I’ve Tested:
I’m not sure what I really want to use as final…
Tested at 290 dun with core skill attributes being lvl50.
SR3 is more consistent and has better survival than the other 2 but doesnt deal burst damage and excels more in farming. During dungeons, I feel like I’ve been dealing less damage and it takes me a bit of time to kill the mobs. (Dealing 9k base damage from limacon not counting extra hits from sacrament).
For the falc path,
I feel like I’m not doing much damage, esp with the caltrops + circling Combo. I’m currently at 2400-2900 phys attack. I only upped my circling to Lv9. I really do love sonic strike though.
Fletcher Merg,
Omg… It takes up a lot of my weight and I chug SP pots like no tomorrow… The damage seems okay, dealing 33k for triple arrow and 40-50k+ if it crits. The thing I noticed is that I die a whole lot and take more damage when I use skills due to having to stop moving esp when I cross fire. Mergens skills also have very long cd which is kindaa bummer… Also, homing arrow seems to be very disappointing… I have to charge it and it deals lesser damage than my triple arrow and spread shot, yet I dont know why people max it more than spread shot. Triple arrow though is the best skill for mergen imo. I started getting irritated when I kept on dying… My magic arrow barely hits the mobs, is it just me or does magic arrow have a smaller hitbox than flareshot?
If anyone out there would shed some light on me, I’d be pretty grateful as I might have done something wrong when using these classes.