Tree of Savior Forum

Torn diary (part 4)

I have the same problem.
Server: Orsha
Team Name: bkz
Character Name: Elmdor
Missing Torn Diary (Part2).

1 Like

Same problem here. Can’t remember when did I finish cobalt forest tho.
Seever : Klaipeda (Requesting transfer to Telsia atm)
Team name : 7Fingers
Character name : Speculo
Problem : Missing torn diary part4, also somehow I have 2 duplicates of shinobi quest item that scout master give and can’t seem to remove those extras.

So how can we get the torn diary 4 with we completed the quest, im at lvl 159 and i dont have the torn diary 4

Server: Orsha
Team name: FreakXIII
Char name Freak
Problem: Done the quest like 01/04/2016 and didnt get the torn diary 4 from the quest.

Waiting for solucion, Thank You

Server: Telsiai (SEA)
Team Name: 007x
Character Name: Robocop
Missing Torn Diary (Part4).

server : (SEA) Telsiai
Team name : 007x
Character : Robocop

don’t get part 4 after finish quest

server : Orsha
Team name : Stroker
Character : Dande
Missing Torn Diary (Part4).

server : Telsiai (SEA)
Team name : Bkin
Character : Bkin
Missing Torn Diary (Part4).

Anyone missing page 4 been able to do the hidden quest in seven valley mission? I dont know if this is actually required for that or not

Server: Orsha
Team Name: Valens
Character: Lusch
Missing Torn Diary (Part4)

Server: Orsha
Team Name: xelphiea
Character: celestine
Missing Torn Diary (Part 4)

Server: Fedimian
Team Name: GauGau
Character: Meow
Missing Torn Diary (Part4)

Same here miss torn diary 4

Sever: Klaipeda
Team name: Strayed
Name: Strayed

Hi @STAFF_Ethan, it seems im missing Torn Diary (Part 4) too.

Server : [SEA] Telsiai
Team Name : Reedset
Character Name : Betha

Also missing torn diary 4 have completed all quests in Colbat Forest

Server: Orsha ( but transfering to [EU] Fedimian )
Team Name: Mystera
Character: Mystera

Same problem here.
Server: Klaipeda
Team Name: FitH
Character Name: Obesity
Missing Torn Diary (Part 2)

Can you confirm whether or not this is required to get the spirit to spawn for the hidden quest within seven valley mission? ive been trying to get him to spawn but its frustrating not even knowing if its possible since i never got page 4.

Same problem here.
Server: Klaipeda soon will transfer to Telsiai[SEA]
Team Name: MAIIAM
Character Name: Shade
Missing Torn Diary (Part 4)

same here

Server: Klaipeda
Team Name : FuryX
Character : Stryder

and another update and nothing.
a year later, the players will receive rewards for quests, but we will wait and wait.

missing torn diary part 4

Server: Klaipeda (Fedimian EU past transfert)

Team Name: xRomanticzNerdx

Char Name: Rom4ntico

I have miss part 2 Thorn Diary.