Tree of Savior Forum

UPDATED: Tokens can be sold on market for silver, and how they were supposed to (but don't) fight botters

Sorry, it wasn’t until after I got thinking about it and made the point about gold-sellers forcing Token prices up that your point made a lot more sense.

@ridleyco k cool so we earn silver to buy tokens- and a botters make 100 accounts and buys tokens on all his botting accounts. Surely 1mil is not a high price for high level player and a high level bot player right? Dont like that example?
here is another:
Botter needs to sell gold and a player wants to buy gold. Botter can ask player to post a non-valuable item for x amount of gold - say 5mil on AH. Player does that and botter buys it. Player has token and recives 4.5mil gold. What was the use of not allowing 1:1? 10% from the players pocket?

Ah, I understand. Sorry for my harsh tone!

Please read my original post in this thread. Your questions are answered in it. All of them.

is there a bot and gold seller poblem in ktos?

They definitely exist. They operated initially by exploiting the 1 item for 90000000000 silver on the market trick, and when that was shut down with hard caps on prices, they moved to selling (and stealing) accounts and power leveling services as their primary means of generating revenue.

@ridleyco no none of them are. 1:1 trading does not affect the gold seller that much it hurts legit players much more. Remember bots run on their own legit players actually play the game.

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so these restriction r working , nice.

wouldn’t be too sure still some that sell silver

Please explain how 1 to 1 trading restrictions do not hurt gold sellers when gold sellers can’t sell items to players without buying hundreds or even thousands of tokens a month for real money or silver.

How are the sellers getting their products to players? Not market, obviously. And they can’t trade silver at all, ever, even with tokens. So how do they get what their bots farmed to the buyers?

Simple. They hurt the players more. We earn silver to buy tokens- and a botters make 100 accounts and buys tokens on all his botting accounts. Surely 1mil is not a high price for high level player and a high level bot player right? Dont like that example?
here is another:
Botter needs to sell gold and a player wants to buy gold. Botter can ask player to post a non-valuable item for x amount of gold - say 5mil on AH. Player does that and botter buys it. Player has token and recives 4.5mil gold. What was the use of not allowing 1:1? 10% from the players pocket?

I don’t know if there is a problem or not, but I did a bit of research; and this is what a “gold-seller” looks like in kToS:

C$ 0.66 / 100k

Tree of Savior Online Silver Trading Method:

Tree of Savior Silver purchases are traded via selling items in the Market. Please list your item FIRST before placing order.

Please enter the details of your items listed in the Market in the order form’s Remark:

Item Name :
Item Quantity :
Buy Now Price :
Auction Duration :
Screenshot of your listed item.
You can use to upload your listed items

Tree of Savior Korea Market Important Notes:

Tax on market sales is NOT COVERED. (30% for Free Account, 10% for account with Token)

Due to Korea Tree of Savior System Protection restriction, items listed in the Market can only be searched after items are listed for 2 Hour.

List A FEW UNIT of the SAME ITEMS in Auction House and items should be listed with random last 2 digits. Example of purchase amount and corresponding item listing amount in auction house:

  • 100k Silver. Item listed in Auction house should be 10 unit and 10,013 unit price, which total 100,130
  • 2 millions Silver. Item listed in Auction house should be 20 units and 100,051 unit price, which total 2,001,020

That link is to an old technique that was fixed. There are hard caps on what you can sell items for on the market. Any item you can list for 100,000 is something players would pay almost 100,000 for, as well as illegitimate silver sellers.

Obviously the hard caps will not always reflect the real market value of an item at any given moment, but you can’t just log on, and sell 10 dingeles for 10,000k ea anymore.

You can move silver this way, but it’s slower, less effective, and the market price caps ensure that you could just be selling the item to actual players for less silver. At a certain point people say “why am I paying this guy real $ to buy a thing I can sell legit for a similar value?”

Except, no one fu*king cares.

I’d rather have bots in the game, than be unable to 1:1 trade with other players.

They will kill the game with their “We’re doing this to fight bots” bullshit. There’s better ways.


@ridleyco how is it fixed when there are sites like ? also no - try equipments that no one uses some range to 2mil 3 4 or even 5

But “These systems will stop gold sellers” righhhhht. They are not stupid people.

@Skygrinder yup what IMC is doing is killing everyone not just bots.


its nice that 1 on1 trade is not there i ■■■■■■■ hate gold sellers

You raise a good point. I didn’t think of equips no one uses. If their market caps are too high, all of this is defeated.

Edit: Well, not all of it. The ability to sell tokens on the market still provides a legitimate outlet for players to ignore illegitimate sellers.

But you’re definitely right. This technique avoids a lot of the restrictions.