Tree of Savior Forum

Trade not allowed

No, leeching as in people who dont support the game at all.
What most f2p people simply are and most of the time those are teh ones barking the loudest at those things. And 1:1 trade isnt that big of a boon anyways, especially in teh early game.
And later on you most likely use the marketplace anyways. And here we are at Token boni that should’nt be at a Token. Tax and the ridiculous amount of items youre allowed to put into the market.
That is something thats hurting the game, not the walling of 1:1 trade which isn’t really helping anyone anyways.
And as I said, I would’nt mind seeing it a baseline feature, as long as the boon gets replaced on the token with something else accordingly or the price gets decreased to account for the change.

LAst game that did stuff like that was FF 11 if i remember correct. 13 Euro starting fee and 1 euro extra(on the monthly fee) for every Char slot u used.
Monthly fee racked up quick sigh
And i personally dont care if its 15 or 18 euro. Those 3 euro arent worldbreaking.
Ofc there could be mroe bang for the buck imo but people would very quickly jump on the beloved “p2w” bandwagon then :smiley:

Effectively any game that charges you monthly to even play the game does this. So WoW, FF Online, etc etc.

… What? Friend gets item that I would want. I get item that friend would want. Trade; done. This happens ALL THE TIME in MMOs. Maybe anti-social players don’t really want/need 1:1 trading because they have no one to trade with :stuck_out_tongue:


Exactly this. It’s social interactions like this that make MMO’s blossom. With today’s anti-social crowd becoming the norm, people start not caring. These are some of the exact reasons the MMO market is stagnating.


The difference is that those games, and i can speak about ff which i currently play, cost half of what this game does and have a constant update plan.

Honestly, they are asking twice as much as any P2P does just to have a RESTRICTED trade (remember, 30 trades a month) and basic functions and p2w elements (max buff increase). And on top of that, a cash shop that sells things like a hairstyle for 20€/$

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It’s hilarious coming from Remiri because he is against P2W :joy: Or so he says at least. Hahaha

Always the same empty arguments.

Leechers? p2p mmos? NO.

Everybody here was bought a founder pack, I’m looking to buy hairstyles and outfits, but NO token.

Why the hell as a paid customer, my friend with 5 of the same hat can’t give me one?
Why the hell as a paid customer I haven’t a basic mmorpg function?

1:1 Trade should be implemented FOR FREE. Like every other mmorpg.

Bots? no trade for silver is enough.

This is unacceptable and should be changed.


I do understand the positive aspects of 1:1 trading -_-
What i meant is that the early mobs drop all the kinds of weapons regulary anyways. At least i had until lvl 30 1 h hammer 1 2hsword, tooo many 1h swords , some shields and so on.
The droprates are pretty accomodating to the lack of trade.
And dont even try to start attacking me personally with a low punch like that.
I don’t want to take you for a person without credibility.

I…I…have friends…really :cry:

Don’t think I’m attacking you. I wasn’t. I was just pointing out that trading, even in early game, is something to consider. Because early game bosses still drop weapons and armor that -you might not need- but your friend might.

FF11 required no more than 1 character slot since every single class could be leveled in a single character.

Even with that you would have access to all the game’s features for 12€ a month. Here you have restricted access to basic features for 18€ a month + a cash shop

There are portions of it I like, and portions I dislike. Putting a feature of the game behind a paywall is not P2W in my opinion, it is a value-added service.

Exp boosters and such I view as P2W, but that is just a difference in opinion. I don’t like them, but if I have to use them to compete, I will begrudgingly as long as I enjoy the game.


The price is a bit out of whack, but as long as they implement 3-month tokens at a discount then I would say it is worth it. It is something I will push for.

VIP for RO, for example, was not nearly as expensive. Also if I want to I could use in game currency to buy tokens from other people.

I do have to admit i did’nt account for the boss dropps, I’m sorry those are really unfortunate. Atleast you can use them for you alt then.
But yeah, and I am repeating myself, I wouldn’t midn seeing it turned baseline.
And @riwerv1
We have paid for EA this entitles us to exactly nothing, does that mean you are wrong in wanting to give your friend stuff? Of course not.
But as Remiri said its IMC’s game and their features and they decide what to monetize and what not. And all Data was available on that situation for a while now.
Well, just keep on bringing your voice up and they might eventually change their mind. I wish ye luck anyways

Yes, and they can be wrong.

IMC already made a undesirable p2w with Granado Espada.

They don’t know how western market works, and here no 1:1 trade is a serious issue for at least 80% of casual players. And casual players in a mmorpg are the highest audience.


The cash shop is already there, there’s no discounts anywhere just as there aren’t in Korea.

And how exactly is a f2p user suposed to earn the silver (which will range in the millions) to buy that token?
They cant trade, they cant transfer items from their very own characters, they cant even sell more than 2 items in this ridiculously restricted and obtuse action house system and even if they manage to actually sell something they lose 30% of the benefits.

Hell, people wont even want to team up to get rare drops to sell since even their friends can “steal” the item they are looking for if it lands on their inventory.
We’ll have a mindless army of solo players whom will camp every single grinding spot because it’s the only thing they can do.


They are breaking the first and more important rule:

  • Don’t make your audience angry.
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I can count the number of times I actually opened a 1:1 trade during iCBT on 1 finger, and I got a character to 200. I mostly used the auction house.

In game currency was very easy to obtain, I am not sure how it will be on release but I am not worried.

If I don’t need to trade, I probably won’t invest in the token. I am getting some as part of the founders pack so that is nice.[quote=“ashgarth81, post:35, topic:158323”]
We’ll have a mindless army of solo players whom will camp every single grinding spot because it’s the only thing they can do.

If you are in a party each person gets their own set of drops. For example my friend and I killed Cafrisun and 2 pieces of armor dropped, one for him and one for me. Kill a boss? We each got a box. This won’t encourage solo play amongst friends and guildees.

That applies to boss drops, not monster drops.

Understood, it is not perfect. The litmus test will be what happens with the actual proposed reason for restricting trade to buy-in, and that is to combat botters.

The theory is that if botters/gold-sellers can’t trade it will discourage them from farming. This only works if the current loopholes such as auction-house manipulation are addressed.

If it flat out doesn’t work, then I think that concedes ground from IMC to continue with this policy and may cause them to open up 1:1 trade.

Congratulation for being the first (I think) to complain about that since EA opening.
You shall not be the last.

Let’s pray for the goddess to hear our words.