Tree of Savior Forum

UPDATED: I now support crazy and unreasonable measures against bots, except not really. Important new info has arisen!

I’m sorry but I’d, personally, rather be forced to deal with all the bots & gold sellers than not only be unable to interact with the community — but also be unable to interact with my own characters…

(I was able to fully enjoy ragnarok’s economy though, which apparently was awful, so maybe i’m in the minority.)

I understand the premise of the restrictions… but they really do feel like a heavy restriction that will be a constant weight on the backs of the entire player-base. — It’s just such a shame that I was able to play icbt2 because the interaction I felt with the community’s economy was so entertaining. Selling over shout, Buy-in shops, helping friends/newer players through trade, etc.

All of that experience is just being cut out to avoid having to deal with bots.
It makes sense, but I just don’t like it. :confused:

(I’m going to especially miss buy-in shops bc there is probably 0 hope of them ever being put back in — when tax reduction is a selling point of Token, and buy-ins completely cut that out. T ^ T)

Can we please at least be able to freely share our items and silver between our own team characters? @Staff_Julie Can anyone explain the reasoning behind IMC not allowing us to even help ourselves?

Shared storage should be exempt from potential loss and should also have a bank so our alternate characters can benefit from the hard work we’ve put in.

It is supposed to be a TEAM right? They have a " family " name, please at least let my own characters help one another. :sweat:


Nevermind the difference of opinion as to how badly Blade and Soul is or isn’t suffering from bots - there obviously is one among people who have played it in this thread…

… Does that game have primarily instanced-based gearing methods, where items bind to a character upon acquisition? That style of item progression has a known and strong protective effect against the viability of RMT.

I liked your post! I can’t see any reason we can’t give our own stuff to ourselves related to controlling RMT.

I agree that helping should be possible: through transferring items. It’s like pocket money. You shouldn’t give your little brothers and sisters enough money to max all of their attributes at level 1.

But giving them a good weapon/armor/bunch of potions should be OK. So item transfer should be free for all, not only for Token users.

I’m not talking about crafting classes, I’m talking about crafting in general. The game needs to gives drops an actual use other than just making it avaible to have bots use them for money grinding.

Honestly I think part of the restrictions are also there to convince f2p user to cash-in money for a token. (for quality of life)

On the topic:
To fight against gold sellers, you need to have the man power to track down their transactions. But you also need the courage to ban some whales too. Because it’s some whales that are using those people services…
At the start when it’s still managable, If you ban every buyers and sellers, goldsellers will get mob of angry customers and earn a really bad reputation in-game… Thus diminishing their impact on the long term.

But time will tell…

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Go after the johns, huh? Heheheh…

Yeah, this sounds like a goid idea. But it can be implemented with current market/trade system just as well.

I played the game, reached max level and grinded it for about a month. I did the common dailly actions for a player. And the most inconvinience i faced was griefers reseting mobs. The game’s gear is based on upgrading your gear with other gear and socketing gems on your weapon. The most rare drops bind on pick up in dungeons and outside and yes, you bid with money within your party. But bots still farm and camp resource nodes in open world and that is the biggest problem, but honestly, so many people do that as well, some times its hard to know if its really a bot or someone with alot of alts just popping in and out to collect and logout.

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Gotcha’. Sounds like a bit of a mess, then.

Yeah, it can. I just think it’s a more effective aproach. Right now tho, the crafting system isn’t as… Robust as it should be to support this kind of feature, that’s what I meant, maybe in the near future tho.

I agree with Ridleyco. Bots can and will destroy the economy. If proper precautions aren’t set, then a botting problem could easily overrun the economy. IMC is just taking every cautious step at dealing with future problems like botting. I would rather have the game prepared than tripping all over the place just because IMC wanted to please their fanbase.

I believe that they know better than we do regarding this matter, they’re the ones with degrees in gaming culture and business models. Let them do what’s necessary for now. Once we have tried and tested it, feedback and revisions should improve the system.

To quote Jayson Wilson (Diablo 3): “No one will remember if the game is late, only if it’s great.”

We want a great game? Let them take their time with this.


Well they are rushing out the game due to popular demand and are putting in all kinds of awful restrictions. Sounds like exactly the opposite of that quote.

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The best methods i’ve seen to stop bots is to make their services unappealing, implement easy ways to report them, and have someone dedicated to scouting the maps and giving, if anything, temporary bans.

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I agree, but you also have to think that this method is not effective at all and it’s not a good plan for any company to adopt, because it requires a constant and crescent amount of money to be spent on for it to actually work properly.

Of course, but dont you agree that if a character is getting an abnormal amount of reports that it should be looked at? It is not rare for a game to have in game moderators and such.

Yes, sure, but that’s not a way to fix the problem, it’s a way of getting around it once it’s already a thing.
BOTS don’t seem to be any popular in kTOS, I’m not sure if we should be as concerned about it as we are so far but I sure know that I hope that what I suggested would be implemented or discussed about, it’s not only a way to prevent bots but also a way to increase the socialization of the game, with more player-to-player gameplay interaction. I guess I’ll move that suggestion to suggestion area.

Well, your solution is mostly directed at what other players also complain about, that open world mobs/grinding/etc isn’t worth much time. But there is really no way to fix the bot problem, they will always exist. And any “post” method is better than a “pre” method, since it catches less legit players in the crossfire. I am refering to restrictions here

Thats probably because KToS is not popular in korea.

Ho do you have any numbers? I was curious about the state of the game there…
I read it was pretty stable as now.

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