Tree of Savior Forum

TOS can become the new Archeage

hmmm…but…I don’t see pso2 die for using the same kind of system though

Wait what!! they add thunderstruck to the cash shop!? I’m glad I quit before that happen…

The only thing that killed ArcheAge for me, was the Labor, if just wasn’t for that, i’d still play the heck out of that game.

As @ethereborn mentioned, Guild Wars 2 is the best example to date of a game that is free to play and not Pay 2 Win at the same time. Its cash shop sells only cosmetic items and items that do not influence the combat system against other players or monsters. ArenaNet did another thing that I loved. Their expansion, instead of raising the level cap, as Ragnarok and WoW did so many times, they just added a huge new area with quests and stuff to be played, but NEVER to acquire new gear that would be stronger than the you had previously. I hate when you work your ass off to craft a tier of some sort, and then they raise the level cap and your two years of effort in crafting that tier is gone through the sinkhole.

IMC, I am by no means advertising for other games. Tree of Savior will most likely be my favorite game, bringing me back to the nostalgic days of Ragnarok. But you guys must look at what other companies did right and wrong and learn from them. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. I am confident that you will release the best game since Ragnarok, I am grateful for your effort in making ToS an reality.

Thank you, and good job with ToS. =D


I think IMC should appoint to something like TERA’s economy with this game, Cash Shop there is totally amazing, but most of items there are cosmetic, consumables if you are lazzy to make them or buy them from other players, and stuffs to accelerate the game (exp boost, world teleports, dngn reset scrolls, rng boxes, etc), non of those items breake the game or the balance between players. There is also the Elite Status but it works in the asme way as the cash shop (exp booster, extra dngns per day, special mount, world teleport, double gold from hunts and quest, daily gifts with potions and scrolls, no fee in broker againts 5% to non elites and discounts in Cash Shop).


Don’t talk like you represent the rest of the playerbase. :smile:

The usual unrestricted gold+auction house economy doesn’t work for MMO, thousands of games died to prove that.

Having “players”(cheaters in this case) monetize your game(aka make an exploitable game) only makes it die faster.

What I trully want is trading silver to your own characters.


No argument to this :joy:

On the other hand, they made a paid expansion at a full price and still utterly devoid of content, some of which hasn’t even implemented yet (the second raid wing is coming next week, only 3 new legendaries released so far, the fractal legendary backpiece is still MIA, and there is no info about Living Story 3). Or even armor skins, in that regard. Despite being sold at full price.
To add to that, they even had the gall to remove cosmetic items that should have been raid rewards to put them to the gem store. Not to talk about gliders, that need a paid expansion to be used to begin with…and yet there were none outside of the default one available ingame, while they’ve released more than 10 in the gem store. The only one that got introduced ingame so far requires making a pvp legendary backpack, heh. Talk about being greedy.
If anything, they should be an example of what shouldn’t be done…

Trading has been limited & auctioning has been restricted to stop gold-selling. If you want currency to be worthless, prices to be jacked up, an endless stream of bots left and right so that you could trade…go ahead but I assure you, the game can’t live long with this.

Yea except their stupid trade system isn’t stopping sellers, they are just selling loaded characters on KTOS instead of silver and im sure they will do the same on the international server if the model stays the same. So your making your game worse for the player base and stopping NOTHING.

@specter1930 you can read the above to, their restrictions are stopping nothing and making crafting classes less relevant as they as usually used as income for other characters. If we cant trade silver thats fine but why cant we pass it between the characters on our own accounts.

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Atm they sell wholesome accounts, loaded with gold in ktos…

YOU WILL NEVER get rid of goldsellers, as logn as people are buying it …

In BNS 10 gold went for 40~100 euro or something at the first week.
(AND 99% of chat is goldseller spam… you will notice it. Outside of guild…)
I made 5 gold, just buying materials for gem crafting… crafting gems and selling the ones that people wanted to have so badly. In 30 minutes of clicking while reading a book.

Didn’t even need a bot, just made money of people not knowing how to effectively craft… #general-discussion
BUT people will buy stuff, just cause they’re lazy or stupid … or it’s cheaper then actually playing the game …

FUN? Guess tha tmost buyers of gold… just want to rush to endgame…
I remember RO was never bot free for real … but there was nearly no market for zeny sellers. (Before rtl2 kid campaign … her ein EuRo) .

Atm i don’t like the way trading and stuff works in ktos.
Let’s see what they do here.

I would pay for tokens…

But they should give me something, not make the game bearable to play … cause without i wont have my sub game in the market…

Good benefits that don’t make it P2W:
-Exp Boost (perm 20~50%, Stackable with Book Exp)
-VIP TP to save up and buy headgears etc. (3 months ro so, worth a low priced hairstyle)
-Bonus package with an unqiue headgear after x months (never to come again or high priced in shop)
-Extra Char slots +1 per month for free (perm, stacking)
-Increased free TP max count (to double?)
-Exp Card Lotterie per Day/ week/ month or anytime they feel is good.

Exp, Cosmetics and achieveable stuff from ingame. Aren’t pay to win. They make the ride just more enjoyable, less time consuming for some.

Things that would make it P2W and an immideatily turn off… resulting in me just crying:
-100% chance upgrade forges
-Weapons with best stats, best atk, best everything. Not gainable ingame.
-Blue or Higher ranked Weapons, buyable ingame.
-Currency (selling tokens to people is okay, as it is a silver sink of a kind. But makeing Currency poof out of nothingness kills economys…)
-Materials for crafting or recipes.



Because market full with stuff… cause people dont walk to the npc… is stupid.

But it’s sad a bit too… i made so much just going there… buying stuff … and selling it 10~30% higher to the npc … Just cause people werent buying things, they set prices below npc value…

AND they got 10% less of that even…

I loved it. xD I’m a evil person xD…

Don’t give me a market toplay with unlimmited MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Only double gold … sounds bad for the economy.

Double Gold is not so bad as it sounds since it just applicable to stuffs you sell to NPCs, you can still make a nice incomming hunting and sellings items, so it was acceptable (I played as a free player and also as en elite double gold is no the reason to take it).

… hmm if the do the 10 time sless vlaue move, they wanted to do on halfway icbt2. Then that might not be so bad.

But if the value of stuff to sell to npc’s is the same as icbt2…

YOu gain alot more silver/hour from selling stuff to npc’s back then.

Any way it is a sugestion about how it should go, it could be also like BnS’ membership where you get 30% extra gold per daily quest and 150% per combat (I know mobs in ToS doesn’t drop money, it is just an example), the items selled to NPC keep the original price.

That sounds like a night and day improvement over the usual selling. It’s massively inconvenient for both parties and easier to detect and ban. They need a token on the bought character to transfer loot to their real characters, so imc makes money off the throwaway account. Without token 1:1 trading, which won’t be there when iOBT starts, how would they get loot onto their real characters?

How much silver selling spam is there in chat? All the screenshots and videos going around make it look like chat is full of normal chatting instead of nonstop spam.


Or just sell a random item for 5m and the seller buy that, you’ll have to pay 10% tax but 90% is yours.

Investigate high priced items are not effective, you have the right to sell your items for the value you want.

Mobs drop silver~

^^ yes they do.