Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Punishment [Too Many Restrictions to be Fun]

The same thing every other MMO deals with? lol ToS is a special snowflake apparently where RMTers will just pillage and destroy if they didn’t have handcuffs behind every step of transaction and gameplay.

Well, the way the economy works in ToS is different than games like wow, which also has trade restrictions. in game currency also isnt as important in that game either imo. I only played vanilla wow though.

Which non p2w, f2p mmo games where the main way to get stuff is grinding mobs and has no trade restrictions are you thinking of?

What they’re doing right now isn’t working, I don’t think they know what’s best for themselves, I’d take my chances with random forum people as they seem to know more about how to run the game than IMC themselves

Great idea. Why don’t you and all the random forumers create your own game if that’s the case?

There are no non p2w, f2p mmo games. That’s a trick question.

If so defacto, your question begs the question, What Non p2w f2p mmo games exist.

OH OH WAIT I GET IT. You think Tree of Savior is going to be the first Non p2w f2p MMO!?! HA, oh god. How naive. The game doesn’t run on basement dweller’s farts and hot breath. They need money. And people aren’t going to be able to pay them enough for just costumes and their weak premium tokens. They’re going to add RNG boxes or other RNG items like the enchant scrolls. That’s going to be their cash cows.

I have a feeling when i say ToS isnt p2w you will disagree and it will turn into a big thing. So ill just leave this conversation now.

You mentioned about grinding for levels is hard.

But I don’t think this game was meant for grinding (EXP-wise). You accept quests, kill a few monsters to fulfill the quest requirement, get EXP cards as reward, and they shoot up your levels super quick. I believe that’s how most MMOs are nowadays. Because not everyone has the time to grind hours just for a few levels. Not many people are hardcore enough to sit in front of their comp for hours and not get bored from repeatedly killing the same monster over and over again. So by making it easy to level up, this actually might get more casual players to play. About the 5% drop rate in dungeons, do you really need those rares if you level up so fast that you can get to the next level tier in a day or two? I think the only time when rare grinding is needed would be once you hit level cap.

And about not able to reset class circles. Well if you are ok with grinding, then why aren’t you ok with making new characters to try new class combinations if one fails? Back then when RO first came out, there was absolutely no way to reset stats nor skills. Most servers just charge you a monthly fee without cash shops. If you misclicked while distributing a point, you are screwed for good.

I think ToS does take some of the old grindy things into this kind of “new style” MMO. The game might end up not being awesome for older generation players, but it’s aimed for a wider audience because there are more “gamers” nowadays.

I do agree with some of the flaws this game have, like the trade and storage system. Maybe dungeon run limits too, 3 might not sound a lot but not everyone are into grinding. And you can always make more characters.

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You need to understand further what the ‘experience’ part was in the original post. Everyone has their own experience with the game first of all, many people report different times of the game where they hit dry spells of questing, where they’ll find themselves far behind in the leveling. I for one enjoy grinding, but you see here we see a the tip of an iceberg of another issue in this game…

Respawns and mob density. It’s hit or miss, you have maps like F2/F1 Chapel and then you’ve got maps like Stele Road or Overlong Bridge. Night and day with mob density, and that’s fine. The point of that section was about the general punishment for being out of the predefined bounds of the leveling for this game. If you kill monsters 10 levels below or 5 levels above, you’re penalized. The number was thrown around, 5% per level out of those limits. So even if you can handle lvl 210 mobs at lvl 180, you’ll be getting next to nothing, on top of the fact that they’re extra difficult for your level. Anyways, hopefully that clears things up for your comprehension of that portion.

Much of what else you go on about in your post stems from the above, with clarification a lot of it is essentially misguided as can be seen. I don’t mind the rerolling, I already have once. The point stands, the progressive classes in this game is punishing for the casual and ignorant. Imagine that same misclick scenario in fact you mention in RO. at 7th rank class advancement here in ToS. Well whoops! You’re fcked. If anything you’re helping illustrate this particular point.

You are a masterful moron. Your misguided enthusiasm to express yourself is rivaled only by your ignorance and stupidity.

It is my hope that one day you escape your dark, mentally challenged prison and join the rest of us some day.

hi white knight. are you pure con too?

If this was about 1 person’s issues with the game, explain why it’s only 61% positive on steam.

Explain why there are lots of complaint regarding the aforementioned.

You speak as if you’re full of intellect when you can’t even begin to comprehend as to why people are complaining.

Don’t be a bigot. Don’t be a brick wall.

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Good points op. Sadly it looks like imc whant te restrictions here.

When I trained as an EMT, we use to have a saying, well a myth. “a little bit it CPR and everything’s going to be alright”. It’s a reference to the scene in movies where CPR saves a person’s life on be spot, it doesn’t.

