Tree of Savior Forum

[Ongoing-build] Auto-attack support Thau/Chrono

Hi saviors, this is Nekorin from Telsiai. I’ve been levelling a AA support wizard and am having difficulties in finding guides or updated discussions on how to build or gear this character. So I’m thinking, hmm if there is not many guides or discussions about this, why not start one. Hope this small build-guide helps players decide whether to jump unto this AA bandwagon.

Here is my build, a variant of the popular full support Cryo->Linker->Chrono build, since this is a support build after-all. Now currently level 152 and on route to class 6 (Chrono2)

The minor differences is taking pyro1 instead of chrono1 for more AA goodness and flame ground which is a really really good aoe skill. Thaumatage 1 instead of linker2 for a 200+ physical/magic attack buff for the entire party instead of being able to link 3 more monsters. Have not decided on what to take for class 7 yet, I’m kind of torn between taking Chrono3 or Thauma2. Any feedback and suggestions are greatly welcomed.

What this build hopes to achieve

  • Viable as a support character in the 200+ levels
  • Yet still retain some ability to solo if need be (either for dailies/farm materials etc)
  • Fun playing as an auto-attacker (reminds me of the Ys series which I love)

With regards to Toy Hammer for Wizards

This is something which is discussed/asked by many saviors but not documented much. Decided to just bite the bullet, buy a Toy Hammer and just try it. Turns out that it is really not too bad and the hammer served me well from level 110s up till now. Added a small video on Toy Hammer damage for wizards:

At base strength 8 (5 +3 with Zachariel Bangle) the Toy Hammer explosion damage is around 1200-1400s. INT/magic attack does not affect the explosion damage at all. So if you are an INT based wizard, Toy Hammer doesn’t work for you. Physical attack does scale with Toy Hammer’s explosion. With my current Thaumaturge Swell Left Arm with around +203 physical/magic attack, the explosion damage is increased to 2300-2400s.

A rough formula for Toy hammer explosion is 5 x Physical Attack, just from the looks of it.

So it begs the question, is investing in Strength really good for Toy Hammer for a AA wizard? The answer is No. The reasons is as follows:

  • Each point in strength adds +1 to physical attack, which translates to 5 toy hammer explosion damage. This is a very very low increment of damage for a stat point investment. Toy hammer explosion damage occurs every 10 hits, even when fully buffed with sacrament+cafrisun+enchant fire, the explosion still occurs once every 3 attacks. Hence, each point in strength only addes around 1.67 damage on average. A player would need to invest at least 200 points in Strength just to see an increase of 300 damage per hit. Not worth it at all.

  • Strength doesn’t add to wizard’s auto attack damage. Wizard’s auto attack damage is based on magic attack.

Other things regarding Toy Hammer:

  • Toy Hammer’s explosion occurs on the monster itself, not melee range. The wizard can just fire off AA projectiles and toy hammer will trigger once the monster takes in 10 hits.
  • Number of hits to explosion is calculated individually to each monster. That means if you hit 3 monsters in a row using Arde dagger (12 hits total), there will not be an explosion since each monster only receives 4 hits. You will need to clock 10 hits on 1 monster for the explosion to trigger.
  • There seems to be an internal timer for hits registered on a monster. After 2-3 secs of not hitting the monster, the hits revert back to 0 and the player will have to clock another 10 hits to get the explosion.
  • Toy Hammer’s explosion is NOT an AOE attack. It is a single direct damage attack that can be dodged.

In conclusion for this weapon, is Toy Hammer worth investing for an auto-attack wizard? Yes if you are planning to be a Thaumaturge, No if you have no plans to add at least a Thau1 in your build.

What other weapons should an AA wizard use besides Toy Hammer

Currently we have very limited choice of weapons as some awesome AA weapons has not been implemented as of yet. The current best weapon I can think of is Maga Rod. It is good due to the +68 earth attack which adds to all the extra lines of attack the AA wizard has. Compared to Catacombs club which only adds 303 damage to the 1st hit, this rod adds 194+68 to first hit and 68 to the subsequent hits.

Other weapons which are not implemented in game currently:

The godly AA rod.

Flame. Anyone knows where this sword drop?

How does an AA wizard play

Some may find it boring but I do enjoy playing as my AA wizard, she gives off a really fun and happening vibe with a really up close and personal playstyle. Z, X and C (Projectile, Jump & secondary attacks) are your main buttons. It is really hard to put it in words, so do take a look on how an AA wizard playstyle is like below:

The above video was recorded when I accidentally clicked into a Siauliai Mission run in a 1 man party. IMC please fix this so this kind of accident clicks wun happen T_T. Since I was already in and used 1 mission entry for this blunder, might as well try to see how far I can go. The result was indeed surprising since the build is more of a support than a DPS. Halfway through I discovered that I didn’t even bring a single HP potion…zzz.

Small tip on how to play as AA wizard. “Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.”

