Tree of Savior Forum

@IMC A satisfying and easy solution against 3rd party RMT

It is actually pretty easy.
The problem itself raises from that there are customers willing to pay for a time and pain saving - for buying silver. But the only option is to buy and sell tokens on the AH which is worth a lot but sells bad as there is not much silver on most players. The professional silver sellers on the other hand provide little amounts for little money.
This is where IMC should jump in.

The solution is easy:

  1. Make enchantment scrolls and the 10 package sellable in the AH.
    If one does the math about 20 scrolls is a token. People want 500k silver for a token atm that means a scroll would yield about 25k silver then which is affordable for a lot of people!
    But it would take time which means silver sellers are faster. As tokens will not get cheaper always you can just make enchantment scrolls sellable to the NPC for 25k silver!
    This would take away every space silver sellers can have in the game. It gives people who just want quick silver an easy and fast official solution.
    Just do it! Problem solved.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan
Please deliver this idea to the dev team.

Optional fixes:
2) Do not lock in silver from the AH for 2 days. Make it an hour. The problem with silver sellers is fixed anyways.
This way more people can get the silver to buy scrolls.
3) Reduce the market fee from 10% to 0% for token users.
It is retarded to begin with but a legit premium feature. The silver price for tokens and scrolls will be self regulated through the AH by offer and demand. The fee is just a hassle and makes selling ‘harder’ as you have to calculate the effective price beforehand.

Then people have the choice, if they want to buy silver, to either grab some scrolls and sell for the basic price or use the auction house to get a higher value with a bit of work and waiting.
This will also kill every argument about p2w about scrolls as a side note. Pure pay for convenience then.
It also generates a good share of money for IMC. :wink:

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I see no solution with your sugestions. Just an easy way for you to get Enchant Scrolls.


Addition the main thought of a silver buyer:
"I want the 100% extra damage on my main spell and a +7 weapon and also the arde dagger for my build. I have to work all day I do not want to farm this now.
I could buy two tokens and sell these but this takes ages. I want it now. How about checking one of these sites from the shout maybe they can fix… "

The easy way is using TP for scrolls.
They could also directly sell silver for TP but this would be more work and monitoring to prevent under cutting. And my solution fixes some problems in one strike.

Open your eyes and use your brain. The bot sellers are there and will always try to undercut and the smart way to banish them is to completely remove their ground for customers.

You’re not using your brain at all are you. Outcompete gold sellers by selling the gold yourself? Yes, WoW started doing this… and maybe Albion online will do it. But that does not directly solve the issue of gold vendors and their army of bots. They will ALWAYS undercut official rates. Besides, you’re not a true mmorpg player if you think buying ingame currency with real money is a legitimate option. People wanting instant gratification is exactly the type of mentality that ALL these game companies got rich with. It did not do the evolution of the mmorpg genre any good however.

Listen, World of Warcraft does the same TOS does at the moment with selling tokens. As explained above this is not enough.

If you make scrolls sellable to the NPC and adjust the price every month then silver sellers can not undercut you.
People that want to buy silver will always prefer an official method over the black market. Always! Even if sellers are a bit cheaper.

And this is not about honor or true mmorpg players. You guys need to understand that this is about problems and solutions.

I won’t let this idea die. I know most people do not like the idea but it is better than having a black market which on the one hand is annoying (spammers) and on the other hand costs IMC money they could otherwise get themselves.

I think it would also be good to make scrolls tradeable. Then scrolls would substitute as a kind of premium currency. I have already seen people trying to trade tokens for arde. But then again there is the problem that there is nothing in between which means more space for silver sellers.
And I am pretty sure that if things stay as they are it will get worse especially with the F2P release. We might see that silver sellers soon start to collect ardes and equivalents and sell these for money on the black market like some people already do.
And in the end this is far worse than having silver buyable through scrolls.

