Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior Super Gift Package from Nexon & IMCGames


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Yeah, really nice. Too bad twasnt sent to me, instead. :cry:

I want one, i need one :frowning:

Where can i buy one? An don’t you say i can’t ToT

I hope they release something like it here for us to buy, i would buy it for sure.


I saw that on the subreddit.Some amazing stuff in there.I really hope they consider a giveaway for the International version!

They may include some of the goodies as part of some kind of Founders package or w/e they decide to go with during the official release, so theres hope.

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The coffee mug tho what are they trying to say with that XD

“Stay 24/7 playing MOFOS!!!” lmao.

let the milking process begin, spend more,pay more

Now the heck you talking about? Gonna say now that its P2W? LOL. I’m totally with stuff like this for them to make money, much better than booster, patron or ■■■■ like that.


Coffee Mug & Jigsaw Puzzle P2W confirmed.

(I’d pay $30 for that beautiful Art book)

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Make that 2 of us. /20charsforthesakeof THATartbook.