Skill Allocation

Hope you guys can help me in this, I’ve many skill points unallocated as I don’t know what is really good and for a wizard that does not invest in INT. Currently the skill allocation is as follows:

Wizard C1 - (Left 4 points)
Sleep 5
Reflect Shield 5
Earthquake 1

Pyromancer C1 -
Enchant Fire 5
Flame Ground 5
Fireball 5

Linker C1 -
Joint Penalty 5
Hangman’s Knot 5
Unlink 1
Physical Link 4

Thaumaturge C1 - (Left 8 points)
Swell Left Arm 5
Transpose 1
Swell Body 1

Chronomancer C1 - (Left 9 points when change to Chrono2)
Quicken 5
Reincarnate 1

Flame ground is currently my staple DPS skill, along with joint penalty to help out clear groups occasionally. Have not tried out Thaumaturge’s swell and shrink body. How does the 2 skills work? For wizard C1 what other skill should I invest in for the 4 points? Should I just keep the 9 points and straight get Quicken10 + Haste5 or invest in slow/stop/reincarate? Does investing in reincarnate increase the chances it will work on bosses? I tried reincarnate on the boss it hits like once every 15 times… (as in the debuff is shown on the boss)

Many thanks in taking the time to read, I’ll update the post more as I level and find out more things.


Hey another Battle Mage enthusiast! And a full CON Toy Hammer build! Thanks for sharing your tests! I think @Jinkx will like to see this, as a fellow Battle Mage (but with a completely different build) =D

Please keep us updated with your progress!

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Well basically the build (regardless of intention) is an auto attack build if you go w1-cryo-1-linker2-crhono2(approaching3). in your case you said you’re torn between c3 chrono and c2 thauma. C3 linker is more powerful because they get their best skills in c3, c2 thauma gets the other swell, but for support *and even yourself) reducing all your cooldowns by 25 seconds is insanely powerful, not to mention the support and utility potential of backmasking.

Wow, such an interesting topic! I love it!

Yes, the Toy Hammer mechanics are so amazing, if I had enough silver in the game, I could buy it so I would test it more. STR scales the explosion damage, but it doesn’t increase that much. Preference here is using a Thauma with a good [Swell Left/Right Arm] and make the explosion strike pop a lot of damage. Cafrisun + Enchant Fire + Sacrament is recommended.

Since I went from Wizard C3 (Quick Cast adds huge auto-attack damage!) and Pyromancer C1 (now I’m level 110), my route is definetely pursuing Thauma up to C3. Chronomancer is an amazing class, but I have some ping issues and an optimal Quicken skill is directly affected from response times. So, I prefer to hit harder than hit faster.

As for @_Nekorin skill build, I’d put more points on Swell Body, because duration is too short and mobs will receive double HP stat, so you have a very short time frame in order to assure kills and receive double EXP/drops from them.

Chronomancer, as expected, you can invest 1 point on Stop (it works with Flame Ground!) and Slow is kinda up to you. You can save some points to take Haste and more Quicken at C2 as soon as you advance your class.

So, about [Flame] sword, I think it goes best with a Melee Battle Mage (with a dagger) because it provides just Fire Property Attack and no Magic Attack (Physical Attack doesn’t help you at all). I think [Ignition] with a [Arde Dagger] would be a better (and easier to get) choice. Another alternative is the supreme [Power Staff], which gives a lot of Physical Damage equal to 200% Magic Attack (with C-button attack), so this Staff is highly recommended with a Chronomancer, since Staff attacks use to be veeeeery slow.

I think that’s all for now, and more info about Battle Wizard can be found in my megathread here:

Thanks for @texwill for mentioning me here, I’m glad to share all my experience and information with you guys! Baaai~ :heart:

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@texwill Thanks, I’ll update as I level and experiment with more stuff :3

@sierrabind yeah, that’s the dilemma I had. On one side having thau2 gives more offensive buffs + defensive buffs (for shield holders) , the other side Chrono3 is so good that it feels really hard not to get it. My guild mates have indicated that having Pass is better than having an extra 200-300 boost in physical/magic attack.

Chrono3’s Pass skill doesn’t really affect this build much though, since most of the skills cast are buffs which have a CD very near to their buff times.

@Jinkx Thank you for linking your awesome thread, I’ve gain much insight from it :3

Yep, STR scales with explosion but I find that it is not worth going for it as it only affects the toy hammer explosion and not anything else (besides using dagger attack) in our arsenal. Toy hammer damage does fall off after level 170+ when new weapons are available.

Currently I’m using cafrisun+sacrament+enchant fire which gets a total of roughly 1600-1700 per attack. Tag on swell left arm the damage increases to 1700+~1800+ total for 4 hits. Toy hammer triggers twice every 5 normal attacks I do for a total of 4800-5000 damage. Divided down (20 hits) that is around 240-250 additional damage per hit.

Aside from the obvious +300 elemental noname rod which is not in the game as of yet, there are not many weapons that can replace the toy hammer explosion damage. Unless the weapon itself has a high enough magic attack that adds 800-1000 extra damage for the 5 basic attacks.

Total damage for 5 hits with Toyhammer: ~13300

Currently I’m just using 6 points for chrono C1 so I can instantly get Haste5 and Quicken10 the moment I hit C2. Maybe I should just add 1 to stop first :3

For [Ignition], does the 5% burn trigger on the additional lines of damage? Power Staff is really nice, but I’ll need to add INT for it to work. Come to think of it, investing points in INT is also good since it increases the damage of flame ground and my basic attacks too.

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I still don’t know about Burn mechanics from Ignition, but seems to be a good transition weapon… we need to compare it side by side with Toy Hammer and calculate all lines of damage. I’m trying to get more silver, since I can find Toy Hammer in Market around 1.8kk silver haha~ so I’ll bring more content soon, okay? :heart:

Thanks, will await your input on toy hammer :3. Toy hammer is probably the go to weapon for your build. Since based on rough calculation each Thaumaturge circle will tag on an additional ~1k damage to the explosion.

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