Tree of Savior Forum

Trade & RMT & Restrictions

Hi there, fellow players!
Please excuse me for my english (it’s not my native language) and for that wall of text. But, I hope, some of my thoughts might be helpful.

So… Trade. Again. Well, it’s quite disappointing decision developers have made about trading, so that’s, for sure, not the last trade-related topic.

My point is, fair players should not be punished for what bad guys did (or might do).
Two thoughts:

1. If you want to counter RMT, try to adopt the demand. I mean, who creates the demand? People, who want to spend some money to get some ingame goods. Well, I think, the first step should be to make this option legal and give people the way to buy ingame stuff officially. I mean, let people buy ingame goods for real money. But let those money flow into the developers pockets. That’s fair enough, right?

I see the solution in truly and fully free market. Let everyone trade everything! Make everything tradable. Remove all restrictions (like those stupid potential thing). Well, okay, if some dude wants to bind some stuff to his account - let him. Let “untradable” be an option. Just to ensure your stuff from unauthorized access. But by default - everything is tradable! And the main part is - premium stuff should be tradable too. This is where developers monopoly for RMT comes. So, if someone want to get ingame stuff for real money, he should buy for real money something premium, then sell it for silver, then buy whatever he wants. Thats quite fair for those who don’t want to spend money too: they will be able to buy premium whatevers with in-game currency.

That’s, actually, EVE Online’s solution. That what the game with greatest economy have came to.

2. If you want to counter RMT, make people fear. Ban whoever involved in RMT. And make it public. People must know, that if they are buying something illegally, they risk to loose everything. I mean, they will be eventually caught and banned.

So, fear to do it illegally and option to do it fully legally should work. That’s what I believe.

But what is main: people should not suffer. Fair players should not be punished. Market should be free. Players should be able to buy whatever they cant get by themselves. Friends should be able to share their stuff, to do things together.

Talking about inflation at free market: we have a lot of good instruments to counter it without restrictions. For example, we should repair our equipment. That makes equipment consumable. And that’s great! Developers can just make top level items very expensive in use. They can adjust repair prices. And that’s a great instrument to counter in-game inflation. So, the market can be controlled with such little and smart instruments. No restrictions are needed.


I agree with almost everything that was said. Least the part that makes the game pay to win … do not think it’s right to sell equipment and much less other items!

Supplied a similar but more restricted idea as a discussion here.

Seems like an unwanted idea and I didn’t even applied for all free but at least a bit restricted (because if you can not sell cosmetics imc will actually make more profit which is fine imho).

Btw: Potential is a real nice idea! It prevents really strong equipment being handed around like daily goods. Especially on level cap you then can not just power create +20 highly advanced equipment with big guilds and hand these around for arena teams.
But equip should freely be shared in your own team, that shouldn’t cost potential imho.

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The moment you let ppl purchase silver with real money you will kill the game’s economy. Is not a matter of the money goes to Devs or Hackers pockets it’s about the in game economy flow. That would disrupt that currency flow HUGELY and became a sort of a “economical crash” like situation.

Example, Tokens where sold for 300k when the game opned. Since money sellers came in, the price rises and ppl are selling them now for a fine 460k. Now imagine when the game goes “public” whts gonna happen…

And don’t use EVE has an excuse, that game you can trade>convert money and in game money since it’s an economical game. Its a different set up system. In ToS you can only purchase TP and you can’t handed it over to ppl and transfer it to your irl back account that’s not how it works.

Of course this also applies to retards that buy money from those sellers. The Money-Sellers would not be there selling if ppl didn’t buy it in the 1st place.(And for the amount of spam and new names everyday, Im assuming people are indeed buying it big quantities to let this scum get enough money to come here and create new bots constantly.)

What will happen is small things like for example old dead Cabal Online, where a Bike costed 1Billion, and after Money-Sellers start flooding they raised to 250 billions.

Well, I never had enough luck, time or patience to get top level equipment. In any game. But I really don’t see any reason I can’t have one )

When I was playing Ragnarok Online, I never looted any worthwhile cards. I was able to enhance equipment to +8 at most. Bad luck, I guess )

But at my 99 advance level I always had all +10 equipment with all the cards I needed for my build. Just because Ragnarok has no restrictions in selling stuff. And that was great. In ToS, with such strong restrictions in trading, I most likely will never have any good equipment ) And that’s why I will leave it much sooner than I would like.

So, I really don’t see any reason why I can’t get top level equipment without spending a life in this game. And why those lucky dudes, capable of making +20 equipment, cant make silver with their luck.

But the worst part of “Potential” is that I can’t share anything with friends. Can’t lend equipment. Can’t help to grind something. Every man for himself. And that is pretty depressing atmosphere.

That’s not quite true. I’ve spent several years in EVE, so I can tell ) In EVE you can buy for real money only PLEX (something like our Token, you can renew subscription with it) and some deco stuff, and sell it for ISK in-game. Buying whatever else for real money from third party sellers or selling ISK for real money is direct violation of EULA. You can’t freely exchange in-game and real world money. You, for sure, will be banned for it. Even if you are the leader of powerful alliance, that ruled half of the universe.

So, yes, EVE is economic game. And that means, CCP is strongly protecting its economy. So, if you want to create strong and exciting in-game economy, EVE is the first place you should look.

In one hand, CCP gives a way to buy ingame stuff for real money. In other - everyone can play absolutely for free, spending not a single buck, and still have everything available in the game. And there is nothing you can’t sell )

Inflation is regulated in a simplest way: everything is consumable. Even your ship. You can loose everything in a single fight. And will have to spent your money to get some new stuff.

We, in ToS, already have equipment durability. Which can make some rare stuff really expensive in use. We can loose our equipment in attempts to enhance. So, inflation can be countered a different way. Not just with everything-restriction.

Banning RMT is good. Do more of that.

Legitimately selling currency unintentionally makes the game pay2win. That’s why they won’t do it.

There are already plenty of silver sinks to counter inflation. Also awesome :slight_smile:

I’m not so sure. I mean, I might be wrong, but I think, that selling premium stuff for silver will make game more balanced. I mean, premium items won’t be something exclusive since everyone will be able to buy it with silver. So, player will have two options to get whatever he wants: spend time or spend money. Or spend both. And I actually can’t see anything wrong with it. I mean, game will give you back as much as you put in it. And you will be able to get everything, regardless chosen way. And premium items will not be so premium, they will be just a legal mediator between bucks and silver.

It should be fine short term but when the whales start spending big bucks and climbing the leaderboards then people will complain. There’s only so much time you can put in whereas if you have a good job you can drop a LOT of money.

And if you have a good job you have not so much time (if any) :smiley:
That’s why I see some balance in it. Maybe, some prices should be adjusted…

No no no no. Problem is:

amount of money that can be put in at once >>>>>>>>>amount of time

Balancing it would both be really hard and unfair to almost everyone.
Good try, but it probably won’t work. Sorry to burst your bubble :slight_smile:

Well, it works for EVE, so it’s at least doable. I’m not saying it’s easy. But in might be done.

Amount of money you can put in game will be corrected with demand on premium stuff you can sell. So you can spent 5000$ and get no silver at all, since there will be no demand for your megaphones, or costumes, or whatever. Tokens, for example: you can’t sell more tokens per month, then amount of players in game. And you won’t be only one who wants to sell Tokens.

I mean, that’s not as simple as just buying silver for $$. And tere are some examples of that approach working.

Oooh, interesting. Sounds complicated, but with the right amount of thought put into it it appears you could make this work.

I guess all its up to now is when IMC decides to add to the cash shop, they take a look at this thread and decide whether it’s viable.

It already exists :