Tree of Savior Forum

Update completely messed up the economy

Someone defending IMC by pointing out that IMC sais its a bug. But I bet IMC is not talking about the increase in cost but its distribution based on the durability of your item.

It means they aren’t going to reduce the cost and will simply distribute it based on the durability of your item. It will reduce a bit the cost but if your durability drop to 0 at any way you will pay the same price we have right now.

Also if you think that the only issue on this balancing is the repair cost then wait until the release of new server and see for yourself how greatly it will affect the game. That’s the easiest to spot atm but how many people here do not depend on upgrading their attributes, using potion or upgrading their equips?

At least people will learn how to use firewood in early levels though that alone might not be enough to survive.


Goodluck looking for a four leaf clover in CBT to test contents. If anyone wanna do a naked grinding party I might join.

in kcbt , testers gets lots of money daily so they can test everything. make sure there is a compensation for all our fix cost ! >:D

It’s a bug. They know its a bug. They will fix it.

In the meantimes, LF Heroes a.k.a Squires. Please save us from terrible repair fees.

Well… not anymore. That money daily was giving for like a week after wipe isn’t it?
They do giving potion and some buff potion in 3rd beta before extend though.
I would like IMC to do it at here too with potion, icoin or silver so it can help people a bit. Not expect this soon maybe in later instead.

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I agree the reduction was too much, I dont even have money to buy potions (level 129 fletcher).
Also, we have to spent money on teleport, attributes and repair.
Even if they correct the cost of repair, 5k (what i was paying before) is a big deal now.

I cant test my char if i cant level fast as before and cant really see the potential of the skills without any money lol

I think that if it is a test, then it doesn’t make any sense, 'cause when a basic weapon costs far less then the cost to repair it… well it is obviously wrong. No need to test.

Okay so, Firstly, everyone complaining about wizards for this don’t even know. I’m a Peltasta 2 with over 70 con and only 12 str. I kill things by attrition, not by smashing them. Problem: attrition means I get hit a lot, which means high dura loss.

At least as a wizzie, if you git gud, you can avoid most attacks by simply not being in their range/radius, and use your own range to kill. Only repairing your weapon, while expensive, is probably doable.

But for me, who specifically built a lure tank to be a lure tank for parties? Basically unplayable until this gets fixed as I only got ~40k in the bank right now.

Secondly, anyone who says they have nothing to spend their silver on is lying- the +1% damage attributes cap at 100 and have a training time of “instant”. If they had nothing to spend their silver on, they’d have every attribute they could max maxed. And I can guarantee you nobody has all of their +1% damage attributes at the cap.


  • Increase to the teleport prices actually makes sense and was needed. Honestly under 100 silver for a teleport made teleporting not even remotely a sink. The only form of “punish” teleporting had to it was having to walk back to where you were. Given that you get free teleports via most quest turn-ins and your three-an-hour to-town warpstone, boosting the teleport cost boost is perfectly fair, and likely should’ve been part of the original build of the game.

  • Increasing the repair costs has been acknowledged as a bug. If you have a squire, please consider leaving your repair shop up as much as possible at as close to at-cost (or the old repair costs) as possible.
    I personally plan on seeing if my group can farm the lv50 dungeon with me (the tank) wearing only my sword & board (since it seems like shield dura is tied to weapon dura, which is tied to swinging). If we can, that’s all I’m gonna do unless I can get a line on a Squire or they fix this bug, 'cause taking 30 ish dura per run means I can’t not repair after each go.

  • Nuking item values was a goof. If the problem is early game drops, you nerf early game drops. Take advantage of the fact that you don’t generally keep any item long enough to need to even repair it until lv2-3 of the mines dungeon at practically the earliest. Take advantage of the fact that most of the non-hyper-incremental attributes are under 2k to start up.
    Don’t kill the ability for mid-high level characters to get attributes. I already have to grit my teath to say my lv15 Plate Mastery was worth it (for the +5 stam), and that was nearly 100k silver right there.


It’s impossible to get good feedback when a forum is filled with people freaking out just for the sake of freaking out. They might as well just stop reading the forum if it’s just going to be a bunch of hysteria and attempts to put pressure on them.

If you think the gaming community tends to stay silent, you should probably be taken away in a straight jacket. There’s no larger collection of stampeding outrage junkies than the gaming community.

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Every class farms almost at the same speed at around level 100-120 :).

Watch it not get fixed until next week.

I have ZERO motivation to lvl my alts now.

It isn’t absolutely “bad”, the developers are not communicating that the economy change was a bug, or not. They communicated about the repair bug, but NOT about the economy change. Please promptly remove your head from your bum sir/mam.


My autoattack Hoplite build laughs at you. Seriously, it is click->kill->click->kill.

There are plenty of cases where companies (mainly AAA companies) get away with utter bullshit due to the majority of the community staying silent and accepting it rather than being vocal about it (which was what I was referring to), but this is very much off topic so let’s not focus on that. The general idea is that in order to make a change we have to make sure we are heard (Square Enix and their Deus Ex pre-order bullshit is a prime example of where getting heard made a difference), and as I posted out in a later post there were at that time (and now as well) two (2) topics dedicated solely to the current economy bug. The forum isn’t flooded by these people, their feedback is limited to two threads (out of which this one is the one with most of the activity).


Players are not freaking out for the sake of freaking out.

if one day you get your electrical bill mailed to you and its almost x 5 the price. OMG I AM FREAKING OUT? no? ask if its correct? call the company and question them?

its up to IMC to interpret these feedback, you honestly think they will bother to read these ill-structured feedback?

they will most likely go through a few threads about the repair cost, read a lil and post “its acknowledge bug”.

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they should. imagine if this happened when the game is released to the public. it could be a one way ticket to kill the game if they will just bother to fix things up only one time per week

They get away with it because they’re big companies that can afford it. Your idea of “staying silent” is probably “everyone who complained got deleted and banned, so no complaints are still visible on the official forum.”

Is it OK to go on hysterical rants, spread false rumors, and bash the developers unfairly as long as it’s contained to one or two threads?

Just this week an insurance company tried to bill me for slightly more than 4.6 (repeating) times the right amount. Instead of ranting or assuming it was an intentional stealth rate increase designed to kill me like some posters around here would, I called and calmly told them where the error in their records was, and they agreed to correct it within two business days. Some people around here would set themselves on fire over having to wait two days to repair cheaply again.

The whole point is there’s no reason for them to bother if it’s not worth reading, so freaking out is bad.


Pretty much. Repair prices didn’t just happen to “bug” when they messed with everything related to silver in the game - they meant to increase them and that’s what’s gonna happen. If you have a broken set of gear right now, just check your repair cost: that’s exactly what it’s gonna be after the “bugfix”.

Gold sinks are necessary in any game, but the way to NOT make gold sinks is tackling it to mandatory chores the player has to go through (repair costs and to an extent, warps). The game did have gold sinks in place before this patch, and it was all progressive: just check the prices of later rank attributes and enhancing higher lvl weapons. Anyone who says they were sitting on tons of silver with nothing to do surely weren’t doing these.

Btw the new intricate formula for repair costs is literally this: It will cost exactly as much as the item npcs for to repair it. So basically, the better your gear is the more you’ll have to pay to repair it, not just its level but also rarity.


i find this to be false, if you pay attention to quest progression especially when you achieve certain marks like first class advancement right when you reach the crystal mine (where some first class advancements tell you to go to the crystal mine) there iss pretty much no way this can be true, or else they expect you to mindlessly grind for hours and hours even when starting the game

But they haven’t considered the feedbeck given to them about the previous version.