Tree of Savior Forum

Top few healer builds?

Hi guys,

Need some help, am thinking of going healer+dps char, but I have some problem choosing what class to go and which ones do people usually need in dungeon/grinding/bossing?

Can anyone enlighten me? Was thinking of going monk cleric c2, priest c2 and monk c3, but I heard from some people, monks are not wanted?

There is only three types of healing within cleric starting class which are cleric, priest, plague doctor.

It’s the best healing I think if you have C2 or higher. There not much downside on the class other then the fact it’s mostly for support and has very few attacking options.

The buffs are great however the healing is less than great and if you only have C1 Cleric it’s not going to be the best even if you have C3 Priest.

Plague Doctor:
I’ve not tried it but I do hear it’s healing is still pretty good even with the nerf however I can’t say how well it ranks.

Anyways… The downside of going only into C2 on cleric or priest is that you’re buffs may not be the best out of the group and sometimes can hurt DPS if you cast over someone who cast higher buff than your self. This however isn’t effect as badly if your in a party with friends which you know what skills they have compared to a searching for party group.

what if I wanted to go dps healer, what kind of builds are there?

dps healer
it should be noted pd healing factor was only nerfed in pvp it’s still insanely awesome in pve and still useful in pvp post nerf WHICH is only in ktos anyways and may never end up here.

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Cleric C2 is a must for healer.

I want to make sure what kind of build you want:
Do you want one that’s easy to solo?

I don’t know much about Monk. But the Monk path you pick is difficult to level up during early stage, due to flying units (no Cleric skill can hit, therefore auto-attack them).

If you are interested in Druid, Sadhu, Krivis, and Bokor, however, I could give you some build.

this, with a 4:1 Int/Spr build, with the extra points in Con.
PD isn’t absolutely -required- but it’s certainly not a bad choice either.

it is painfully slow to get to 125-ish so you can finally become chaplain. it isn’t -hard- to get there, just slow, because even with Blessing you deal only moderate damage. but you also have your own heals on-hand, so there should be very little that actually slows you down, either. and then once you do hit chaplain, suddenly you’re doing monstrous melee damage with aspergillum.

MUST haves: Sacrament (you need it for Last Rites), Aspersion (for Aspergillum), Blessing (so much damage when you stack for # of hits). Cafrisun armor (it gives you an extra hit-line with each attack).

always keep Blessing and Sacrament running (you can buy them in town too, but Sac will last an hour, and Bless only ~10 minutes because of the 150 hit limit).
one you hit chaplain, also keep aspergillum and Last Rites running as much as possible.

melee hit (+sac holy +blessing +LR holy) [and any other elemental damage bonuses]
+sacrament Additional Damage hit (+sac holy +blessing +LR holy) [and any other elemental damage bonuses]
+Last Rites Additional Damage hit (+sac holy +blessing +LR holy) [and any other elemental damage bonuses]
+Cafrisun Additional Damage hit (+sac holy +blessing +LR holy) [and any other elemental damage bonuses]
+Aspergillum hit (+sac holy +blessing +LR holy) [and any other elemental damage bonuses]

if you have a Pyro in the party, you’ll probably also have…
+Enchant Fire Additional Damage hit (+sac holy +blessing +LR holy) [and any other elemental damage bonuses]
and every hit-line also will add a bit of Fire damage from the Enchant Fire.

…if i knew of things to give even more hit-lines i’d add those too, but overall it rapidly stacks up into an -immense- burst of damage per hit. it’s hilarious, each new zone i smack a monster a couple of times unbuffed for comparison, and barely scratch it (like 20 hits to kill)… then i buff up and 2-hit or 3-hit the next mob.

additionally, on top of all that stacked damage, you get the other nice benefits like throwing your own heals whenever you need them (and as an Int build primarily, they’ll be quite strong)… Safety Zone… even Cure’s tiny damage rate will take all that stacked damage and become something noticeable. Mass Heal, Stoneskin, etc…

Once you have the “core” of the build done ( Cler > Pr3 > Chap)…
Rank 6 is pretty open, and would make a good spot to push in another rank of Cleric if you feel you need more Heal tiles. you could also add Divine Might, and boost your Safety Zone.
Plague Doctor makes a great addition at Rank 7, with a strong combination of Support and DPS.

if you don’t like either of those choices, you can add nearly anything else that you like to the build.
Krivis for the Lightning AoE, and Daino… Diev for statues… Paladin for heal aura and smite… Pardoner to earn money while you’re sleeping (since you have all the buffs anyway, right?)… Druid for a different style of DPS…

im not really understand how the damage/heal calculate, but they said Heal scale with INT,
and i want lots of heal, even people said 10 heal tiles is enough, i just want more, so i go for cleric c3. and magic based skill.
cleric c3, dievdirby c3, plague doctor , this currently at cleric 2, and diev 2.
i make this because i saw diev’s carve world tree are good with pd’s incineration

stop at cleric 2. you -really- don’t need what little cleric 3 adds.

just get lots of int.

with 30 heal tiles, they’ll simply never get used.

also Carve World Tree and Incineration don’t have any particular combo effect (that i know of… if there’s some hidden effect, please enlighten me.)

