Tree of Savior Forum

Top few healer builds?

if -nobody- takes Daino, who’s going to make those scrolls?

for that matter, who -is- making those scrolls right now?

if you want to be “ultimate healer” you should probably add Int into the mix; more Int = stronger heals.

cleric 2 - diev 3 - druid 2 or druid 1 and pd 1 :smiley:

He is not selling the scrolls so idk what are u talking about. (please don’t reply if u are drunk)

-Mass Heal:
Flat SPR (and INT) scaling of HP Bonus (Mass Heal heals for x% Max HP + [Base Bonus HP + SPR + INT] HP bonus)

yea but is anyone?

my point was it doesn’t matter if it’s scrollable, if no one is making/selling the scrolls.

and HEAL (not mass heal; are YOU drunk?) only scales with Int.
additionally, since you pointed it out, adding Int takes nothing away from mass heal, since it scales equally with Int or Spr.

Kriv1 Paladin3 Pardoner1s are making and selling the Kriv1 and Barrier scrolls

@tzxazrael what do you think about 100 CON, 100 SPR (or 150 SPR so at lvl 5 Stone Skin is 1000 Block) and rest into INT? :stuck_out_tongue:

hmm… but monks seems too fun, haha… oh wells

i am done with u, reply me again in 10 years kid.

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more Spr and Con than i would use. but then again, all depends on how you want to use the character.

are you planning to go into PvP stuff?
or is it all going to be for PvE ?

for PvE i’d say you’d probably have plenty with 50 Con/Spr, and then Int.
but for PvP, you’d definitely want to be tankier if you can, and 100/ 100/ Int seems probably good. (I’m not really a PvP’er, so you might want others’ advice here.)

Mainly PvE, I dislike PvP :stuck_out_tongue:

having fun is most impt :smiley:

I personally went Cleric > Priest 3 > Chaplain > Krivis > PD. I do feel that my heal tiles are pitiful, but I try to make up for it with having a high level Revive which is essentially another form of healing. Still, 5 extra tiles feels like a big deal whenever I party with other clerics.

Honestly, as much as people say Daino is scrollable (which it is), I have yet to see any Cleric 2> Priest 3 > Chaplain > PD (the more popular healer/support build) use Daino scrolls in dungeons/missions. A typical Siualai mission or 190/200 dungeon rush requires 2 Dainos (with Daino duration attribute which scrolls don’t have) to last the whole run. So keep that in mind and make a personal decision whether Daino scrolls are good enough for you.

The silver lining to having Krivis 1 is having Zalciai which lets a SPR build obliterate the crit resistance of any boss.

P.S. - A Chaplain can single handedly cap a party’s buff limit! Unless you run Daino 24/7 on your party, please be very very mindful of what other buffs everyone else has, specially if you’re partied with Chronomancers/Thaumaturges. While I do feel that my 1 circle of Krivis is half a waste at least I don’t have to worry about buff limit even for normal grind parties. I absolutely hate it whenever I see Priests who neglect the buff limit and don’t learn how to prioritize which buffs are more important to keep. Like don’t let Aspersion override something way more important like Haste!


right now i have cleric2>krivis1>diev2 and going to diev3>PD
my stat is 50 con and int the rest of it

I have no problem on healing since my int is high and also got bonus from cd reduction from laima so i got carpet of heal tiles
for damage i have an owl and zaibas for skill filler
AFAIK i will have 3 debuff (zalciai,laima slow,laima home ground) for incineration and I am not testing yet for world tree is it count as debuff or not

Cleric’s Deprotected Zone and Krivis’s Aukuras are debuffs for your incineration as well.

oh yeah i forgot about aukuras
for deprotected zone i’m not take that skill so its 4 debuf

has anyone tried this seems quite legit to me, has enough heals and debuffs for ET

I have an alt which is a ThaumaChrono, and I second what you said. Everytime I cast haste or quicken within 4-5 secs everything will be overwritten by the priest in the party… until I need to call out to the archers to turn off their for party swift step, other wizards to stop using reflect shield and the priest to restrict the number of buffs on their side to max 3.

I feel like the Buff Limit should be removed, it pretty much… well, limits xD, our chances to fully use our characters, like even Daino lvl 5 is still nothing compared to the amount of buffs a party can have, like a Cleric-Priest-PD alone is 10+ buffs so they can’t use all of their stuff and be limited at 2 or 3 because they overwrite their party members buffs, it’s kinda sad :frowning:.

Also I know that’s what Krivis is made for but I really don’t like it that you’ve to pick a class MANDATORY if you don’t want to overwrite your party members buffs, limiting your options of another class with more utility or even completing a C3 class.

Sure you can buy scrolls and be done with it, but lvl 5 Daino duration is too short, it doesn’t get the attributes, it’s really low amount of buffs to your buff limit still and there isn’t anyone going to waste their time (I think) making a Krivis C3 - Pardoner C3 just for the sake of selling lvl 15 Daino scrolls (which would be more than 10k Silver for the same duration as the lvl 5 one).

Feel like instead they should give Krivis something different and not having a buff limit, or maybe have it but not one too short.

@_Nekorin may I ask which path did you go for TraumaChrono, kinda interested to make one in the future :3

I too wish for that. But I also realised that if there is no restriction… the buff classes are going to be really OP. Imagine 3x buff support classes get together just to support 2 dps. Hopefully in future they will increase it to 10 at least.

Here is the link to my wiz build:

Still on-going though, now is around level 188, will update again once I hit 220+.

Yeah I guess.

Like when they introduce new ranks and classes, we’re going to have even more buffs to take care of, it’s going to limit our options even further, hopefully they increased by then :frowning:.

Thanks for the guide :3