Tree of Savior Forum

Two-handed sword Shinobi - Viable?

No, i mean without press C before and after being hooked.
Normal block / evasion.

also can iron hook resisted with block / dodge considering it’s a mele attack
or Iron hook will always apply no matter enemy have high block / eva rate ?

It will apply regardless of block not sure about evasion I assume it cant be prevented.

What state you were caught on you will remain in that state, if you were blocking you will continue blocking, if you werent you cant start blocking until its over.

@GoldenCross then by all means continue your waah waaah swordie is bad pvp giev 1 button win! Honestly, get better scrub.

Never seen someone so butthurt in my life :joy:

Guys. I really like the idea itself, but also I am newcomer. Can you tell me why go pelrasta1? We don’t want to use shiled, right?

Thanks :slight_smile:

It’s mostly to get into parties, and have some solo farming utility.

you can always use the quick weapon swap option but it’s not reliable if you have high ping and/or low fps.

I see. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Also, what about stats build to fit this skill build?

No that Rank 7 doesn’t go with that build at all, choose Doppel or something else that works better with 2 handed swords

And as anticipated, more waahs waahs ensued.

What the !?! So OP

/20 charss

What is even more op is you can run around at normal speed while blocking with a 2h sword, even without highlander. But thats just the game being buggy.

Edit:or shield if you prefer aswell, without anything but peltasta needed.

you mean press C and move ?

Theres a bit more involved but yes. By default the game roots you in place. There are ways to move with it though so be creative.