Tree of Savior Forum

📣[UNBANNED NOW] Banned for ''botting'' (See what a bot looks like)

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This is not true at all. I’ve used that area and other areas testing silver per hour looking for locations to farm and that area is terrible. You make maybe 150k per hour if you’re alone, but you weren’t even alone you were with 5 other bots so you were killing maybe 5 bees per minute making 20k silver an hour.

You are a cheater using a common bot and now lying on this forum to pretend you’re innocent. You got caught cheating in an obvious place, but if the GM was doing this months ago you would’ve been banned sooner.

Thank you GM for finally going around to the worst botting areas and removing these players.


Yea, looks more like a bait. The only thing that bothers me is the shitty music.


Your video ends at 2:22 AM. You posted this thread at 2:32 AM. If you said, “About [8/9/10] minutes ago”, I would have believed your statement.

stay autistic, jet fuel cant melt steel beams :joy:

i can see that youre very salty when it comes to bots


GM did nothing wrong, he can’t stand around there forever waiting for a reply, he needs to ban other bots too. It’s actually nice to see GMs doing their job.


It’s not bait. At most he’s using a bot and then noticed a GM so he turned on the recording function while he used his bot. I notice a lot of the players using bots in that area will come back every 20 or 40 minutes and check and see if their bot is still running. So, if it’s not a function on the bot to record then he simply was botting and turned record on and continued to make an excuse on the forum.

That area the most bot infested zone in the entire game.

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yeah 128mb video takes time to upload & convert, world is much more interesting when youre surrounded by leet hackers dont you think?

Yes, you’re an innocent player running in circles ignoring the GM in the most heavily bot infested area in the entire game. We really believe you. You’re a level 214 running in circles getting zero experience and making 20k silver per hour in the bot zone and got banned because the GM came and made a sweep of all the bots.


i was the one who told GM in public chat via megaphone to go to bee farm and ban some bots

you dont seem to get my point

janitors = sh!t, they’re even more incompetent than some of these devs

programs = superior to janitors in every single way

for some reason imc decided to waste their resources on ingame janitors

Don’t try to appeal your ban with me. Go ask a IMC Staff member and/or make a ticket for your query.

Edit: Might as well tag them here if you so desire to grab their attention.

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lol did you not read my previous post?

Edit for your edit: nah its fine. if they see it, they see it, if not whatever :slight_smile:

Sorry to say but that video would have been alot more convincing if you even atleast opened up chat and said something like “GM Baiting lolololololol”.

But there’s nothing in that video that confirms you were actually there and its not some sort of recording addition added to the bot you used.

Sorry to say but that video proves nothing, you could have been botting, you could have not been botting, either way you cant tell in that video.


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You’re an obvious cheater and liar with an axe to grind. That area is the most infested bot zone in the entire game for high level zones and people run in circles 24 hours per day killing stuff because they’re using a bot.

The GM is incompetent for coming and banning the bots that have been there for months cheating? Wrong. He’s doing an amazing job and I’m glad to see him out there removing the worst offenders. You’re a botter that decided to record it and that’s all. Nobody who sees the bots running around that area wants to “pretend” to be a bot so the GM bans them.

There’s 9 other bots and you just happened to be running around with them for hours? Nobody believes it. You’re a cheater that got creative with his lies.

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trying to be dank but got dunked instead


i almost feel sad for you :slight_smile:

You are lying. You do not make 500 - 1m per hour in that spot. I’ve actually farmed millions of silver at bees without cheating and I know you make 150k on average in that area when you’re totally alone.

The problem? Nobody is ever alone in that spot because it’s the most common bot area and you and all your kin are running the exact same bot that only kills stuff in that area. You don’t have the advanced goldseller bot that roams the entire map but a simple one that only kills in that sole area.


Well he’s not the one being extremely salty about a banned account, so there’s that.

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