Tree of Savior Forum

Was bored, decided to kill some bots


i play oracle & use change to make bots fight very tough monsters, honest players just pass them by

basically the the longer i stay on one map the harder botting becomes :slight_smile:

they later come back & die to the same monster again and again

dont kill high HP mobs on your maps


Another one bites the dust huh =p


Keep up the good work… Spread the love!!!

that one time i was following some bot for like an hour (around level 50 area i think)

basically i made him die over and over again, he was miserable :smile:

eventually bot dude got back or something, he was like “WTF” “GET THE FACK AWAY FROM ME” and changed channels.

that was a good day in tos : - )


Lmfao…poor guy…then again hes using a bot =p so yeah

Spread the love!!!


Keep up the good work!! :+1:

idk about other regions but klaipeda bee farm is like 90%+ bots

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so i was on my regular bot killing spree today, until i won sh!t luck lottery

not only i summoned sad 5k hp monster, i summoned the very same monster twice

what are the odds?

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Man this is so rewarding.


ive been wondering if change could remove duration from high level red orb summons

ill make sure to try it out later :slight_smile:

I imagine it works like abracadabra before. Change monster, suddenly wb pop out. Maybe templeshooter or even marnox o.o

they should have an item such as dead branch in RO and spam it onto a bot for amusement.

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bloody branches are better!

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At least now you know :wink:

good job! lol lol lol :joy:

And people say Oracle is useless…

Great music choice btw.

oracle = anti-bot.

Tired of reporting these bots? yes we need to wait for IMC to ban these bots. BUT WAIT, heres what we can offer, an anti-bot class. “Oracle” to kill these mindless bots and make their owner relog and rage at you for killing them multiple of times. GUARANTEE 100% enjoyment, amusement and fun. Make them now!

Is that you saying “ohhh nooooo”? :grin:

I honestly love this thread. :heart:.:heart: now I want an Oracle army. :smiling_imp: