Tree of Savior Forum

UPDATED Hair Accessory Enchantment Odds and Prices

Please, don’t give IMC bad idea, they might do it for real :sob:

@nizidr your answer after mine give me some clue, but many thanks for the added infos, I wasn’t aware of this mechanic !
I read some posts of yours in another thread, those golden anvils are still not implemented in the cash shop, so it’s still fair RNG IMO.
(sorry for off-topic btw…)

The math behind this is all interesting.

Here’s a little bit of some more math, albeit more pertaining to what is actually going on.

The average cost of perfect hats on the KR server ranged from 4-15mil.

The average cost of a TP token ($20 value) is worth 1.7m.

If one wanted to P2W, the most efficient cost-worthy method of getting a perfect hat is off someone else. Since everything is RNG based, it’s rather difficult to give exact costs leading to ridiculously high numbers like over 1 mil dollars, when in reality, it really doesn’t play that way.

Back to cost worthiness, if TP tokens are around 1.7m, and the best hat for yourself is 15m, it’s around $180 of selling TP tokens to get the hat you want (or you can earn that much money by actively playing the game for a week).

That said, I still think it is rather p2w, because you CAN pay and win some stats on a hat, but I don’t agree with the math behind the prices due to the RNG and how it actually plays out on a live server.

If it really was such a high price, no one would sell hats for as low as 15m. For a million dollars, I’d sell things for billions. For ~$2000 dollars, I wouldn’t sell a hat for anything less than 1.1bil, which isn’t the case on the live servers.


Oh damn now i gotta sell more than my car in order to make 3 perfect headgears - damn you IMC you lied to me again now im salty and heartbroke and gonna quit the game + make a thread for each single emotion sarcasm off

i dont care how much it costs never lucky man never lucky…for me it might be 1234124423423423 trillion $

That just means that players dont know the real value of items they come upon by a chance. Also your definition of “perfect stats” differ from OPs

This is true. I haven’t seen a perfect stat hat in kToS, only ones that are “near-perfect.” The chance of getting a near-perfect hat is much better than a perfect one.

Also @Shadeborn you can get any element on the headgears, for both property damage and property resistance. Holy/Dark/Fire/Lightning/Earth/Ice.

[quote=“zhouyu47, post:25, topic:152762”]
[/quote]fixed it for you. Wugushi are always forgotten =(.

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Knew I was forgetting something, lol.

I think the idea the developers had in mind for ToS is that you can never have a perfect character, there are always ways to improve it. Which is very similar to RO.

The idea would then be, you are not actually suppose to have a perfect hat. Only the rare few will get one.

Even still, someone who pays $1m USD for a perfect hat won’t have too much of an advantage over someone who pays 15mil silver for a near perfect hat.


Why do people keep talking about the probability of getting good gear, and the amount of power it gives like that is the point?

This game is literally in its infancy and it ALREADY has some form of Gachapon stats on headgear, you don’t think they’ll escalate it as the practice becomes more and more accepted in the games life cycle?

Latale had Puzzles you could buy with cash to upgrade your gear, as the times went by they upgraded these into super puzzles and released buyable sets in their cash shop that gave chunks of stats to the player, and allow you to buy many boosters which increase things such as critical rate, damage, and drop rate.

Maplestory had potential cubes, when they were first released in concept it would theoretically take thousands of dollars just to roll stats you want unless you’re incredibly lucky. Now, you can buy much MUCH stronger versions of the cubes that not only increase the potency of stats, but allow you to CHOOSE if you want to overwrite it or ignore that specific roll. They also have many events that double the chances of boosting up the item in question a tier in potential making cashers 100% the dominant force in the game.

Mabinogi added a reforging option, which allows you to put RNG effects on your gear. Technically, the lowest level reforge item was buyable in game but it had SERIOUS limits on its potential. In the cash shop you coudl buy a version that re-rolls your gachapon stats and ends up going higher. Now? You can buy different versions of the hammer that almost gaurentees it gets a third effect, and significantly increases the chances it goes up a tier in strength.

Time and time again the introduction of Gachapon stats has had a snowball effect, it doesn’t really seem like a big deal at first…but eventually it messes up the entire balance of the game and it creates a massive back-and-fourth dilema for the developers. If they develop new bosses with the pay2win players in mind, free players will never be able to enjoy the game without cashing for a -chance- at having the potential the casher does.

