Tree of Savior Forum

Gold selling theoretical solution

I read this thread TOS can become the new Archeage and then I remembered this novel(Legendary moonlight sculptor) that I read where they play an online game that actually encourages gold selling. the administration created an auction site where you could buy/sell items and gold but there is like a 30%(not sure about the percentage) fee and can be convert to real cash. I mean theoretically, could this thing work? I mean, instead of making it illegal, why not just make it legal because there’s no way in hell they could stop gold selling. just a passing thought though. hehe

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I’m just saying. Instead of trying to stop player to go sell gold and stuff, the least they could do is get a cut and then what they could offer is security that neither of the parties involve in the trading could get scammed.

And so Diablo III with RMAH tried, tried hard until failed since the in-game currency and economy gone to the drain, no good item was sold by gold, only real money, by gold you would only find trash items, or if any good one, for an exorbitant value.

There is no real way to avoid it unless the company have a team specifically for countering that, what i mean is, by turns, they keep vigilance 24/7 in-game.

But i doubt that is viable.

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Having a legit way to sell gold greatly encourages people to bot in order to get that gold to sell.

Really the best way to stop gold selling is just to stop botting, since botting is the problem and gold-selling is a byproduct.

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Saw that on Ark novel. It could work if you make a system on which the player puts their item to sell in “stand by” until the money is received on their bank account.

It could be complicated.

they need to add a fast report button for gold sellers and stuff like that, so ppl report. and they need to have at least 1 guy teleporting to all report places and perma ban gold sellers.
or maybe lot of screens, each one following a report, and someone checking all at the same time and ban if its a real gold seller, and if someone keep making false report this player get like 10-30 mins ban.



if there is an admin with that kind of dedication :sweat_smile:

its not that hard, and probably make a huge diference

The problem with that is resources, human, machine and money.

How about we just keep discouraging RMT through reports and vigilant banning? I prefer the old school methods. I don’t know about anyone else but I don’t want to pay 500k for an item that is only worth 50k.

Besides, when it comes down to it, the only motivation most players have to buy gold(at first)is ego-related. They want to be the best/strongest/best looking class/character on the server and are willing to pay a premium for it. Then the rest just get screwed paying the same amounts because it is now REQUIRED to play on the same level as the rest.

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There is no bot in that game unless Weed himself.:joy:

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The closest thing to this that works I feel is what GW2 did. Made sure everything in store was cosmetic or regarding to secondary playstyles, allowed their in-game money to be traded for their real money “Gems” to create a demand rate that fluctuates the price of real money to gems, and gems to and from in-game money.

If you add anyway to actually make Real Money from the game, you are just going to create a toxic value by giving stuff in game a tangible value, which is exactly the issue with why gold selling is annoying and terrible for a game. Greed causes a ton of issues even without a tangible value to objects.


A wise man once said: Youn can’t stop war. You can’t stop love. You can’t stop hackers and botters.

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Allowing real money to be converted to gold will just mean inflation/ hyper inflation for everyone else.

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Couldn’t agree more with this post! A regulated and taxed black market, is way way better than one that is unregulated and shady. Because demand will continue to exist regardless of the law!

The only way for IMC to stop gold selling is to transfer the gold-selling to themselves.

Let me explain. I used to play RuneScape. In 2012, Jagex (the developer) introduced an item called Bonds. You could purchase that item from Jagex for $5 & sell it in game for money. Why would someone want that item? You can exchange it for 14 days of Membership (subscription) & RuneCoins which you can by Cash Shop costumes with.

With the introduction of Bonds, gold-selling pretty much died but it has made the game P2W (depends on how you look at it). I can spend like $100 on bonds & get filthy rich. Some take offense in that & consider it very P2W. Others see it as an inevitable addition & praise it for allowing players to purchase membership with in-game money.

So choose one.

You want free trade? Prepare for something like Bonds in the future but don’t complain that some credit-card warrior bought their way to success.

You don’t want Bond-Like items? Then there will be no free trade for you. Even if you get a token, it’s still restricted.

My thoughts? I don’t mind Bonds. I don’t care how others make their money. There is no fun for me in just buying my way to the best gear plus it allows me to buy costumes for in-game money & work.

Cash = King. In Game or In Real Life :sweat:

Legalizing it under your own flag lets you control it just about 100% more than making it illegal and try to ban ppl for even as much as attempting it.
Literally the first thing that popped into my mind was weed :smile_cat:
I mean really, making things illegal will take resources from you and put everyone at the same table into a bad position.
Legalizing it under your own rules however opens up opportunities, even for profit. Take a percentage off of each transaction and voila: You are instantly recovering losses.

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I agree with you, GW2 done a really good job with their gems and gold system. Everything in the cash shop is cosmetic or related to secondary playstyles, like you said.

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