Tree of Savior Forum

Unable to Automatch Mission and Saalus

Having the same problem here too! Can’t even queue missions and dungeons now! :’(

I have the same problem too.

Date and Time: 18 March 2017

Server Name: Varena

Team Name: AngelZZZ

Character Name: (All)

Bug Description: All of my characters unable to que into Fedimian missions and dungeon.

We might have to wait until Monday. Staff don’t work on weekends. :sob: :sob:

It is not a problem of my client or my desktop, because in the account I created last year in Siluete when Klaipeda was unplayable due to npcs response errors, the character I have there can access both the Fedimian missions as well as dungeons with no problems as you see in the following pictures:

So the problem is probably at account level of some users in particular because none of my acquaintances in Klaipeda suffer from the same problem.

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Can verify this, the problem is account based. I switched to another pc and still have the problem but when I use another account, I can queue just fine.


i just got this bug and don’t know how to fix. all my character are like this but still can enter. just can’t queue with randoms.
already verified my client files.

I am on Orsha server, worked fine all week until this afternoon.
I think this happened after I logged on another server: Klaipedia.
Maybe this will help devs investigate this issue for a fix.

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Thank you for the information~! :grinning:

And sorry to everyone for the inconvenience :sob:

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Please fix asap, I want to participate the level up event :’(

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I completely understand :sweat:

Well I have the same issues, but Iam not playing on the International Tos. But I just want to add some bug that might be also happen to player that having this kind of issues.

-Can’t do Automatch (like above).
-All chat Bugged, Except General channel. Means that the player can’t see any chat besides General channel, like Whisper, Guild, and Shout. Oh but you still can see System chat appearing.
-PvP didn’t work properly, such as didn’t show the icon that suppose to be appear under the TP icon, didn’t show PvP point properly, etc.
-Friend list system also didn’t work properly.

If you guys also have the same issues, then we have the same problem that is needed to be fixed.

@Sung1 @STAFF_Letitia Thanks for the hint. I have found the temporary solution or at least it worked for me. If you’re playing on another server too, just log onto your char on that server, then log out and log onto the server you are currently having bug with, then you should be able to queue again.

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wow thanks a lot! i will try that later today!
i was really disappointed last night that I couldnt do missions with my alts to get those few levels xD

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If that doesn’t work you can try creating a new char on another different server, because I have chars on every server. Hadn’t been able to queue for three consecutive days. XD

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Dropping by to say this absolutely works! Thank you! :smiley:

Not work for me there is another way? ; w;)

Just work now sorry and Thank you \ ; w;)/

Any other hotfixes? the change channel trick doesn’t seem to work for me. verifying cache doesn’t work also. Felt so disappointed that I couldn’t queue for dungeons while trying to rush levels for the event.

This supposedly was fixed in the last week patch ¬¬

The only hotfix that user can do is;

  • You are from Klaipeda: Create a Team in Orsha, Login (Orsha), Logout (Orsha), Login in Klaipeda => Bug get Fixed.

  • You are from Orsha: Create a Team in Klaipeda, Login (Klaipeda), Logout (Klaipeda), Login in Orsha => Bug get Fixed.

  • You are from Telsiai: Create a Team in Varena, Login (Varena), Logout (Varena), Login in Telsiai => Bug get Fixed.

  • You are from Varena: Create a Team in Telsiai, Login (Telsiai), Logout (Telsiai), Login in Varena => Bug get Fixed.

  • You are from Fedimian or Silute: Sorry this hotfix don´t work for you =(

Hotfix still works?
I have the same issue and already tried without results…

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