Tree of Savior Forum

UPDATED: I now support crazy and unreasonable measures against bots, except not really. Important new info has arisen!

Of course, but dont you agree that if a character is getting an abnormal amount of reports that it should be looked at? It is not rare for a game to have in game moderators and such.

Yes, sure, but that’s not a way to fix the problem, it’s a way of getting around it once it’s already a thing.
BOTS don’t seem to be any popular in kTOS, I’m not sure if we should be as concerned about it as we are so far but I sure know that I hope that what I suggested would be implemented or discussed about, it’s not only a way to prevent bots but also a way to increase the socialization of the game, with more player-to-player gameplay interaction. I guess I’ll move that suggestion to suggestion area.

Well, your solution is mostly directed at what other players also complain about, that open world mobs/grinding/etc isn’t worth much time. But there is really no way to fix the bot problem, they will always exist. And any “post” method is better than a “pre” method, since it catches less legit players in the crossfire. I am refering to restrictions here

Thats probably because KToS is not popular in korea.

Ho do you have any numbers? I was curious about the state of the game there…
I read it was pretty stable as now.

Feel free to come join the Ktos forum and ask or just read our older discussions

Generally, I support the draconian restrictions.

Don’t understand why they restrict trading between your own characters, though.

They may intend to lighten up the restrictions in the future, erring on the restrictive side for the time being. That’s what I’m hoping for.

I would like to see some kind of allowances made for people in the same guild, at least. Like allowing trades within guilds so long as both members have been in the guild for a month, or something along those lines.

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I read a bit but I don’t think I will get any numbers there…

You should just play a single player game, basically what you’re suggesting is to take the MMO part out of MMORPG.


You see, I’m talking about fixing it in other ways. Like I said, the thing about botting is that it’s a business. And any racional human being that works with this kind of stuff would prefer to run it in places where they can get an actual good outcome out of it(Like I said, the bear thing).
It’s not about that issue with mob/grinding etc, it’s more about making botting not worth it. One of the ways mobs get money(the most common way atleast AFAIK) is just by killing the same mob over and over again for it’s loot, then selling it to a NPC, repeat. If they were to cut this part of the cicle(the one with selling their stuff to NPC), they’d be forced into doing things like selling materials that no1 wants to hunt for(which is already a good thing for the community), waiting for recipes to be sold in the AH for the silver etc.
None of these ways are anywhere near as effective when you compare the player-NPC interaction, they’re already losing out on money b/c of tax from AH and not only that, they’ll also have to deal with themselves. Naturally, there will be a few particular mobs that are a better choice for them to hunt because of the materials they drop. If the bots rely on this material to make money, they’ll just make it cost scrap in a blink of an eye because of how much there’d be of it in the market and then again, losing more income. And not only that, they’d also delay their income because they just can’t know when some1 is going to buy their stuff. I think this would be a good fix on the bot issue, but it’s probably way too far into the future(like a couple of months or years).


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Pretty sure 70% of these guys saying they are pro bots tends to be botters themselves. So they have reasons to justify their habit. Just wait for the bots guys they’ll come eventually. No need to engage yourselves to actual discussions. Just to clarify im ok with the token system. It may be different from what you have played in the past but it is a step forward nonetheless. Also, I frequently see people saying when you take out trading, you take out MMO from MMORPG. Thats quite incorrect. Its still MMO coz you can still interact during dgn runs or boss raids. MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online. There are still tons of people, hence its still massive. The essence of MMOs is not about trading. Its about the people.

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I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Do you have even a shred of evidence to back that claim? You don’t need to have evidence, but you sound very sure, so you must have something, right? Especially since you gave us an (arbitrary?) number.
A lot of people being “pro bot” (which is an effective way to misconstrue the argument, I admit) simply don’t want any restrictions and will simply tolerate the bots and what effects they’ll have

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I count at least one person in this thread, heheh.

You guys are probably uncomfortable with changes. Change is good. If they deem that its necessary to remove token restrictions then it is another kind of change. But before that you have to just go with the flow. Can you even provide a good effect of botting on a game? I just made a guess on the number but who would probably want to be pro bot but themselves right?

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playing dfo and there is nonstop bots and it doesnt effect the gameplay at all, neople even stopped auction during weekdays, bots just dont matter unless you really really hate spam and to lazy to block them

Didn’t I just give you an example of people who would be “pro bot” (which is again a way to misconstrue the argument, but oh well) without actually being a botter themselves?

Eh. That’s another assumption, but alright. I was already willing to first try out this system before really judging it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a preference and a general idea for how I think it should be.

Man, i think thats a good solution, but in fact it does require some adjustments on the game:

  1. Lowering AH taxes (would be a giantic money sink if every little item u wanted to sell was taxed)
  2. No limit on number of sales at the same time
  3. Giving a use to every item dropped (pretty hard :smiley: )
  4. Making every item demanded to a degree, which is the most difficult in my eyes.

But this could be easily fixed implementing some form of downgrading items to its basic materials (like wood, iron…) but still I REALLY like this idea! u could make this a suggestion :slight_smile:

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I am not completely sure I understood this. Are you saying to make it impossible to sell loot to NPCs? Then where would the Silver even come from in the game?

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