Tree of Savior Forum

Twice the Doge~

I’d rather say even young people waste their money in drugs, booze, offering 7 dollars drinks to random girls at night club etc… others have priorities in imc itos gachas xD


I waste my money in pizza.

Do you know that with that price you can eat 23 pizza? :tired:


IMC will be having another partey this weekend for sure

:tired: First world privileges. 6 here.


It’s not that you shouldn’t spend your money on ToS, it’s all about worth it or not and does imc deserve our money is the really problem here, the thing is our complaining will be mean nothing as long as you still buy those lootboxes. Because Imc never give a damn about our opinion anyway.

As a college student i can only make 5$ per day, so no it’s not worth it at all, i hate every decision IMC have ever made.


Finally someone like me, counting stuffs in food. I usually count as in international buffet. So with that money I can enjoy my self up to 10buffets dyammmmm!!

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Twice the Doge? I know the first one is in Venice, but where is the other one? :wink:

A fool and his money are soon parted.

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Probably sold somewhere to be eaten.

Btw i can accept what ever u doin :slight_smile:

absolutely /20 chars :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

if that’s the case then why on earth are you sitting here on the board of an IMC game?

c’mon man, learn to let go. Go find a game run by a company you don’t actively hate.

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I already done it, like 2 month ago and I don’t even comeback after rank 9 hit iTos (actually I did but logged in for 3 days only)

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One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

There’s nothing wrong with spending to get things which we like while supporting IMC at the same time. Likewise in the real world many of us also have things that we spend on that may look as a waste of money to other people, like food, smoke, branded goods so on and forth.


I kind of like how IMC choose to release the doge this week. This is one of the most straight forward and painless situations where I don’t really need to think whether to buy the gacha for the pet.

I’m a cat person (as per my nick :3 ), so when faced with a situation where I can only choose one between doge and cat(s) it is really easy to choose what to buy.


cat person?
images (5)
which form do you pick? xiaomei (catperson) or rinrin (catcat)?

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yeap, because an attempt to forge a +21 is in the process

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Everybody spends how they want, that’s for sure~

But whether it’s this or people who rush to buy the latest 700$ phone, I will never understand.
I’m not even poor, I don’t struggle with money at all, but I don’t know, I just never liked wasting things. Even as a kid I wouldn’t buy candies if they were too overpriced. It’s a service after all, an exchange. So I think it should be fair for both sides.
In IMC’s case, they sell you random looting boxes where you have a small chance to get what you want, instead of selling you the item directly (like they used to, by the way). It’s not a honest way to sell things. Imagine if everytime we went to the grocery store we had a loot box with a small chance to get whatever we came to buy :tired:
(Imagine they did that with pizza and you ended with a bad pizza, the kinds with barely any toppings on them ;__; )
That’s why I completely refuse to charge and spend again.
At first I reduced because of all the constant and recurrent bugs (it used to be so much worse), making me feel like the workers didn’t deserve my money.
But then I stopped because I want to pay for a product, I don’t want to pay for a chance to get a product.


What? IMC is having a pizza party

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guys with job and kids with allowances …

hue hue