If they don’t develop new bosses and content for cashed out players, the cashed out players will dominate the new bosses and content and it’ll be a joke and it will ruin the economy as there is less profit to be gained from farming the bosses yourself.

Developers often have to sidestep balance issues and just release flashy new content to many everyone happy for a short time, and only briefly address the gap between pay to win players with incentives like returning rewards, double EXP events, and trivializing early-game content so they don’t feel shafted for being free players.

Give me all the statistics you want on how many millions of dollars it will cost me to get a satisfactory piece of equipment, I gaurentee you that won’t be the case in a few months to a year from now.


Exactly this. Some people are talking about how the headgears aren’t that big of an advantage ( even though they are pretty significant ), or the chances and getting lucky. The point is that even if you ignore the current implementation of paying for RNG stats, it only opens the door for more to come.

Yes, the headgears stats can be ignored, if IMC promised to never add any future pay-for-stats item in the cash shop ever again. They haven’t promised this, and there’s no guarantee of any sort that they won’t continue to release future items that become more relevant as the level cap is raised.

I don’t understand why it isn’t clear that pushing back against pay-for-stats in the cash shop is a good thing for the future of the game. Trying to explain it away and say it isn’t so bad, while completely ignoring the future implications doesn’t help at all.

Ay necromancers are poison type too

Updated to include elemental properties in both Attack and Defense sub categories, and appended the old 1:19 conclusions at the bottom for reference =)

Added in too the odds of getting just one single stat you want at perfect value, regardless of if there are other stats on the item or what they are. If someone contests the formula and can show an error then I will omit it from the main post. However it stands to show that, if you aren’t picky and wanting ultimate perfection in all 3 stats, you have a pretty high chance of getting what you want. Which could be either bad or good, depending on which side of the debate you are on.

This only makes it more P2W… I’m disappointed to say the least.

And this. Bad precedence of P2W practices is already being implemented by IMC games. I have little, if any hope left for this game. I think I’ll go back to RO.

the fact that you have stats on hats means that the developers wants you to attempt spending on them to get at least ‘acceptable’ stats. the intention of this design is very clear. it preys on those who have some spare pocket money in attempt that they will try getting a hat that is good for their class.

sooner or later they will attempt to improve the ‘RNG system’ by making it look more achievable. no one is going to spend if they know that the RNG system is a bottomless black hole . if no one is going to spend, might as well just make the hats without stats. they can just combine all the elements into a single ‘elemental damage’ and suddenly it doesn’t seem to bad to roll for elemental damage affix than say… fire/ice/earth … etc.

i do believe this kind of design should be removed as soon as possible. they can get quite an amount of money by just cosmetics alone. they dont have to relly on such scummy tactics.

I think there should be an option to choose what stat you want, and increase the price of magic scrolls. (Where the only option is the perfect stat)

If people are saying this doesn’t affect endgame much, then making this a sure thing wouldn’t be a bad idea.

I think they should remove magic scroll and +3movement speed only effect while out of combat.

Cash shop should have only cosmetic items such as coustumes , hair styles , special commpanion , extra exp hunting card , etc.

Current benefit of token player is almost about right except movement speed , market commission.

I absolutely love this game after participating in iCBT2 but if this turn out to be P2W I guess I have to find another game :cry:

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Welcome to cash shop RNG. The struggle is real my friend.

And based on the difficulty of the monsters in this game, all of these bonus stats are 100% unnecessary.

So please, OCD children who need their perfect everything. Feed money to the developers so we can all get a better game from your idiocy. Congrats on being able to kill a boss 3 seconds faster than a guy/gal who still owns their car and isn’t mortgaging their house to make ToS payments.

Wanting to perfectly min-max every aspect of your character is not indicative of liking the RNG systems in place nor is it a sign that those wanting to min-max would “feed money” to the cash shop due to our “idiocy”. If anything at all it just proves, with those prices, it will be impossible to achieve perfection.

I’m replying in this fashion because I’m the one who brought up OCD tendencies in the thread as a joke because I do like everything min-maxed and accounted for. Knowing the odds are not in my favor to accomplish that I’m actually less likely to spend anything at all on scrolls. And unless there is a millionaire lurking the forums I sincerely doubt we’ll see those kinds of rolls for a long while.


People complain only about PvP/GvG. Nobody cares about PvE.