Tree of Savior Forum

ToS Let's Get REAL | Great Visual | Boring Content

Before saying that “it’s only cbt” I think it’s irrelevant regardless.

*** Before reaching level 60, I’m still quite excited, wanted to acquire some silver and equips and explore the content of the game. But after 60, it just fed me up. Unending, uninteresting series of stupid chain quest.

*** I know this is how the game is designed and yes I am putting a critique of the game as early as now. Why? A game should have a “crescendo” mechanics to its plot/progress. It should be more and more interesting but it is not. I will use the term again “stupid/super long uninteresting, unending series of dumb chain quest”

*** Chain quest = What on earth???!?
Go to person “x”
Kill this monster “x”
Find the “x”
Collect the “x”
Rinse and Repeat.

Quests are part of an MMORPG, I get that. But putting a 2-3hr quest to get to the main point of that freaking story line is absurd. And the activities in between is just a repetitive grade-schooler level of logic. Find, Kill, Collect, Report Back. Even the boss fight that should make a difference is just a dumb huge monster throwing a scary animation effects. meh.

For all those who will say “have you played mmos” “are you sure you, you know what you’re talking about”
Oh yes. We expected the game to be on the level of its hype. But it just copied the typical MMOs there is.
Why can’t gaming companies identify that stupid game play mechanics that gamers hate. sigh.

There are also quests that you are required to walk back and forth on the same quest master. It’s very typical. compare to the hype it received.

*** The story is uninteresting. You will not get curious. It’s boring. It’s predictable. It’s repetitive.

***. Boss fights
-Seriously? I was seating during a boss fight to regen and save my potions. What on earth is that.

*** Good points
-Nice Visuals
-Nice Graphics
-Nice control options
-Nice combat. I like it.
-Nice combat mechanics - skills/cc/casting/animation. I like it.

*** I would love to love this game. It’s very pleasing on the eyes. But that’s about it. It’s a typical mmo that has a rinse and repeat content giving you the illusion of progress by means of numbers = LEVEL. But the experience is empty. “I just hack and slash that freaking mob whatever the name is till end.”

-Moderation/balance of everything.
-If there is an element of quest=make it interesting, deep and rewarding.
-If there is an element of grinding=make the mobs better. Mobbing is very difficulty, AI is a little dumb, can’t get the aggro to gather mobs they move away. And please remove the feature of mob running away when it’s about to die. When you are on the same level you can 2 hit a mob with a mediocre weapon.
-Challenge=Rewards. If it is challenging it is rewarding.
-Depth=Interest. If there’s a depth on the plot it will be very much interesting.
-Allow us to utilize our combo skills/CC skills/potions/armor to wear/weapon to choose/the environment/kiting/partying in finishing the story quests not just face tanking everything.

I am not still giving up hope. I will continue to play. I will make sure I explore every corner of the game and whatever the results maybe, then let it be.

I know this post can’t do that much on the design of the game. Well my objective would be at least to know how other players think and somehow, hoping someone will hear us and somethings gonna improve. I don’t hate the game or the players or the devs. I hate the things that’s obvious and can be improved with the lessons of the past decade of mmorpg industry but someone decided not to.


I dont know about that one. But yeah. Most people agree the game does not reward exploration, grinding or anything that is not questing efficiently. (except lanterns which is always full). Farming gear is useless, same with mats since you can just AH, the item system is luckluster, upgrading geming reparing feels not worth at all. etc…etc…


I’m not sure about “Nice UI” because in the current state it needs to be improved, greatly.

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My bad.
I have different thought on my mind.
What I mean is visuals, the art style, I like it. If it counts as UI then,yes.

But what I am pertaining to is anime/cartoonish style it was presented
Maybe it’s about taste/preference. I like the vibrancy. Though I admit there are maps that are bland.

And let me add, camera rotation should be available. But i think it would be a lot of work to implement that.

I am agree with you overall. In my opinion, the biggest mistake in Tos is the progression path, basically quest then donjon on exp gap. I mean, farming could be great, questing/dunjing could be great, they just need to balance those 3 aspects. And then comes the gear grinding, which is pretty boring and confusing (IMO). All off that could be really easily get solved.

