Tree of Savior Forum

TOS can become the new Archeage

When Labor Points system came into Archeage, the game broke, due to it stealing all the fun from the game. Archeage and TOS are really different games, I agree, but if things keep going down this road (limited trading, TP regen up to 10, 2 slots maximum at the market, etc), TOS will die same way Archeage died, its going to be the same movie, they will break down the game’s economy, the fanbase will get pissed off, and ragequit in the first month. After that, they will try to fix things by releasing a new fresh server, people will give it a shot, but will ragequit again, since what broke Archeage was the Labor System, not the players. So the time to fix this mess is now IMC, because I have seen this movie before. (Let’s hope its just a test patch.)


Another whiny topic.
Take this and stay calm.


Hey the more of these posts the staff see, the better. They need to know the system is ■■■■ and that we don’t want it.


Well there is still hope

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I am glad they still have the oportunity to fix things up in the iToS… Archeage was a real crap, we gotta be honest… Disguising a game as “f2p” when it actually has a monthly p2p system is not what we want, and they know it. The internetional community is very different from the kToS ccmt, they gotta know that.

-PLS NEXON, don’t be greedy-


Labour, in my ToS?

But we don’t have an Architect class yet!

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Labor system was part of the reason for alot of archeage hate but not the main reason it went to ■■■■, subbing made it easy enough, yeah it sucked if you were a free player and didn’t have enough for a apex or didn’t want to sub. They just ruined it with their cash shop, It started going way downhill after they thought it was a good idea to add thunderstruck trees to the cash shop, which crashed the thunderstruck market.

I cashed in my gold and bought few apex for credits when the released the saplings, spent maybe 500gold, and made around 6000gold back before it crashed to hard. that’s how bad it was it was and when i decided it was all downhill from there. Well that and it treading the line on P2W before it crossed it.

“You will regen 5 Labor Points/day, no wait, we will call it “Action Points”, so 5 AP/day totally for free.
BUT you can buy a item, for only U$15, that will give you amazing 50 AP, isn’t that great?! But remember! Every crafting you do will drain 5 AP, so use it wisely.”
And you will be like buying 5 of those said items in order to be able to do s¨¨¨¨t.

Something like that?

The roast is real :stuck_out_tongue:

YEah, I mean, if I can’t craft how will I get the Uber Awesome White Hair?! O_O This is total blackmail!

proceeds to make 250 White Mucus for teh lulz


i didn’t really had a problem with labor… the game was fun i didn’t bother having to pay for vip monthly

but as soon as it became P2W, and the gold sellers flooded the game… i bailed it

not to mention the bad administration the game had/has, a lot of bugs/exploiters were just ignored, when they launched the new continent, half of the server couldn’t even connect, and when the war was over, bots insta-claimed all the new land G_G

and they just didn’t gave a single f*** to that :frowning:

i really loved the game, REALLY, but damn… >:

wanting to add the suspicious server crashes and then world msgs of “succeded to upgrade weapon” as soon as server got back up.
the upgrade weapon sistem was totally p2w afair. (being that a reason why i want upgrades to be capped on 15 on ToS, the temptation to p2w must be erased for good)

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this will not happen. Pointing at RO

Oh my, yea, the bots were a real problem, that and the exploiters broke the economy of the game.
I have a HUGE problem with gold sellers, I just can’t stand them, so, their decision of not allowing gold to be traded is completaly fine for me.

They should just make a ton of costumes, and make events to release more of them monthly… I’d totally buy something to make my character look even cooler :smiley:

people forget that f2p game doesn’t exist at all, companies exist for make money, and usually mmorpg has to pay a lot of people who works around the word such gm, support, assistent, translator, etc. I prefer to pay a low fee every month that get a crappy f2p.

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As they say, b2p is the best way to make a fair and balanced game. And, in order to sell it for a reasonable price, and still making money to pay for the servers and stuff, just sell cosmetic items in the game. Purely cosmetic things, maybe some exp boosts (I love them ;)).

The problem is not the “f2p” thing, but some companies sell in-game features that make the game broken, and, people are right when the complain about it because, “f2p” games may not be really be “f2p”, BUT that’s how they are selling it, they know that if you tag a game as Free To Play, a lot of people will check it, and maybe spend some money in the game, and thats all they want.

I’m always saying it but, a very good example is GW2, they are very clear when it comes to what you will get if you do not buy the game, and they don’t hide it. That’s how it should be.

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TOS is TOS and should become the best TOS there is and nothing else :triumph:


I mean, imo, the more ppl say “it’s fine, that not REALLY p2w”, the higher the chances are that the game is going to be p2w. The devs would just push it further and further up untill the game is only playable by putting money into it(and oh boy does that happen alot).

w8 for TOS2.


The only issue listed is the Trading being locked behind Tokens. They can keep the low TP regen (Let’s be honest, cash shop currency that regenerates itself without you having to do anything shouldn’t exist so consider yourselves lucky), keep the limited market slots so the market isn’t flooded with pages of unreasonably-priced items and people are given more incentive to buy the Token, but the Trade feature needs to be removed from there at all costs before the game launches (The limitations on it can stay).

Lettuce w8 & c. :pray: