Tree of Savior Forum

Total New Users Exceeds 5000 (Table + Link)

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So as you can see, in the last 3 days the total amount of new users has already exceed the limit, before the announcement the community was only 2k which has now over tripled.


And it’s 10k now. Which means…

Ugh, why did we never take probabilty in school.

… calculating…

I guess the probability samples aren’t mutualy exclusive.

Sigh, whatever. As long as the ones helping with the translation get a key.

i think it’s fair for everyone to have the same chance to play the beta : P


You probably did fail math lmao nice edit

i saw that too

Oh look it’s another I was here first so I should get the beta posts.

So what, I’ve played every single RO2 beta out there and I’m not here whinging about who gets selected how…

I made one entry. If I don’t get in so be it. If I’ll do my best to test stuff out write about it later.

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How is that relevant to anything?

At least the closed beta key period only lasts for 5 days. Most other mmos have at least 1 month buffer >.>

It’s not thats the point. The point is nobody on the dev team gives a ■■■■ if you registered on June 25th and clicked that Beta button or if you just now signed up with a fake facebook account. Seniority does not give priority.

@Mewka is correct, seniority does not give priority no matter how much we want those keys.

But I believe everyone’s biggest problem is that some users made multiple accounts to secure multiple keys.

Truth is, some may have done it through proxies, and not all of them can be accounted for. We just all have to realize that this is a testing phase, and many people will still be able to test it, no matter how they obtain a key.

We’ll all still be able to play when it matters.


Yep, I only said it because I was being crudely biased on purpose :sweat_smile: Anyways I changed it now to avoid any arguments

As much as I would like seniority to play a factor out of my own selfish desires, I can’t honestly say it would be fair for those that have only just now come across this news suddenly get so excited to try the game out for themselves only to not have that opportunity just because they were late to the hype train.

…I’m just reporting these from now on.

these what? this is a legit post lol

Yeah I’m confused also lol

Yesterday it was 8.2k, now it is 7.1k
Pray that some users stop making multiple accounts for everyone to get higher chances of winning the key.

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I agree, I’ve always done horrible with anything that has to do with random chance and now there’s people making multiple accounts increasing their odds and decreasing mine. I’m almost positive I won’t get selected for the beta, I was looking forward to it… I guess I’ll just waste time on onigiri then…

I am senpai. I deserve key.

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may RNGesus watch over us !!!


Well this is awkward…

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