Yup, I played RO for many years seriously/competitively. The bots were pretty annoying, but they didn’t destroy the game. In fact, some could say they helped what was wrong with the game - there were 0.02% drop rate items that dropped from mobs nobody wanted to kill, but were required ( for quality of life ) by almost every class. Vitata cards, Smokie cards, Phen cards, etc.
What would’ve hurt RO more than the bots? Limiting trading and not allowing account storage.
ToS doesn’t really have that same benefit though, so they’re mostly a nuisance. If they can fix the hacks that botters are using ( teleporting around and such ) it would make bots a lot easier to control, and make them far less effective. Bots in RO could easily abuse the teleport function as well, and that’s part of why they were so efficient.