For example, my character is level 50, i know that i have 5/6 maps in front of me, where i can farm, explore and maybe why not looking out for a particular piece of gear/recipe. Once i cleared those maps and did what i wanted, then i can go further, and i need the main quest to do so, the quest will unlock the access to the next few maps, where i can grab gear again, exp, farm silver. Donjon could be quest and min level access, every 50 lvl or smthing, they should be harder than now, taking more time to clear, be more rewarding. All of this is really basic to implement.

And this is just the grinding aspect, dont misunderstand me, i love the game, as a Ro player, and maybe that i am waiting too much from this game. But this is really disappointing, as said Bumlife, i was really enjoying the grind to 60 or around, but then, and real quickly, i felt that the game was making me doing same things again and again, ot suprising me anymore, killing the intention to grind. Now i just play because i want to test different classes, but thats all, and i am not sure to play the game more than that on release if they dont change completely the core of this game.

In the end, the game looks awesome, the fight and the gameplay are great, the grinding is really really boring, the gear grinding, and the gear overall is not enough implemented.

Sorry for my english.

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UI = User Interface, the components you interact with in game. It’s decent, aesthetically speaking, but function wise, it needs a major rework in my opinion.

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No worries I understand every point.

Good point on being an RO player. I think some or most (not to exaggerate and generalize) has RO background and expecting something really close on what RO did offer.

But then again I welcome unique and updated features is just that, again, too mediocre and shallow. Im not expecting this to be RO but you know since this is advertised as “spiritual successor” of RO, I am really expecting some similarities with gameplay and mechanics. I think it can be better though.

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I was just talking to my friends about the quests lack of depth yesterday,

Indeed, I was truly disappointed at my first class change quest. I had expected something of the sort RO would offer, such as venturing into an overlevel dungeon (thief), or finding a NPC deep in the jungle (novice), or maybe even the thrill of the swordsman trials! But then all I could find was a master who only tasked me to kill 5 mobs in an already explored area and smash my forehead on backspace key (which, imho, is too comfortable)

ToS is not and should not be RO. I love the class system and the animations overall, but they COULD have inherited the very good stuff which made RO so unique and popular! Or else it is just another regular MMO.

I hope the company has a creativity department working on nice sidequests and upgrading the scenarios and the soundtrack, the latter being just cute and just “hearable”. I mean, they’re good, very good, above average-good, but Glast Heim was FRIGHTENING. Even the mobs at the chapels are kind of cute, but they’re not supposed to be cute, they’re supposed to bring forth the despair of an entire civilization brought down by tragedy because of a murderous royalty of demons sadistic whim.


yeahh the classes tests in ro was somehow unique , and is exacly what we need , unique experiences bosses with singular mecanics quests with singular objetives and maps with singular areas to explore in diferente ways(like the recente trailer)

we already have singular classes with interestings skills so is a positive point =)


The combat animation and mechanics is good.

Mentioning about GH, oh men that was spot on. I thought the Tenet Chapel would be like GH. Though the 2nd Floor is full of witch and gigantic robot, it needs a howling effect somehow and variety of monsters. Though i love the tenet chapel.

“unique experiences” = quoting this one. That is really what’s lacking everything is just the same.
I was expecting a challenge in changing a class that is relevant to the class it self.

Referencing RO, every job change is different, there is a story/creativity on it and related to the class/job.
I remember my first hunter, you need to be very careful on killing the right mob on a pack of mobs and at the same time not falling into a pit while the time is running out. = This encourages DEXterity and AGIlity - which is the primary stat of a hunter. And not mentioning the required “loots” for you to be able to apply for a job change. THIS is just a 2nd job change. Basic of RO. Much much more on the alts and 3rd job.

BTW, I played 10years of RO have 3 150 characters. Warlock, Sura and Archbishop.

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Let me add on good points the variety of classes and combination of classes and the attribute system. I like that.

The game really has potential. phew

This game has a camera rotation before but developer removed it for us to immerse on our character.
They might add it again if there are a lot of request for it.
Btw I agree with you.

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didnt know that. so its not far from possible. : D thanks!

