Tree of Savior Forum

Took me 227levels to realized I was playing the wrong class.. (Rerolling into Swordsman tree)

On swordsman, should you go full dex or 1:1 str & dex?

Even with people discouraging me of going SW3>Cata3>Goon2… I am really having a blast with my cata right now compared to my physical cleric. I think it’s definitely going to be my main and since I will be getting trot15, I can easily complete 100% map exploration and finish all quests for maximum achievement points! :grinning:

edit: people who discourage my build said fencer is much better with their 100% crit attack buff and inquisitor with wheel and pears do much more damage than a catagoon could… :unamused:

Well Iunno everyone’s opinion is different, but I’m a huge fan of full dex. Dat crit and evasion. Current meta is gay anyways, you can get to the point of taking 1 damage from almost everything if you’re geared.

Nothing more annoying than hitting 1 damage with rush gg. Both evasion and DEF/MDEF are more potent for tanking than the “HP sponge” imo. But, you won’t be god-mode versus everything due to skills like dethrone which is like 16.5k damage with 0 PATK. Good luck getting that much DEF… (this is when evasion comes into play).

If people are really geared, their magic missile and inquisitor magic missile version 2 will probably 1 shot you if you’re full dex, but it’s really hard to be good against everything… (And also why skills like ausrine exist…I guess, as OP as that skill is).

Mind you Rank 8 isn’t the absolute end of this game, and dev still looking to adjust all skills/mechanics every now and then. It would be better if you play the combination of class that you actually like its concept. Almost all combinations are playable.

If you want to persue that tiny yellow “1” pop on the head your char though, it’s another matter and prepare to reset your char often

P.S. Just my personal speculation, I bet rank 9 the momentum of power will come to corsair and monk. Heck, even Squire might get a big cake too cougharrestandwrestletargetinsidecough

Can’t you see the beauty of role playing Monk ?
A healer who left the priest’s church believing that protection and hope come not just from prayer but also, through the vanguard, something that he would call aggressive negotiations. :innocent:
He than begin to train his mind and body to protect his allies, he encounters a martial artist, who then becomes his master. He learn how to concentrate his inner strength and expand his soul upon his foes. :punch:
But there is a point where his fists alone are not enough, the demons are outnumber. :head_bandage:
Accepting that he wouldn’t succeed defeating the demons only with his body and souls strength, he returns to the church to meditate, and try to find a way to defeat them. :pray:
It is then that he knows the master of Templar’s order, who teaches him the art of fighting the darkness, and the quest to purge the evil of the earth. He wears his armor under the cloak of the order, and invokes a sacred relic that serves as a catalyst to expand the blast of his fists, defeating each opponent around him.:skull_crossbones:
Please, do not bother yourself with little things like why do my monk its punching someone holding a mace…:poop:

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lol that was a nice read and quite hilarious!

Then the Monk threw all his philosophies out the window when he did a 360 job switch into an Inquisitor to punish demons in cruel ways like breaking wheels and iron maidens…

He said to himself, fists? Meh… ILL SMASH YOU TO DEATH!

Sorry but… I am really bothered by this. There needs to be another class after Monk C3 that isn’t Inquisitor… Maybe another new class similar to Monks and will follow the same concept/philosophies as Monk and not a 360degree change in job Monk -> Inquisitor.

Anyway, I am having so much more fun with the Swordsman class now. Sooo much more than my cleric-priest-pala-monk…

Well those costumes has been around forever… Zealot and the Lama costume…

I have pretty much given up on waiting. We shall see though… If they do release Lama and Zealot someday for R9 and R10, We are going to need an entire class reset again. Since every Monk right now probably took inquisitor and some other support ranks for ultilities like kabba/pd/miko as there is really nothing else for Monks, their hotkeys will be even a bigger mess if they go cookie cutter: C2>P2>Monk1>Ora1>Kabba1>Inquisitor1>Zealot1>Lama1

Wow what a mess that is lol.

IF Rank10 is really the last and final rank, I’d rather play something straightforward like SW3>Cata3>Dragoon3>whatever hidden class… at least my hotkeys won’t be a complete mess.

the thing is ppl say monks are in cleric supposed to be support not do much dps bla bla

but i see diev3 miko pd2 bokor druid inquisitor doing tons of dmg… while monk is …?

but i have to agree that i really dislike inquisiotr as a progression for monk, give us “champion” xD and also fist/knuckle weapons too

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Almost everyone who plays cleric go Diev3-miko-pd2/inquisitor these days… Miko only made the choice more obvious with clap for perma-statues. The synergy… is simply PERRFECT!!!

