Tree of Savior Forum

UPDATED: I now support crazy and unreasonable measures against bots, except not really. Important new info has arisen!

Yup, I played RO for many years seriously/competitively. The bots were pretty annoying, but they didn’t destroy the game. In fact, some could say they helped what was wrong with the game - there were 0.02% drop rate items that dropped from mobs nobody wanted to kill, but were required ( for quality of life ) by almost every class. Vitata cards, Smokie cards, Phen cards, etc.

What would’ve hurt RO more than the bots? Limiting trading and not allowing account storage.

ToS doesn’t really have that same benefit though, so they’re mostly a nuisance. If they can fix the hacks that botters are using ( teleporting around and such ) it would make bots a lot easier to control, and make them far less effective. Bots in RO could easily abuse the teleport function as well, and that’s part of why they were so efficient.

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To be honest this just looks like a bait thread. I’ve never seen anyone this delusional and be serious about it at the same time.


Because me and the majority responding to you agree with each other.

So you’re here because you like to follow the masses?

@ Opel
I’m completely serious about my OP. I genuinely want market restrictions because I know IMC can’t field the capital to stop bots the good way.

well in a good portion of the world, the majority decides what happens.

The idea of limiting 1 on 1 trade to token owners is a way for IMC to stop those who attempt to bot with free accounts. Add a good gameguard (or however they are called) to stop non-physical inputs and we could possibly limit the botting to what the game can allow (like the penny-wedge-on-z farmers)

We can’t destroy them in the same way that anti-bac soap can’t destroy all germs, but we can sure minimize it


You voted “against” me in your first two or three posts. You’re not getting additional “opinion power” at IMC by going on and on about it. You made your case, and it was good as it was.

Honestly people should be talking more about dealing with hackers instead of bots. I know for a fact that during closed beta that there were players who weren’t bots and were stealing monster exp kills in crowded areas, only because it was crowded and hard to get combat exp. Bots that manually walk around killing monsters do the same exact thing.

So that last part you’re talking about, mainly teleporting to using speed hacks is what people should be arguing more about.


O don’t forget the exploits that was used to let you attack all monsters on your screen at once. But you know those bots.

It’s fine that you’re playing the Lawful Good role and want to be strict on what is wrong. However word of advice, just stick to the argument and talk about that. You’re attacking people directly rather than simply discussing points of view. I don’t think you’re going to get anywhere if you keep that up.


Who am I attacking, and how? Please be specific, you can help me improve how I’m operating!

You know the only reason bots exist is because real life people use them or their services? Restricting the markets doesnt help in anything, because the reason for the bot problem in essence is Human Nature. Markets and player interactions should not be treated with a “pre-crime” stance. All you will be doing is making the game disapointing for people who come looking for a unrestricted community experience, the way it should be.


I think it can be a good thing to fight human nature. Of course the really important examples of that don’t compare to the trivial things that go on in games. Do you think it is never good to fight human nature?

And while this is a good thing of course - many people don´t think for even a minute. They follow some random guy who spams prases without any content. Stupid shitstorms work that way. Or look at the guys who buy the founders pack at steam and write bad rewievs because they can´t play the game - they can´t/ don´t want even read. Or the guys in this forum or on reddit who post stupid things over stuff they don´t even understand because they didn´t inform themselfes. This list goes on and on. Then only a small part of the community even contibute online in forums and such.

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Except you can’t fight human nature the way you are proposing. Restrictions lead to even more abuse than before, while the good people are drawn away to greener pastures. Which is what always happens in MMOs with terrible restrictions like the ones you argue. Communities are bad in those games, to the point where niches form and outsiders are treated with disdain.

Out of curiosity what server would you prefer

Server A: 0 bots 0 players

Server B: 10,000 bots 10,000 players

@ridleyco Curious on which you would pick as well.

Can you provide examples from your personal experience where tough restrictions on markets were the clear cause of a game community disappearing, and the game was clearly fun and engaging otherwise?

That might be quite enlightening to read, if true.

Yeah I don’t think anyone wants to play with bots, but if you’re going to make a topic you should be a little more open to other people’s opinions.

As for the actual topic… Bots bug me way less than some of the other things that can go bad in mmos. It’s like you could burn down your house to get rid of your rat infestation but then all you’re left to live with is a smoldering mess.

It might be better to find other ways to stop the root of the problem and figure out why people want to bot in the first place. People usually want to bot because of silver and they want to bot because something has really low odds of obtaining it.

Instead of removing features we need to remove items that are too rare to get yourself. Companies create these items to “give us something to do” or something that will take our time, but not only is this lazy game design, the issue lies in that people are lazy and rather resort to other easier methods. Difficulty balance is what really needs to be looked at so we have less RNG items that only bots can be able to farm and less rare items that cost such a high amount of silver in the first place to eliminate the demand for an unfeasible silver amount.

The game designers can come up with other things to keep us busy and this would not only lower the need people feel for bots but also give everyone better gameplay in the long run.


Hmm, sarcasm isn’t aloweed… is this sarcasm?

Hard to tell.

But yeah, bots hurt any game.
And ressource wise it’s hard for IMC to counter them.

But to make the game less enjoyable, then with saids bots would be. Is just a bad move xD.


I’ve respectfully acknowledged that people who disagree with me aren’t necessarily wrong for wanting a different experience than I do multiple times in this thread. How can I be more open to their opinions while still having one of my own?


Your hypothetical scenario is unrealistic. I obviously believe that strict market controls don’t cause what you’re describing, and that they can support extremely successful games, such as PSO2, which you hate for the same reasons a lot of people LIKE.