Tree of Savior Forum

Unluck or bug wtf is this?

I was farming at map for like, 5 days, trying to get the Bracelete, but i lost all my time because i didnt get it. So I was wondering if there is a bug or anything like this, cuz i heard that people loot it with 600 monster kills, and i’m already at 850 kills, and no items…

You’re just unlucky with this DPK system. Other farmers/bot prolly got your bracelet and DPK resetted so you need another 600+ kill and pray to RNGesus that the bracelet goes to you.

You shouldn’t believe in all this crap of DPK, there is no such thing, people say one thing drop after 300 kills and someone just go there and say they got it 2 or 3 of the item in less than 150 kills.

Before the spawn time change for Galok in Tenet 2F i got 2x battle brac in less than 600 kills.

And in less than 400 kills i got 3x Glass Bracelet recipes.

The later i was alone in the map.


change to a character that doesn’t have awful luck…

maybe it’s karma :imp:

You should probably read the DPK thread again to know how it works, I didn’t believe at first until I actually tested it on Deadborn Scap Mages at Nefritas cliff, yes people CAN steal your dpk, it’s channel based.

Also not all items are dpk and if you are sure that the item you are farming is dpk always check the channel player count.

If you are interested in trying yourself, kill some deadborn scap mages and you will notice that acolyte pieces will drop alternatively, never twice the same part in a row, and if you are near the kill count you can stop and see someone else get the part.

Also @ OP you are just unlucky, there’s no real way other than switching channels to kill Galoks now, you just didn’t kill the right one in time.

Check the Glass Bracelet drop and as i said…

I don’t see where there is DPK, also, many items that are regarded as DPK have kill range far greater than anything, as i said before, some say they killed thousands of monsters to get it while some say they did under 100 kills.

I am not comparing white gear/recipes but only popular stuff.

Unfortunately i can’t test anymore with glad band since Galoks respawn are longer and there is an army of bots in the map (all channels), as for Lemurs (glass brac recipe) it is more easy to do so, but if you accept it, i leveled 3 chars through that area this last month and none of them dropped it, and i did the kill count in that map on all of the chars.

My statement stays.

Not sure if the info is actually accurate on TOSbase, for starters you can make a new archer and test on infrorocktors, then on deadborn scap mages.

My tests on deadborn scap mages were very acccurate and I have 14/15 acolyte pieces before getting 3 melinas staff.

This isn’t pure coincidence, as they dropped alternately as I’ve said before
Before you call DPK crap make sure you do actual tests, not “omg i got this thing 3x/20x/50x in <??? kills” and call it crap.

(this is apparently an insult to those that have shown proof/vids…)

I take my bets from tosbase more from the comments than their info itself. Since there is more reports from different people there.

The monster you state is in a map that is hardly empty, but as you can see in the comments, there are various reports of different kill range.

Also, i remember that staff, i got 1 once when i was leveling my Cryo/Kino (luck coincidence?) under 20 kills and not a single acolyte piece.

I leveled 7 other chars, i remember i got 1 or 2 in different ones but the rest none got the staff, then again, i was just leveling and not testing the drop rates.

With the exception of the bracelets i said on above posts where i was farming them.

After getting one, set that as a starting point.

Ex, after getting an acolyte piece, reset your count to 0, you’ll see that same piece drop in 100± kills.

Infrorocktors + Archers are really the easiest to test around this, not much time and effort needed, as well as several free channels since we aren’t getting many newbies.

Not really, there are loads of bots every day now. Isolated maps like Downtown are better for testing, also Viltis Forest (or w/e it is called) you can try with the Woodluwas for the bracelet there. Tho i never got any there.

Woodluwas got buffed recently to have HP more than 50k, same as Lapasapes, idk why.

When doing tests i prefer easier maps for less efforts, so my tests are accurate only for lower level areas like Nefritas Cliff and West Siauliai.

My friend also got the same result in Deadborn scrap while farming audra, except that he’s missing one acolyte piece probably because of a random person killing things

Lemurs are easy to kill for Glass Brac, also…

Drop from Red Lepusbunny Assassins in Igti Coast, i killed 600 or something today, i farmed there after doing my quests and kill count for the whole day and not a single drop, then again, it’s rare to see people there so not a DPK reported except 1, but the Lepus Assassin are easy to kill, 7k HP or something.

Lemur has a large area of spawn scattered on the map, it won’t be accurate.

If I simply need to show proof that DPK itself exists it’s very simple, If you want I can do it later with infrorocktors :))

First Superior Short Rod @ 648 - let’s reset it to 0
First Superior Wooden Club @ 695 - let’s reset it to 0
Next Superior Short Rod @ 850 - 200 kills ±
Next Superior Wooden Club @ 890 - 200 kills±

According to tosbase, it’s 200± kills per rod/club, well look how accurate it is. I stopped because a bot came by while I was trying to get a third one unfortunately…

The area is easy to monitor because it’s the only area that spawns infrotocktors, galoks you will never be able to test accurately, so sorry OP you just had your kill counts stolen, yes it’s a stupid system

Try farming with jolly roger, idk if it affects dpk or not but while farming brown tini horns i got one via jolly roger pillage and another one after a few kills not sure what kill count does the horn drop but im guessing around 700

As the logs of “Tree of Savior” there isn’t any of errors on Galok. I only can say "Keep you cheering up :frowning: " Hope to possess the Bracelete :slight_smile:


Have you sacrificed your first born to the RNG Gods? :urn:

I feel like I might kind of know what is said here but this is bad . I don’t even think that was Google translated maybe Bing?

  • Heard that few people got it after 600 kills.
  • Didn’t get it in 850 kills.
  • Creates a stupid topic.

I will only answer this time since on the DPK thread i already answered lots of stuff and in the end people tend to grab what make they feel more at easy in the end.

As for Lemurs, they spawn en mass in the marked area, i farm Glass Brac there and it is so easy, they spawn fast too so it is not a big deal.

Map credits goes to

Anyway, you can’t go comparing normal stuff with rare stuff, specially from low level areas since they are probably high drop rate there for who is just starting, get something more valuable to test like Glass Brac and even the cannon i linked. Specially these since the maps are most of the time empty and you can test to your hearts content and the monsters which they drop are easy to kill (around 7k HP).