Tree of Savior Forum

ToS In-Game Card Game!

Final Fantasy vibes coming an in-game card game.

From how I see the gameplay, 2 Boss cards are placed and a RNG meter-compass begins which determine what stat to be compared among the 2 cards. Which ever stats is better than the other wins.

Well it could have been better but it’ll do.

its at 2:08 of the CBT3 video.


it’s not so bad… it’ could’ve been better, but at least it’s easy to understand and you won’t need to spend hours to learn. :smiley:

but Triple Triad is so much fun


I actually don’t mind it, the fact that they implemented a mini card game In the first place is awesome.

I was expecting a card game that requires THINKING but from it seems its only

RNG based.


This FFVIII card game.

I miss so much. </3

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I actually thought of the card game in FF9 when I saw it myself! I think it’s really cute that the characters sit at a table and play.

I imagine cards would be enemy drops,but maybe they’d also have special ones in a cash shop or rare ones as a boss drop?


All the cards are boss drops, Necromancers and Sorcerers need them to cast their summoned creatures.

But now it can be used for a minigame.

Ah okay,so no chance of them from regular monsters? Apologies,I hadn’t seen any footage of it until now so I wasn’t sure.

Nah, just look into the card database in ToS database sites…all of them are bosses

eh?! =3=" shuck i tot i can play mini games in game… well that sucks if the card game is only boss cards

only sorcerers can use these cards, thats sad =/

@II_JoJo_II … and Necromancers

But I have a feeling there must be some other use for these cards that just hasn’t been revealed yet.

Continuing the discussion from Tree of Savior (KR) CBT3 Preview:

according to that gameplay we gonna risk the card we played, its gonna be usefull for sorceres/necro gathering for card without fighting/spam the boss. Wonder what the other card use for the other classes, beside for the card battle.
joke aside the name length will be one point to determine the winner lol :sweat_smile:

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@Chebus I hope so … otherwise i will just give my cards ;p

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They made it so that you hand over your card upon losing a card match.

It means there is some economic value attached to these cards. Aside from being niche fills for a few classes.

If there really is a gambler class, that minigame will likely be the key to getting it.
And seeing as we got a translated book about a gambler posted on this forum, i would guess that having a streak of alternate wins and losses could likely be a part of that hidden quest. Mostly based on rng, quite appropriate for a gambler.

I hope they expand upon the card game later on, like being able to pick more than 1 boss card and having an option to play without risking anything.

but all in all im not risking cards for a mini game thats RNG based with high risks

I dunno about the drop chances but why wouldn’t you if you have 5 of the same card? :smiley: