Tree of Savior Forum

TOS(Eng. Ver) 2nd Beta Test Schedule

What is your point ? If the game is free to all, who gonna buy/sell if anyone can can access to it ?
So i recommend you to follow your own advice.

Also, so you don’t expect IMC to do what they have to do ? But you expect from players it ? Well, you sure know what you are talking. Won’t put more logs into the fire (which will lead/contribute to anything).

Sharp was probably a bit harsh, but his point is valid.
there are numerous Sites, which sells Accounts for Games like this for 15-50$.
The reason that people buy these accounts can be one of the following

  • Missed application time
  • Not allowed to enter the application group
  • IP Blocked (which also includes proxies in most of the time)
  • Not accepted for a Closed Beta
    people are extremly hyped about this game, which is increasing the price for an account like this.

Also countries like the philipines only invited some hundret players, but their fanbase is arround 5k+
all these people want to play, but they are not allowed to enter this iCBT test.

People like the ones who sells account, does not care for games, they only care for money. If the Game dies, they go to the next one.
This is a topic many Game Companies miss to prevent. IMC Games also missed this on the First iCBT,thats why i had a talk with Marikim about this.

You should start to accept that the Darkzone of the MMOScene, is extremly Toxic, Bots, Account or Gold Seller, Hacker, Scammer, Phisher, many game publishers ignore them instead of preventing that these people are able to plant their seed. I wrote alot suggestions and hints to Marikim and he was always thankful for this.

Kind regards


The hype or demand for this game is no different then many other ones in the past or in the future. There’s pretty much always a market to sell ingame valuables or access.

That’s quite some unfortunate incompetence there. If they indeed failed to consider instead of intentionally postponing this issue there’s little hope they’ll be able to mitigate abuse in the future.

I cannot find the registration button to be on the list D:

go to the home page and login your account.

if you don’t see it, hit ctlr+F5 to hard refresh your browser cache.
i had todo the same to check how it looks like ^^

Kind regards

since this isnt an official open beta but more a closed one what does that mean in terms of NDA?

The beta key bottun won’t show :frowning:
even the front page msg won’t show up!

Did you login in the front page? Forum login and Main page login are different. If you did, press CTRL+F5

I did udated my front page, but nothing happended…
but somehow it worked now! haha, thx!

NO LIMIT!!! 5 hour login time here we go!

109k so far…

i just got a stiffy now

Very mild because it’d be incredibly hard for them to enforce it with so many. It’ll probably amount to no streaming but allowing pre-recorded videos and screenshots (this is what the one KCBT2 had if I recall)
At this point they are probably past any serious NDA stage for the test we’ll be participating in.

There is probably a hush-hush Korean CBT server which runs with certain invites that’s got a stricter NDA, which is where they are testing circle 7+ classes for larger testing but nothing really major will be forced on such a wide-test.

BETA 2!!! YEAHHH!! cute and rrare stuff for beta 1 player :D???

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That would be nice if they gave the beta 1 players something nice to show others we are special

You played the first icbt, that’s already something nice. Ppl find every chance to get greedy ~

Except that we’re not special in any way

There are more problems that they are handling in the game than just these issues so give them some slack. No game company is perfect ye know.

woow, super excited to try this game. see you guys online on the 27th!!