About the cementing of class picks, and how everyone instantly just voices “well you should just do some research before you pick”. That’s in the same vein of thought. You speak as if research was a button you could just hit and wham, you know what’s good and bad. There’s very little info out on ToS for the west anyways. There’s even less info on what’s in the stars for the future. When you have a system like ToS’ class combos with no way of back tracking a step or two and you expect players to just reroll every time a new fotm comes out to be competitive or stick to an outdated build, people start to quit. “Do some research” isn’t an end all be all argument that’ll retain players. Someone had to produce those findings through hard work, and that’s not a job for everyone. I’m just bringing this point up because it’s another chink in ToS’ armor. They’ll only benefit to keep people happy if there’s some measure of “respeccing”. Maybe not all the way, maybe not even further than one class advancement back, but something.

Personally I’m fine with my class choices, I did my “research” and I’m stubborn enough to stick through my choice to the bitter end to stay true to the RPG

Alt creation and shared storage issues

Agreed here, IMC has said will look into it.

Limited Dungeon entries

Yes the intent is to restrict gearing too quickly with instance dungeon gear. With a daily reset of 2-3 runs is already not too bad. The point of restricting is to funnel the players to the other maps to level and play and not just camp beside the instance dungeon tower.

Loot system

Yes it needs some working on.

Experience and Level restrictions

I prefer the current ToS more. As a casual what I loathe the most is when I go to a map which is pertaining to my level only to find high level players one-shotting every single monster they encounter as they can kill very fast and gain good experience there. It ruins the experience.

Having level restrictions also means that almost any other player that I encounter on the map has a level range close to me. Makes it easier to interact and party up which is a really great way to player interaction.

On getting materials in low level zones. If you want the item, grind for the mats or buy them off the marketplace. The reward for your time investment is the item itself and it is not a “waste of time”. Stop wanting to have your cake and eat it too.

Class and rerolls

This is part of the game’s design, when a player made a choice to a certain class, they can’t change it anymore. The game even tells you that the choice is made and can’t be changed.

Casuals usually can’t be bothered whether they class performs well or not, as long as they enjoy the game. If you are on the competitive side and would like the absolute best build to min-max whatever, do your homework first. Google is your best friend, come to the ToS forums here and ask. Read the fantastic class guides posted by other players.

Don’t come here to whine about a feature that is part of the game’s design in the first place. It is like complaining why a Rook can only move straight lines and not move like how a Knight moves in chess. Stop trying to get this game to look and feel like how other games play like, each and every game has its own rules, pros and cons.

Gamers have to understand that the lifeblood of any game isn’t the hardcore, it’s the casual. The reality is that games need to be casual enough for the mainstream and it’s the hardcore that are on borrowed time. You’ll only have a game to enjoy so long as there’s enough of a mainstream market to sustain it.

Yes it is the casuals that help sustain the game. ToS certainly has its own flaws in some implementation that irks the casuals, like the concept of team storage and item sharing. But nevertheless it is already a job well done, at least for me. It is the game that makes me read up more about it, on how to build my character instead of the game spoon-feeding me all the way with high % item drops and easy character rerolls.

Personally I find that IMC can do something to help out those who “made the wrong class choices” by implementing a “Rebirth quest”. Basically the quest will allow the player to rebirth his/her character as a level 1 character, but with hastened experience gains back until the level where he/she started the rebirth quest (a 2x exp will be fine).

In this way it allows the player to ‘reset his/her toon’ in a way that it doesn’t come across as spoon-feeding.

If i really have to think about one… i’d really say path of exile and it’s kind of impossible to prove it wrong in both of the aspect you wrote about xD

Well… as already stated Path of Exile prove you wrong on this…

Haha. Keep assuming I am somewhere dwelling in a basement suffering in misery since that makes you feel better, but the truth of the matter is I have a wonderful spouse and go out plenty with friends. The only ignorant one is you unfortunately.

US players are the whiniest bunch of kids in the entire game industry. There is a reason why foreign games don’t get released into the US anymore or they end up cutting out any adult related content and censore 90% of the game.

People like you whined and now games like Blade and Soul / TERA got their costumes censored. PSO2 is never making it to the west either because Japanese know American players are gonna whine how sexualized females are and complain about the realistic ass and breast physics.

Because you whiners just ruin everything with your complaints.

What makes you think I’m American? @_@

If this is a “debate” as you would claim it to be, why the need for ad hominem? Why be racist [quote=“varuna, post:51, topic:188072”]
US players are the whiniest bunch of kids

Kids, and I’m not saying all of them, are… you know… childish and would whine as expected, regardless of race.

Instead of attacking the person, dispute and refute the argument. Justify why it’s only right that they push for the mentioned restrictions.