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I support Scigumas suggestion
The main problem is by far the cheap price the gold sellers demand for their service. If IMC has a legitimate way to let players pay for ingame currency, we will kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

  1. The players - who want a fast progression and are willing to pay. Would do it either way (Goldsellers or IMC, i believe if IMC offers an easy method to get gold through real money, most players will abandon the gold sellers.
  2. IMC gets some more money for making the game a better one.
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That’s the problem in the first place. The reason WHY gold sellers are so successful is because players think it’s fine to buy gold when it’s not. If nobody bought gold with real money, gold sellers wouldn’t be making any money.

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At this point you FAILED sooo hard. You can not do this kind of ■■■■, ever. Don’t try suggestions again please.

BTW, wrong forum section.

But this is something you can not change.

Could you explain to me how I failed hard here?

Silver sellers are a huge pest for us. They spam, they bot grinding spots so they destroy our game experience. Then they sell silver and everyone who wants to buy it pays with paypal and gets the silver delivered.
If you are mad that people would be able to buy silver with my idea than please wake up - it is already possible. But as it stands at the moment it causes us pain and laggs and IMC gets nothing but complains and multibox bots.

At least I know the black market and this is the only efficient way to shut it completely down imho.

Thats right. I hate bots as much as you do. Stopped playing currently, cos seing bots warping to my chanel and autoattacking everything on the screen the moment mobs spawn is just to much to handle.

But changing the amount of silver offered for the scroll in the vendor every month is sick. The whole idea behind those scrolls is not too healthy, but making them a type of currency… Nope, nope, nope! More silver for less scrolls every month?!

The bots should be dealt with, so the 2-day limit of auction can be taken off. Then selling tokens will be good enough. And the inflation will go the other way. Players will list tokens lower and lower to sell them faster. That’s a good thing, isn’t it?

Botters will always find their way through and you have to adjust the scroll price to prevent undercutting.

What does silver give you anyways? It saves you from grinding, makes leveling easier because of gear. Makes you angry that some people just paid for the arde you had to farm? They would anyways.

And yes I designed the idea that scrolls grow exactly to a kind of premium currency. Botters, sellers, china farmers can not fight this - they are done for. And it will not affect your play. All of those that rmt their equip will do it ayways so at least let it happen in an evironment in which IMC gets the money and the game is healthy.

We already have this kind of system with the tokens but it is unsufficient as botters are exactly selling the smaller chunks that people are more likely to pay. According to me expierence as seller (good old times…) in a black market 5$ and 10$ is what sells by far most, the rest is exotic.

Btw the tokens will rise in terms of silver costs of course. And some people, working people, just want need weapons on gear level. They won’t need 1m but like 100k and they do not want to spend 20$ on it then but just the 5$ at most they need.This is where silver sellers jump in. This is why they also spam prices for the low amounts. The is the market you have to take over as game dev and shut down for your own good.

The sellers and bots should be dealt with, but you are offering an RP>Silver vendor sink. Thats not something I would EVER use.

I’m not mad. I would buy and sell RP to people who don’t have $ to. I did that in many games, cos I can. But selling RP to a vendor is plain stupid. Want silver for Arde on lvl 75? Buy a token, and sell it to a friend/guildmate/generous high-lvl. Or just exchange it for an arde. (that’s why we need silver trading)
Friends always pay more for your RPs, cos ingame currency is not as valuable as $.

I completly disagree with the idea of making scrolls, or any other RP stuff sellable to a vendor. But who would do this anyway?

You don’t get it. It is the small and fast money sums that those botters live from. You can’t fight these with tokens.

You probably wouldn’t use it but the main customers of those botters are the ones who just quickly need some silver. And this is missing. This gives them a black market and in the end steals money imc could have otherwise made. I am also not a fan of being able to directly buy currency ingame, but its the only way.

Flagged for stupidity. I mean the gap between token users and non-token users are already big enough, and now you want to make the gap even bigger?


Flagged twice.

/20 characters/

Stupidity it seems. Where?
How do you want to get rid of the problem?
Swing ban hammers?

Fighting effecs has never helped, you need to fight the source but it seems this is too advanced yet. Sad story. :frowning:

If you actually care enough to look around the forums instead of making useless thread like this, you’ll see there are plenty of good suggestions already.

Implying that your solution will actually fix the problem. It’s “too” btw, not “to”.