US players talking bad things about EU, so stop complaining about then…

If you had just a little bit of common sense you would know im not talking about US players… cheesus

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I respectfully don’t agree with your opinion. A MMORPG can’t just create more servers as it will seperate the community more and a MMORPG is driven by it’s community. Also money is a issue for them probably.

But i still think they’re gonna give us a EU server once f2p starts and they see how big EU playerbase actually is.

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#I love you, marry me please :hearts:


I can’t wait to hear all the compains about all the multiple languages that will fill the chats. And no one can really complain about it either, since it’s not really a US server, it’s the International server. So everyone is welcome.
I’m fine with it since I see it daily in Euro servers. But I know that especially US tend to be very picky about what language to use. Happy times ahead. \o/

Also with the no premade queue system we can probably hear alot of complains when it comes to ppl “underperforming” due to the high ping. Face it, about 50% will have 200+ so can’t really escape it when queuing up.


Kids these days totally brainless.

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Oh, hey look! Another expert that knows how this shiit works.

You’re ignoring the fact that there will probably be a bunch of people from Europe going to play in NA servers. I know other people who will be playing in NA no matter what and Im sure there are hundred more.

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Well Europe has proven to be better MMO market than rest of the world combined, excluding Asia. So yes i think IMC suffers from it more than they imagine. Those who bought the game are disapointed, enraged but majority didnt even buy the game yet, purely because of whats happening.

They just don’t know how the MMORPG gaming buseness actually works.

HEY! don’t mix us SEA with them (ಠᗝಠ)


Got it now srry… ,_, The lack of english just makes the things more hard to understand.

Well im not, but good look to those who never liked playing on equal grounds.

I’m not sure where you are getting 44% from. Europe has only 24% of the player base. And that 16% from East Asia your counting has servers closer, such as Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.

He plus NA with Latin that’s 56% , and he put the rest 44% all together in one bowl.

Nahh. Those are the kids; every nation has problematic kids in online gaming communities because they’re… well, they’re kids (Maybe except Canada). Plus, the amount of Pro-US comments on this board are extremely minimum.

^And this is what you should really be worried about. If you want IMC to make an EU server, keep making these threads to let your voice be heard. That’s a good thing. But the moment you start a crusade and encourage everyone to refund and too many people actually follow through with it, you will NEVER get an EU server, because at that point IMC would be investing into something that holds much less value than it did initially.

I can understand someone not wanting to pay and play on a game with an un-optimal experience, but don’t always expect Service - Support = Better Service. It’s not a good formula.