Fight off bots? Fight off RMT? We all know non of the restrictions worked, and only affected actual players.

With these restrictions, if not all of them, being ineffective, why not suggest better ones?

Most of what you did so far is just call people names.

You seem to care enough to attack and respond with more attacks, how about contributing to the community. Be part of the solution to cancer, instead of causing more. :slight_smile:

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The whole point of this game is to create alts. There is a reason why you can’t class reset, there’s a reason why all your items are soul bound to your character and there’s reason why it’s literally almost impossible to share items between characters. This game expects you to create multiple characters and explore multiple areas.

This game was created by the same dev team that made RO. RO had multiple starting towns and literally the idea is carried over from RO to here.[quote=“jonathansilva, post:1, topic:188072”]
-With limited dungeon entries, the game discourages more gameplay. An oddity, an although other games have similar restrictions, this is typically something only for their end-game content, to restrict gearing too quickly. However their end-game content tends to be a much higher standard of involvement. Things like RO, WoW, Rift, Archeage, etc with weekly resets and with a huge player base involvement. 10+ all the way to hundreds.

Limited dungeons is a system set in place to prevent people from grinding valuable items in dungeons and getting infinitely good rewards. Regardless if you agree with it or not, it was the design choice of this system. A lot of MMO’s use this limited dungeons. There’s a reason why it’s called an instanced dungeon. Some games such as Final Fantasy 14 for an example, allows you to run multiple instances a day but at the cost of not benefiting any bonuses from it after your first run.

This is a point I agree with you on. I’ve created a topic about it already here: Let’s talk about loot distribution

Actually, the level difference between gaining exp from monsters is 20 and not 10 as you stated. As long as you’re around 20 levels in range of a mob, you will obtain exp from them. Enemies 5+ levels higher will still give you exp, just not as much.

The leveling in this game is extremely easy. I got to level 40 in 2 hours. Once you hit level 50, you can dungeon run and gain another 3-4 levels in that 1 dungeon. Run it a few times and you’re already level 60. From 60~86, it’s a tad bit of a grind but the exp requirement drops off from 86, where gaining levels is significantly easy again.

This game is not a grind, it’s just your imagination because this game goes past 200+ levels. If this game had a cap of 1,000 levels… people would think their level 100 meant something but in reality, their level 100 would be no different than a level 10 in a game with a cap of level 100.[quote=“jonathansilva, post:1, topic:188072”]
-Back to the first point of alt creation, with a game with SO many diverse choices of class combinations. An MMO should encourage time sink, that is replay ability. Again, ToS does so in a punishing fashion in this next point. There is no way to reset class choices. After spending hours, days, weeks, on one character, you can totally bouch it up and have that character become completely useless to you. And the answer, the only choice, is to quit it and reroll. Though this is typical of any game, where in ToS class rank choices are the equivalent of picking an actual class. However there are some truly abysmall class combinations in ToS. Things that simply have zero synergy and won’t ever be useful. You’d be hard pressed to find the same for any other game where you couldn’t “spec” or swap out essentially on the fly to something else. Again the point here is not that it isn’t wonderful for all these amazing combinations, but at the end of the day it’s a combination that essentially makes one character, one class. And it’s cemented, and the difference between ToS and other RPGs is that there are truly useless class combos. Other games, like old DnD classics, there’s a role for a gnome warrior or a troll sorcerer. They have pros and cons. There’s no place for a Cleric Krivus Paladin Druid. It’ll be fairly useless. Just like many critics would claim that forums are the vocal minority. An even narrower minority might be those that do research into the game. They’ll play with most of the game a mystery to them. And although the hardcore will reroll a better combination after gaining experience, the casual may just quit and move onto something that doesn’t feel like a waste of time. After all nothing promises them their next choice won’t be superceded by another after more discovery.

As stated previously, the whole reason why you can’t class reset is to create multiple characters. Team names exist for that sole reason. This game forces you to reroll characters (which btw doesn’t even really take that long) if you want to change classes, builds or whatever you want to do. It encourages you to create alts if you screw up.

The notion that limiting class resets is somehow restricting alt creation makes absolutely no sense. Hardcore gamers will just make a new character. People have already hit level 200 in less than a week in this game. What games do you know has people hitting level cap in under a week? There are very few. The grind is not real here. It’s easy to start multiple characters over with a bit of time. Hell, most games have it where you take weeks if not months just grinding for a set equipment.

All in all, this game needs some improvement but people seriously over exaggerate it.


Lol your comprehension and statements are so shallow. I can’t address you.

This is the reason why I don’t bother giving any input nicely. People cling onto their misguided false information when proven wrong and just shut out other people stubbornly.

It’s the typical behavior of intertards.

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