Tree of Savior Forum

Unofficial Rogue Nerf Megathread + Class Discussion

Im A1 > R2 and thinking on fletcher.

Maybe A1 > R2 > Scout > Fletcher 3.

thatā€™s why massive bleeding sucks
bleeding is only helping you against charging skill class in pvp but it double your skill cd so itā€™s not seems to be an nice trade off

also vendetta sucks, the str bonus and that duration is not worth for 15 lv

rogue consider as one of worse best class right now, pretty much at bottom tier


Rogue C1 is still a 1 rank wonder if you know what youā€™re doing. C2 is still decent, just not overpowered like Fletcher C3.

i just wanna talk about rogue as a main class
compare to other popular r7 class like: fletcher, musketeer and canonner rogue is too weak to be a main class, they have nothing more like a sub class for barrage + feint combo and capture + sneak hit utility.

Iā€™d still say itā€™s not ā€œtoo weakā€ because itā€™s pretty decent, the only lame part is Rogue C2 is pretty much locked with Karacha Set which has no guarantee of having an improved version in the future. Rogue C3ā€™s Burrow being questionable for PVE, not to mention, alot of skills are actually disabled while burrowed.

Rogue C1 on the otherhand is still a real 1 rank wonder class because Sneak Hit gives a huge exponential DPS increase especially considering the fact that pure STR builds actually gives you the most returns due to itā€™s ridiculous growth which hybrid builds canā€™t take advantage of. Capture can be lethal if used properly while Feint+Barrage is still considered one of the most powerful combos in the game with a 3000% base attack modifier making it no doubt one of the skills that can scale extremely well on end-game.

any confirm that feint + barrage is not an bug ?

if it does IMC may remove it later which cause trouble some to many people

Dev: OH ā– ā– ā– ā– ! I accidentally added an IF ELSE script on Barrage where it checks if the debuff ID:XXXX ā€œFeintā€ is active on the enemy target and it will make Barrage do double hits per arrow and this double hit is a fake multi-hit so that the additional hit does not benefit from bonus damage coming from Blessing, Concentrate, etc. making it abit balanced!

Coukd you link where you read tthat? And does that mean it will be kept indefinitely or does that mean it still has possibility to be patched laterā€¦

Also I really like your build, but I wanted to change the scout into a2r1scoutt rouge, falconer cannoneer. Thoughts ?

If feint combo can be removed, this build gets destroyed and Iā€™ll have wasted my timeā€¦ rip

Itā€™s a joke. Iā€™m just saying that it is most unlikely a bug.

Dangg ggā€¦ itā€™ll keep bothering me till I know it wonā€™t be patchedā€¦

Thatā€™s like saying Psychic Pressure + Fireball/Icewall synergy bothers you if its a bug or not. Feint+Barrageā€™s mechanics are too specific to be a bug.

It just doesnā€™t make sense how the skill description is evasion rebuff, but somehow the mechanic of it works out so tthat barrage hits 10 arrowsā€¦ just from how I look at.

Well if we use real life logic here. I seriously have no idea how waving a flag (Perspective Distortion) extends melee range and provides increased attack on Flare Shots I already released.

Iā€™m not trying to make u mad but to me that at least makes more sense then feint barrage, just cause it increases the attack range and has that attribute. Feint literally only rebuffs evasion % :confused: idk lol

Well, still, waving a flag?

Feint on the otherhand is usually a move to distract an opponent so they can be more open to attack. Wouldnā€™t that make it also logical for Barrage to do more damage?

Errr but thatā€™s literally the description they gave for perceptive distortion. I see what your getting at for feint, but I can see feint being useful for PvP when someone has high evasion, but I donā€™t see how itā€™s intended to double barrageā€¦ I mean rogue class is kinda focused on pvp isnā€™t it? Aside from being able to capture and burst that way as well as lacrymate

You can continue thinking about that lol As for me, I seriously donā€™t want to bother with comparing game logic with real life logic.

Dont fight with him Dream. He is Dr.CredulousHundo he just waiting to show you his knowlege. Lucky that you havent mention the 5kg dumbbel. If he see people buy a 5 mil silver do-nothing weapon, he would think rule the world for hĆ­ wisdom.

Erm ā€¦ no one is fighting. Heā€™s not forcing me to believe that Feint+Barrage is a glitch, not forcing him otherwise either.

Itā€™s just that Iā€™m trying to convince him which I already gave up on because real life logic is being used in a game XD

I never knew I had a title called Dr credulous hundo ā€¦ how did I even ear something like that lol.
But yeah, the only reason Iā€™m asking so many questions is cause dreams informed and experienced, and I really want to be convinces that the feint combo wonā€™t disappear so I can continue building my a2r1scoutroguefalconercannoneerā€¦ I was really excited and Iā€™m at 104 now I think? But now that the possibility of it being patched is in the air, it wonā€™t leave the back of my mind and I canā€™t continue advancing confidently, if that makes sense lol and I donā€™t even know why I got a justify myself to someone who calls me Dr credulous hundo o.oā€¦ but cool