Not to mention the different cities you’ll go depending on your class. That right there is exploration, I remembered on early days of RO wiki is unheard of. You have to walk or ask other players where this mob is, who drops what item. And no recommended level for that area, you have to like try to kill them and see if you could take them out.

I have reached around 80 on cbt but the only “CITY” I’ve seen is that crowded place where most class master hang out.

And the class advancement in TOS is not that rewarding. For example show a +6 spear for c2 hoplite and that’s it. kinda lame

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Oh thank you for this topic, you write everything (or almost) I think about the cbt. To be honest, I am really disappointed about the linearity in TOS, as a ‘‘spiritual succesor’’ of RO I was waiting for a open-world mmo.

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YEAH… this is one of the few things I disliked about this game.
I mean, even the fact that all new characters start on the same spot in the map and have to go trough the same chain of quests and events helps making the game boring and painful to engage for continuous playing.
Every other MMO has classes which actually mean something in the game lore, thus why every class start on a different city and have to deal with all sorts of different stuff, while classes in this game really lack in depth-fullness and feel like the same to play.

Hope they’ll really polish things like that in order to provide a better game experience.

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Be careful bruh, the hidden classes are just standing around the corner waiting(perhaps, in obt), that dumb quest you’re talking about might give clues on where are they or how to get them. Reading about the storyline while doing quest is great while others just keep pressing space and doesn’t read the “details”. To be fair, you just need to use your common sense on what is going on your quest but, I’m just saying there might be some small information regarding hidden classes or more quest…etc…

Back to your point, idk why you find it uninteresting, I’ll leave that as your opinion.
At this point I should be saying “Make your own F.cking game”, because idk how your’e going to change the quests but if you do know, tell me. (no sarcasm)

There are actually literally heaps of hidden quest in the game. Like somewhere in the Royal Chapel and Lygwyn’s Residence and they’re both rewarding.

One thing that I really hate is the “BOSS” they’re all predictable even in high lvl dungeons it is NOT challenging at all. Yes, they can kill you but that’s just because when you make a wrong move or lagged. What im trying to say is, the boss should have a hmmm, different moods meh, idk how to say it. Like, when it reach some certain hp it changes it attacks and stuff.


So basically, you enjoyed the quest / 5Dunjons on exp reset / quest ? Really ?

If IMc used some of the time they spent for thinking, writing and implement the storyline (that everybody spam like retards cause guess what, you still know what to do after the spacebar hammer, thanks to right side quest notifications), on thinking at something different than “straight quest to max lvl”, i would be less disappointed…

I mean its like cooking a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful cake, but tasty like ■■■■. Tbh i am quite confused when i see company like IMC, with huge experience at online game, missing the main point of their game. It’s over logic to me :confused: Nobody at imc during development and testing, said at some point : “this is too linear ? Players could get bored ?” I mean comon …

The game looks so fkin great, everything, characters, gameplay, graphics, maps, monsters, the differents class, with so many builds, all of that is really awesome, srsly. But then, heh …

The game needs some modifications, class balance, bug fixing, and i know that is gonna be fixed soonerLater.
But i am scared for the rest, the core of the game is ■■■■■■ up atm, the grind is completely ■■■■■■ up, gearing is near from zero and needs huge improvement etc etc…

I hope IMC got solutions right now, or in the near future, before release, i really hope …

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The thing is, it would take a long time for the quest suggestions to happen. Not because they don’t care, but because they have to code things differently. As for the bosses, that’s easy as they can just make the AI better, same for the mobs. As for the quests though, you will have to wait.

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The Boring Part is where the “it is beta” comes in.

always remember the word boring is a subjective matter. what interest you might not be interesting for me and for him and for everyone else. the fact is…

everyone right now are so focus on trying to achieve higher level does they just click the NPC and press space till the arrow on the map appears… the reason for that is because “it is beta” for a month. most people doesn’t care about the quest content. they don’t read at all… probably ask you the name of the angels and some NPC and you probably can’t answer me.

once the CBT is finished and everything is back to normal rate exp… everyone will be force to read the content… coz people will learn that trying to do all quest at once will not give them advantage anymore. coz the real way of doing it was … grinding while doing quest. to balance your (items/silver/exp) progression.