Tree of Savior Forum

[Update] Clarification on the Founder's Pack and Servers

Thanks for this post, in case you guys decide to open EU and other servers (i think you really should do it but it’s your decision…) please also do a one time free server change for players… well at least think about it :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the best answer. Most of my friends decide to wait for F2P server. But this deal is too good. I will buy founder package and keep it until F2P is launched. I hope it will have more servers at that time. I will play with my friends on less lag server. We are from SEA so it will lag whatever server we choose. LOL :relieved:

Thank you very much!

Why so angry, dude? You are not amongst us just because you probably live in NA =) Whats wrong with request to make a server with low delays for a big chunk of a community (considering that NA will probably have a high ping)? I will be happy if i will have pings lower than i expected, but sad true is that I had some experience playing iRO, and it was nearly impossible to play without using programms like WTFast, which uses bunch of proxy servers to route your traffic on optimal paths, and even with it i never has ping better than 240 ms (not mention that it had and probably have now own subscribe fee).
So, if IMC want to hold a europian part community they must deal with this “high ping problem” one way or another.

Do not agree. IMC threat community well, at least much better than others modern developers. I think we should wait until server starts and see, do we have any issues with ping at all. Current ping test to east coast have good results (from 160 to 240 ms during past evening) and i have a hope that it will be unnecessary to open a dedicated EU server because of bad ping.

Staff_Julie, can you clarify, what about buying all of EA packs at one account? Will i have bonus from all packs summary, if yes - can i recieve it separately on a different servers?

People with 100 ~300 ms ping wont be able to do fast atk builds.
As hits register … server based.

At a certain atk speed, some or nearly all hits don’t register. When you got a bad ping.

For something like a galting gun archer build (qs3, Archer3, Musketer) you need 30~50 ms ping minimum.

PS: Thanks julie for clarification. I hope that 1:1 trading will be enabled for all … and buy in shops for token users as extra. ANd pleaes don’t even tell us we get the same market as ktos. People will go refund the moment, they see ±10% max price on the market…while being suspected to 30% tax and limited amount… There’s other ways to prevent bots…


Dont sweat it, you are doing good. A honest approach is always rewarded by the community.

In regards of the undecided character transfer debacle: I hope that the staff at least recognizes that this question is forced upon the players by the fact that there are no regional servers at the start of the game (as far as we know momentarily).
So any new regional servers that come after the launch will need a transfer option. Otherwise players are losing their progress (and not to mention founder pack items/privileges, if they used them up).

I really wish there will be at least 1 EU server at the start. Would solve so many issues.

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You are kiling me, cause i have 90+ ever to a Germany, which is closest big EU contry i think :confused:

IMC, If you haven’t any extra time before early access to launch EU located server cuz you’re looking for good partner with stable internet and decent hardware
perhaps you’re make one EU Realm located on US server and later will
move or copy it on EU server for better latency and to avoid problem
with character transfer and FPs usage. It gives EU players hope to play together with low latency and EU prime time later.

I dont know if mail system in iTOS is same with kTOS. If same, mail system for different server will be different. So, u cant choose which server u want claim it. Better just wait till official announcement before buying it.

I just wanted to say I think that you’ve been doing a great job. The community is filled with a wide variety of players from all kinds of backgrounds, so it’s really hard to keep up with everything. :slight_smile: You’re just fine. I’ve played so many games over the years, it’s really really nice to see a staff member who’s trying so hard to communicate with players and working as a liaison for what the community wants/demands. Plus, working customer service is always a hard job (especially in this industry). Keep up the good work!





I have 200ish ping to the game servers from germany.
But if i use mudfish or wtfast alike programm i get around 110ms ping.

Routeing correctly helps alot.
+good connection speed.

Agreed/ Downsides here is that it have a subscription fee (WTFast at least AFAIK). I’m good with that, but it actually increase a month expenses on game (wich is not a cheap one, frankly speaking) by near a half, and that can be a punch for players from, RU, UKR and others countries with low middle wages.

Mudfish is cheaper. And either subscription based or traffic.

But yes, you would need to pay extra.

You will receive all the bonuses from those packs and yes, you may choose to receive each pack on whichever server you wish.

Whoo, thanks a lot, will investigate mudfish a little. If it so good as they talking about, i definetly will use it

FP bonuses isn’t the only deal…

I don’t want play the whole month with a character in NA server if I can’t transfer to EU server… (with or without FP bonuses).

There is no “Head Start” there.

Suggestion: Tag one NA server as EU server, and when EU server arrives, transfer the database of this server to the new EU server.


Hi @Staff_Julie .
Do you know how FP will work?
I mean TP will be on my account or in FP that i’ll should activate in order to receive them?
Can i get half of FP one one server and half on another? Or FP like a box that contains all benefits?

Awesome posts today Julie, does the internal debate for servers talk about player ratios for location and language? if there were Eight servers at the start of the launch it would probably be:

  • 1 NA English East Coast
  • 1 NA English West Coast
  • 3 Latin America
  • 1 EU West English
  • 2 EU East Cyrillic

This would probably leave the most space for servers to be medium / high population without being full, with the best pings for players in popular locations of gamers. Ofcourse if you needed more than Eight servers because of a huge amount of players it would still probably need the same ratio!

Edit: If I missed out a good geographical location for a place without their own publisher I appologize it’s out of a lack of knowlegde of that area rather than discrimination.

box to open.


So only 1 server~