Tree of Savior Forum

UPDATED: For the love of God—IMC get around to this

It’s absolutely sad that Ragnarok Online has the ability to provide custom AI’s and the people sitting there at IMC headquarters are like “well that would be too much” or something. Something you make yourself and don’t have the Korean overlords dictating how something should perform because they think it’s a good idea.

Seriously, this is like the last straw which broke my back half a year ago. Not the lag, not the bugs, not the P2W stuff, but the really stupid and ignorant developers they have over there. Why would you make a skill in a class then have it be completely useless. It’s just bad and lazy design all around and complete incompetence.

They should feel bad for giving such a response.



poor ethan…

ethan : erm, guys, player crying ai for minion is bugged
dev : no, ethan. Its working as intended.
ethan : but… they even posted video evidence
dev : its not a bug, its a feature
ethan : sigh…


you aren’t that far from the truth…




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IMC does it again.


best of all

op didnt even say “tad slow” issue

ethan magically drop that on op and call it [Resolved]


imc’ed is contagious

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There’s also other major problems like “boss” mobs can’t be converted so in the higher levels you spent 10 skill points for something that doesn’t work to begin with on top of the retarded AI part. They nerfed one of the prime Oracle change mobs too completely dumping on this build. It’s definitely intended like when they nerfed Sadhu.


To all Paladins—please continue to bump this issue, and post videos if you have them that confirm this issue. I will add your videos to the original post. It sounds corny af, but together we can help this issue get the attention it deserves and get it addressed. We raised a ruckus before about FPS issues together, and now it is a part of the development cycle and promise.

This issue is as old as the game, and it is time that Conversion starts receiving some of the fixes it needs, starting with this incredibly annoying and broken issue. It is because of this issue that it can take upwards of hours to get your 5-10 minions together that you have invested points for, because one failed conversion can bug your entire crew at once.


They can’t even read as it seems… IMC is great!.. Not

See: Sadhu thread

I’ve already had my fair share of bickering and complaining with people on the forums about a class’ skills being useless. Maybe they did read my Bubble Boy rants and finally decide to fix some things? Who knows, but what I do know is that whose ever in charge of their balance team must also be the dishwasher because all they can balance is a load of dishes or wash.

Either that or a load of crap. This literal same thing happened with Julie after contacting them about Sadhu problems. They are arrogant and ignorant about this stuff and don’t care about what us foreigners think or want. All they wanted was our money not our opinions.


I love the skill Conversion. It reminds me of the skill by the same name and effect in Diablo 2, where early Paladins there with a specific build were called “Convertadins” by the community. Convertadins relied on converting monsters and then using a Thorns Aura to reflect damage—my Paladin here in ToS draws from a similar concept with Conversion and R7.

Conversion can be amazing…that is, when it works. Having a such a unique skill to work with is a boon for players like myself who find enjoyment in playing games in weird ways. But having that same skill riddled with bugs sucks—especially when the first staff reply completely misses the mark.

Conversion isn’t useless, but the bugs surrounding the skill can make it so. If they would fix the bugs (namely this one where you basically can’t have your converted minion anywhere close by during a conversion lest they jack it all up) then I wouldn’t have a single complaint with the skill. It isn’t the skill I’m bothered by—I’m bothered by the bugs that are being ignored.


Yeah I love it too… and I would have a lot of little suggestions for it to make it better but this part is the most annoying… so it should be fixed.

Btw I would even post videos of the fun I have with it when I actually can make it work… … … but I’m afraid IMC then would say “see? it works perfectly fine…there’s nothing to fix here”

They know what is wrong though and just don’t like admitting their design is stupid with ways of balancing being flat out dumb. Everything they literally do funnels into some way of people spending more on the freaking cash shop. Having monsters convertable means they need to properly balance the ecosystem on a map which they can’t figure out how scale players DEF/MDEF in relation to monsters ATK let alone that.

Lazy, lazy, lazy, greedy Korean overlords. Bad design and PR can’t handle suggestions/criticism either.


Let’s try to stay on topic—that this is clearly a bug and not a feature. It is ridiculous for them to defend this broken monster behavior when the issue has been proven to occur under generic circumstances as a result of improper aggro flag handling upon a successful conversion.

It is true that later maps have vastly more elites, and that conversion alone won’t help you clear those maps effortlessly, but those are separate balancing traits that may or may not be intentional. This bug, though, is most assuredly unrelated to design and is an issue with the code itself.

Dude, I am on topic and hitting the nail on the head here. From a completely unbiased and balanced stand point having control of 10 monsters on a map is pretty over powered. It means you don’t really even need gear other than to start the initial army. That also means you’re not spending money on gacha and becoming another problem for them like Necros and Sorcerer.

That’s really why they won’t fix it or make it better. My beef is they are such cowards and can’t admit this then provide something usable. All they do is hide behind a language barrier and the Staff because their lack of foresight in balance issues. Ontop of that they expect you as a player to own up to it by rerolling or resetting like it was your mistake.

IMC is literally a bunch of cowards hiding over there in their big pile of founders and gacha money. A faceless monster that deserves nothing than to be smoked out with pitch forks and torches.


If you had a lengthy discussion with this person about the skill knowing the problems it has now then could you please convey to them the need for a change. It’s either they scrap the whole concept because it can’t be balanced properly and replaced with something different, or they fix the AI to not be buggy and at least function properly so the skill can be used. I absolutely hate having to sit here coming to the forums complaining and bashing this company because they simply just don’t do what is right.


right is subjective

but ai not working is definitely not right…


ai issue is a Bug, not a Feature…
plz imc fix plz


Soon I am going to start posting comparisons to RO again where this company failed to hit home since they wanted to be fabulous designers not builders. They take their concepts too seriously with a pie in the sky attitude but in practical terms don’t work.

As a builder in real life this is something I deal with every day having to work with a home owner’s grand dream of something that sometimes doesn’t work. They have to accept at some point that what they wanted is simply not practical and won’t work.

We have yet to reach that point. They also need to stop being lazy and rethink the core mechanics I’ve touched on about ATK/DEF scaling amongst other things before doing classes. You can’t build out from a bad foundation or else everything ends up off balance or skewed.

Takes WORK too.


u n i know very well this game is rotten down to the core there is no saving already

atm, they just keep patching the outside with core aspect is bleeding internally

i wont go to specific, but, just let tos have their last sail…

tos soon become ro2, the forgotten big title…

which reminds me, i might just download ro2 n see how things are now

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