Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Punishment [Too Many Restrictions to be Fun]

Your first comment had nothing to debate, it was a generic ■■■■ post.

And you stated no facts other than it is a korean game.

THe thing is… an mmo with different classes will almost never be fully balanced… the only ones that are “Kind of” balanced are like blade and soul, vindictus, continenth of the ninth… and those games are “PvP skill based” games… and people still complain about balance in those too.

The thing is… if there are different classes the game WILL be unbalaned… it’s, unluckily, unavoidable.

Just think about a real war… one one side we have a warrior with a two handed mace… on the other side we have a warrior with a machine gun… would there be balance in their fight?

The same goes with swordsmen, mages, archers etc,

For balance, sadly, fighting games like street fighter are the way to go

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Clerics get a maximum of 6% stun chance on Normal Attacks. Lots of inherent issues there, random chance being one, the other is requiring normal attacks. But what I was getting at about latency is that Melee suffers a general issue when lag is an issue. That is the syncing of client and server side of the position of all the involved parties. If my client tells me I’m here and my targets there, and my taeget’s client says something else, and the server has to play catch up the entire time, this in general causes a lot of “misses” simply because the reality of where placement was. (you can see this in game when jump + attacking anything. Sometimes it’ll register, other times it will not)

The CCs that are given to monks for example (using this example because I’m playing monk) are all knock ups and knock backs. Which in theory is nice and all but it only actually makes the issue worse. Once I’m upon my target, and actually hitting them, the last thing I want is for them to move out of my reach and possibly deal with the aforementioned latency issue again (client - server - client). Other games dealt with this by making almost all Melee have general slows/cripples in their kits for pvp. Without a target being slowed and even good ping, often times developers found that if a player was chasing another they still had a difficult time dealing with the initial issue. It’s just how it practically comes down to. ToS will have this issue too, and it’ll only frustrate high end competitive players. It’ll be ranged or bust or very gimmicky melees

The more variety the less likely it is to be fair. Arguably the games you listed aren’t even all that balanced they have flaws with their class system too but they also somewhat lack variety.

It’s not necessarily unavoidable it’s just the company or developer in this case can’t waste time and resources to fix something that isn’t exactly broken. The gaming world is a competitive one and the less content they churn the more players they lose. If the class is usable they have no reason to even touch it, even if it is vastly outclassed.

That scenario all comes down to skill, who’s got more years of fighting under their belt and who has a better physical body? If they’re equal then obviously the machine gun user will have this won, it’d be a one sided battle even.

Eh, Street Fighter has huge balance issues too that’s why in tournaments most people use the same characters and have tiers… but I will give you credit for that one.

That is why i said “kind of” balanced :stuck_out_tongue:

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It only goes to 6%? Here I was expecting it to at least go to 20 or 30… that’s pretty bad. Yikes.

Yeah I see what you’re saying there unlike ranged attackers you don’t have a path finder so you’ll end up missing the target because their location isn’t where you’re hitting despite on your screen it seems like it.

In theory it sounds really good but like you said why would you want to move them out of your range. So I see exactly what you’re saying here… Still though I guess it’s a case of if it’s not broken don’t fix it, if it gets to the point people stop using the melee classes because of this then surely the developers will do something about it.

That is not even a balanced game lol perfect balance is a pipe dream. Can only hope to get close

I knoe guys… it was to say “fighing games” street fighter is only the first one that came to mind xD

Even tho i’e seen people kicking ass with severly limited characters in SFIV…

We all agree class balance is a dream :sweat_smile:
Back on topic. IMC, stop going in so dry with our booties. Please add lube. Things need to be smoother. Our tiny butts can only handle so many constraints before the general populace leaves. You’ll be left with the hardcore, which will leave when the mediocre isn’t enough to tower over and feel mighty anymore. Then you’ll be left with the ones who admire the artwork and cute, and yeah they’ll buy your costumes.

F2P isn’t going to bring you much more of a player count or income. Don’t let your fans dwindle away because you’re fighting a ghost.

Also before anyone forgets, your supposed field spawn increase wasn’t felt. When and if you address these constraints, let’s make it right. Don’t half ass these issues by sleighting everyone with a “fix”'only to leave the root there. We’re playing the game guys, we’ll know every single detail to the reality of the changes


we are already bleeding players.

What resets in RO? And WoW had dungeons that could only be done once a day (heroics).