Monk is really in a weird spot… It just doesn’t fit. Neither skills synergy nor the theme/aesthetics can you find synergy between Monks with any of the sub-classes within the cleric tree unlike Miko+diev3…

Infact, swordsman tree seem to have better skill-synergy with Monks… Pain Barrier and Concentrate (Basically a self-blessing that scales with STR & DEX for swordies)

Monk doesn’t even benefit much from Cleric2/3… Cure15 and heal15 is actually such a good skill for magic-based clerics. Infact, Cleric3’s heal bomb and cure tile actually does more damage than double punching as a Monk1 if you have a magic-based cleric.

SW3>Pelt1>Monk3 would have been so much better than C2>P2>Monk3… And by being in the SW tree, the devs can just go at it and remove Golden bell into “Asura Strike” and Iron Skin into a self-buff/heal “Chakra”. Hell, since Monk is in the SW tree now, might as well give his Energy Blast all those 200%, 300% modifiers just like Cataphract’s Earth Wave and reduce the CD to like 20s or 30s

^ A Monk enthusiast’s wet dream.

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they really should have thought about that… and not just throwing random stuff…

if they’re gonna put monk in cleric, they shud make it worthwhile… they should give them some useful things that magic-based cleric cannot have unless they invest into circleS of monk…

and personally, i feel they should really lessen the base dmg and put more emphasis on stats… rediculous how diev3mikoinqui full con doing more dmg than str/dex monk … LUL

Well Monk is not the Monk from Ragnarok Online. ROs Monk is simply the best Monk that ever existed in any RPG, with all that spirit sphere attacks, combo skills, disabling, Snapping around and of course, Asura Strike and Gate of the Hell…

How is TOS supposed to beat that? Not! TOS has a class system that’s not a one way street where you can freely advance between all different classes, and that’s a nice thing. The only issue is that some classes are basically useless in combination with any other classes, e.g. Pardoner, Sadhu, Oracle and Kabbalist. There’s also the limitation by skills scaling with either patk or matk, and many Classes don’t feature both attack types, which is a problem that doesn’t exist within the other Class trees where you just got matk or patk-based skills.

They should just make the Cleric skills scale with your highest attackvalue (if it’s patk then all skills scale with patk and vice versa) but still retain their nature when counted against def and mdef (meaning magic skills would scale with patk but get reduced by mdef while physical skills could also scale with matk and still get reduced by pdef), which would solve most problems Clerics face atm by being the only hybrid tree.

This would also encourage more Class and build variation…

monk c3 shud get attributes for ‘pain barrier’ type thing… cos going monk c3 means ur committed to melee patk dps path like swordies … >,<

there someting call safety wall. cast that and dps away

you can still get knocked out of safety wall sometimes and when doing energy blast if a mob hits u or knock u back it cancels and boom 1 minute cooldown gone :frowning:

This is actually what I thought of if they were to make a magic based Swordsman/physical based Wizard.
Can’t throw a whole stat build out of the window for a single class.
It would also give a little more freedom for Cleric builds in general but I think they first need to turn down some of these values on Cleric classes (Healing Facter i.e.)

That would make cleric incredibly OP as well.

Not really. All weapons that can be used by Cleric are way weaker than the two handed weaponry of Swordsmen, Archers and Wizards and has less gemslots (just hinting at pistols having 2-3 slots in contrast to daggers, or those cannon subweaponry e.g.).

Then there’s the issue that Archers and Swordsmen have potentially way higher damage output options because of so many different attack skills offered by the Classes,
while Cleric is basically always cornered by the split-up between physical and magical skills, and many buff/debuff skills that decrease the possible damage values but increasing the survivability of the Classes.

In the current gameplay, it’s rather Swordsmen and Archers becoming extremely OP because they can reach high def and mdef values to negate damage, have block&dodge options as well as access to more damage, cc and utility due to their base Class abilities to kite monsters (Swordsmen can dash while Archers can attack while moving).

On the contrary, what profit is Heal for 200k HP if I only get hit for 1s?
The skill scales with matk and INT, so if I invest in DEX/STR as a Paladin, Monk or Inquisitor I get nothing out of it, not even decent damage;
The same with the weaponry: transcending a weapon will not increase the damage of all my skills. How can this be? Swordsmen, Wizards and Archers don’t have that problem, as all their skills scale with only one stat, while Cleric scales with two stats(patk or matk)…

If at all, Clerics are currently dead last because Class options are limited/forced onto the statbuild you chose, and spreading statpoints is heavily punished in this game, remember?

Swordsmen,Archers and Wizards are OP, Clerics in no way…

Seems like you have no idea about the power of Inquisitor.
I would like to know how the new Golden Bell Shield in ktos works. If it brings the same protection Ausrine does or even better Monk 3 would also be really good in ET.

i do hope golden bell get super good, right now it so bad

Could you tell me what Golden Bell protects from right now?
All kinds of dmg? Does it protect from Knockback?