Tree of Savior Forum

► UPDATED: 18/12◄ kOBT Preview - up-to-date patch notes, new classes and skills, Orsha town and more! [BIG POST]

Haha yeah, what’s more, I heard that you can’t even use most of these skills.

I see… then it rly sux…but anyway I asked it on the topic where I saw something about you can use your own skills… Maybe I just misunderstand something…

That was a bug that involved people using controllers.

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Aww… that’s rly rly sad…XD That means actually that Druid rly not fits into my build in any way… XD Well np at least I can forget one applicant… Let’s hope Army Chaplain is the one I’m waiting for.

EDIT: Costumes added to main post ~

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What great costumes,you can see all the details.Thank you for the post!

Really digging the Shinobi stuff.Waiting for more info about it.

Everytime I see these I always think of how ugly are these compared to how they will look like ingame… imo :smiley:

This is not true. Well, not completely true.

You DON’T need terrain grass to cast Sterea Trofh, you can cast it whenever you want as long as you have used Chortasmata at least once in that area. It is just a bug that doesn’t let you cast Sterea Trofh when you change channels/maps.

Based on this I would say that Carnivory should work the same way (It doesn’t at the moment and this is just speculation). If that’s the case, then moving Chortasmata is not THAT bad.

Source: I’m a Druid.

Okay and if Chortasmata gets moved to C2 how are you gonna use Chortasmata at least once as a C1?

Or were you just trying to correct me for the sake of it?

As I said, it should be a bug, and casting Chortasmata “fixes” it. You should be able to cast it on yourself whenever you want.

And no, I did not reply just to correct you, I am not trying to prove anything or fight with other people.

I think it’s fairly obvious that you need terrain grass to cast Carnivory (not sure about Sterea Trofh don’t even care about it tbh since it lags everyone to death). Why else would they bother animating terrain grass when you cast Carnivory on it?

If you were right then the only point of Chortasmata would be to enable you to cast Carnivory and Sterea Trofh at range, which sounds dumb.

Thanks for all those spoilers in kTOS! Dayumn Hyped up for OBT! :heart_eyes::grin:

If it is so obvious why it doesn’t work then, why would Sterea Trofh work without grass?

I use Sterea Trofh all the time and it doesn’t give me lag at all, and no one in my parties have ever complained about it (The sad thing is that they don’t even notice when I cast it, so they run away and they don’t get the invincibility). As a Sadhu Sterea Trofh is a very useful ability to stay in OoB, so I’m always using it.

I like the idea of having a skill to cast grass at range, it does help a lot when you are not a melee class, specially in boss fights. But in my opinion, it would be even better if you could cast both skills at range without the need of Chorts and delete it completely.

I don’t like that they are moving Chorts to C2 though, that just makes Druid C1 meh.

If you didn’t realise that was my whole point in this thread. Either way, I feel that you’re speculating too much but hopefully you’re right.

And if you read again, I never said I agreed with the change, I said it wasn’t that bad (if and only if you can cast Carnivory and Trofh everywhere).

But yeah, neither of us can know for sure how these skills are supposed to work. But I hope I am right and that it is just a bug.

They can implement it and fact they would make more money if most of the good furniture were only buy able at the cash shop.However, you can still craft some decent furniture and even bosses can drop the mats or the furniture itself.They can create a sand box for a village just for the guilds that successfully defend their Guild Tower.Have benefits of extra quests that gives exp card depending on your level and has a daily or weekly cap so you don’t spam it.Maybe some of them missions gives you certain loot that you can’t get elsewhere.

To buy a village,houses.valk statue and npc like blacksmiths and vendors that usually towns has,etc.That would make the game more interesting.


Essentially what I was thinking but bigger,and better I think.The lodge’s aren’t things you can view from the outside.And you can change the style of it,but it’s like changing an image and not individual features.It could be so much more in my view.

It would also make guilds a LOT more interesting.I normally ignore them completely because what you’re fighting over isn’t that important [and they even said in the blog it’s not worth it right now] and people get way too serious about it.But this would add such a fun aspect to the whole game.

@STAFF_John,something like this should be forwarded to the dev team,just saying.

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Yep, I will summarize the points made on this thread and deliver them to our dev team.

Thanks for letting me know of this thread~ :smile:


It’s there in the full gstar trailer right? …so probably hidden.

On top of these questions I’d also like to know:

  • Is there a restriction on what fields a guild tower can be placed?
  • Is there a limit to the number of guild towers placeable on a field? - If so this gives a real reason to destroy another guilds tower to take their field spot