I would rather they buff field (spawn rates/mob density mostly) and keep dungeons where it is. No need to make this another ‘‘lol lets dungeon 24/7’’- game.

And what kind of bs is this im reading? You are apparently unaware that in pure numbers the vast majority of games are not mainstream.

Endless Tower, WoEs are time sensitive, the multitude of other dungeons etc. the point is to draw a parallel that shows how ToS has little going for it for a modern MMO.

First off the topic is the game is too punishing, none of the concepts they’re failing at are aren’t new. Games like WoW decided against daily resets because it’s too punishing or it feels too necessarily for daily logins. So yea, maybe they had/have eras where heroics are locked out per day (I don’t think this is the case anymore anyways) but the Valor given is weekly capped. Giving players a sense of “okay, i did what I could and it’ll amount to something I can turn into a guaranteed award”. Kind of comparing apples and oranges here but in ToS, until Earth tower (where I’m saying it’s ok to limit runs) you’re just limited for the sake of it. You don’t necessarily come out with any reward except exp (which is very little at higher levels).

Every game/company wants more business. I’m not sure what reality you live in where you think the suits don’t want a larger audience. Clearly IMC isn’t in the interest of creating just their own vision. They’ve already bent and waved to pressure. This isn’t a purist vs non-purist issue or debate. Catering to more is always better. Do some games survive on little? Sure. Do some developers stick to their vision? Sure. Did ToS get brought to the international market so they could simply share their game for the sake of it? No. Money baby.
These pure number of games that populate the gaming world is exactly what keeps Indie developers indie and triple A Giants apart. Nexon isn’t striving to be the former

I disagree. I’m having alot of fun.

For the first part, they are changing how team storage works. But I still enjoy creating characters with new builds. I cant transfer over silver, but i can gear. I’m not sure why you say its difficult to purchase gear?

I think the dungeon entries are fine. I dont really need to do more than 3 on each character per day.

For the third part, Yes, they need to add something where you can roll on party loot or decide who it goes to.

I think the leveling curve is awesome. Since its different than the norm. Once you pass the hump, you can a ton of levels quickly. I do think they should make it +/-15 or something for the xp drop off.

I am so happy there are no class circle resets. Thats a huge part of this game. Working on different classes and trying new builds. As for the cleric/krivis/paladin/druid, my main is a cleric/krivis2/pally2 and he works great. It would be cool to somehow try out the new class before you commit. No class resets though.

Even with these thing i agree with you on, no way would i say too many restrictions to be fun.

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I hear you chief, but you see that’ll be as strong as the other side of the debate gets on this issue. “I can deal with, I can tolerate, it isn’t too difficult to work around trading gear”. It’s always a statement of acceptance and content. None of their restrictions ADD to the game’s enjoyment. And although it does not take away from your experience and joy, it does for many. Enough for reviews and these forums to scare off new blood. This should worry us all. Whether we’re content and having fun now or not.

Well, the main problem people have is the trading, but they just made an announcement today that they are making changes…

Well, before you say they dont add to the games enjoyment, you have to ask yourself why are they there in the first place? What are they put in place to do? Then think of the alternative if there wasnt any restrictions in place. Most people dont like to think of this too much though.

They need to make adjustments, which they already announced they are doing.

The same thing every other MMO deals with? lol ToS is a special snowflake apparently where RMTers will just pillage and destroy if they didn’t have handcuffs behind every step of transaction and gameplay.

Well, the way the economy works in ToS is different than games like wow, which also has trade restrictions. in game currency also isnt as important in that game either imo. I only played vanilla wow though.

Which non p2w, f2p mmo games where the main way to get stuff is grinding mobs and has no trade restrictions are you thinking of?

What they’re doing right now isn’t working, I don’t think they know what’s best for themselves, I’d take my chances with random forum people as they seem to know more about how to run the game than IMC themselves

Great idea. Why don’t you and all the random forumers create your own game if that’s the case?

There are no non p2w, f2p mmo games. That’s a trick question.

If so defacto, your question begs the question, What Non p2w f2p mmo games exist.

OH OH WAIT I GET IT. You think Tree of Savior is going to be the first Non p2w f2p MMO!?! HA, oh god. How naive. The game doesn’t run on basement dweller’s farts and hot breath. They need money. And people aren’t going to be able to pay them enough for just costumes and their weak premium tokens. They’re going to add RNG boxes or other RNG items like the enchant scrolls. That’s going to be their cash cows.