World Tree just stops enemies from using skills.
-any- debuff makes Incineration last longer.

The most common meta builds I’ve seen

Cleric > Priest 3 > Chaplain > x > Plague Doctor
Rank 6 is where the path splits because you would be either doing two things.
Cleric 2 for general purpose
Oracle for PvP / GvG
The best support build for cleric path (and the most standard). Cafrisun , Arde Dagger, and Toy hammer can be used up-to end-game. Not much to add because its that good.

a. Cleric 2 > Diev 3 > Druid 2
Strongest single target DPS cleric path with great support. World tree disarms enemies (it only says silence but affected mobs won’t attack too) so its good for clearing.

b. Cleric 2 > Krivis 3 > Druid 2
More mobile than diev 3. You can use divine stigma on the debris bosses summon.

Both A and B can have PD for r7 rather than Druid 2.

Cleric 2 > Bokor 3 > Druid > Plague Doctor
-Effigy + Pandemic build. Effigy hits everything affected by hexing, PDs pandemic spreads that ailment.
Bokor 3 can be swapped with Bokor 2 + Krivis for extra debuff and daino support.

-Monks purpose at the moment is for GvG, energy blast has good range with knockdown (can perma knockdown enemies when bouncing them off walls for the duration).
-Pardoner is for selling stuff
-Sadhu needs reworking but possession is also a good skill.
-Paladins use is only for barrier but it can be sold via simony negating the existence of paladins in end-game content.
-Not too much info on Kabbalist



lvl 10 heal
buffs from krivis
DMG from bokor/krivis/PD
PD OPness

preist>chap isnt a dps, its dmg falls off hard late game

Paladins are underrated. Mages who have Animus loves me.

As long as the build includes Cleric2, you can’t go wrong and put pretty much anything behind, and still be welcome in most pve groups as healer/?? role.

I have 3 clerics and builded 3 non-meta builds that I found functioning in their own purposes :

  • Cleric1/Krivis1/Diev3/Cleric2/Kabbalist, working as part-time healer/offensive support
  • Cleric3/Sadhu2/Druid2, working as healer/singletarget dd
  • Cleric2/Priest1/Paladin3/Pardoner, working as healer/defensive support/cash-machine with barrier scrolls

Of course, not all these builds would be welcome in ET groups, it mainly depends on what the rest of the group bring on the table. But for dungeons, missions and grind parties, there is no problem at all playing one of my roles.

So keep experiencing different things and find what is your prefered role, and then build wisely your character :slight_smile:

I saw people talking about chaplain, i’m giving some advice about it. First of all, before class rank 2 dumb all your stat point in INT. Then after class 2, increase your SPR to ~40-45 then back to INT. After class 5 (which is Chaplain) start to put CON until 80 and the rest back to INT.

People say you must have more SPR for Stone Skin. Personally I don’t think it’s a good idea since most skill scale with INT and why should we sacrifice all other skills for 1 only.

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If you want DPS cleric with some healing go for this.
This is a better build overall. You get the same benefits plus more DPS from carnivory. Plus you get telepath which is op for pvp.

yeah, but krivis 1 isnt that good. krivis 2 is awesome though.

All you need is cleric c2

Yes krivis 1 is not that good but druid1>krivis2

When you get PD, zaibas will fall off. You can replace krivis 1 with diev1 for better endgame filler for CD reduction+slow+debuff, sp reduction for effigy and some carve for leftover mobs.

The good thing with Krivis2 is it will make your early levels faster.

Don’t take Daino it is scrollable

I’m going for a Cleric C3 - Priest C3 - Plague Doctor build for the ultimate healer char :stuck_out_tongue: currently a Cleric C1 - Priest C1 lvl 3x and going for a 1:1 SPR:CON ratio (probably until 100 con then the rest into SPR).

I know Cleric C3 is overkill but I like it :3