Tree of Savior Forum

Tommorw is a new work day

I don’t really think it’s fair to compare this to Blizzard titles, LoL, Dota, and other mainstream/triple A titles. I mean, it might just be my experience but I don’t expect the same things from a F2P KMMO as I do from a company like Blizzard. There are gonna be regional differences here, too. How many people do you think they have on the ToS team? We have no idea what their shifts look like or who’s doing what here or over in Asia.

Anyway, it’s been four days. My decision on this is to let it sit and see if they start communicating a bit better throughout the week due to all the forum rage.

They won’t, we raged over this throughout icbt2.

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Compare it to anything. Dragon Nest, Gw2, Aion, Tera etc… They all have the same things. Also, as I said. When Riot started they were even smaller than IMC and they had support 24/7. If servers went down, they were writing on the forum max 30 min later. That’s how a company works, and that’s why you hire people for these jobs.

Really, that’s something pretty obvious thing.



i think u need to go business school again lol. Consumer does not determen the value lol… the company does. why do u think a game cost 60$ if a consumer would choice it would be free and no games was ever to be released… oh god u even have a team? ye goodluck u dont. cause u dont even have a slight idea of anything lol. and your not even public. and like most things in usa they fail and lose all their money

True that. After people begin to complain a lot, its time to drop the cute staff member to calm us all down. We feel like the goddess has left us.(So punny!) Like, literally. Bring someone over IMC ROFL.

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that’s where u are wrong lol… Riot does not have 24/7 support… and if they answer it’s because they like to check forum from home…

try check out all mmo’s in the world none of them will respond to you in the weekend or in the middle of the night. unless the team is from Usa or Eu depending on team zone

Well, that’s why you hire a big team of support and maintenance when releasing a game on the other continent. Ya know?
Thats obviously their bad.

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Its really painful to see a really good game go plop because of management, as of now I’ll be seeing how this weeks fixes/communication will play out. Otherwise I just can’t recommend this to anyone atm.

Truth be told, I know that a lot of people wants this game to work and grow big, but as of how things are going, it will probably only go worse.

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Honestly… I don’t even know how to explain to you that you just argued against your own argument.

So, according to what you just wrote, the company should have PR because the developers are busy fixing things and making new content, right? (If yes, we agree. If no, you’re calling the wrong person an idiot… though you admit you don’t understand business… though… then you argue how business works… I don’t even know if you realize how horrible your arguments are at this point lol)

IF they had a PR team then wouldn’t they also have a Community Relations team? (I assure you… these are different professions altogether. I’m not explaining it to you because right now I’m not sure you can understand it.)

IF they had a Community Relations team then why aren’t they on the forums talking to the community? The last post was two days ago by a developer.

So, according to your own argument, they are bad at business. Although, according to your own argument, so are you because, and I quote, “a programmer doesnt do PR and business he does programming.” Fair enough. So why are you talking so much about business? Do you or do you not know how to run a business?

Let’s tl;dr this sumbich!!!

You have both zero experience and zero knowledge, admitted by yourself, yet you are arguing as though you have at least some experience and some knowledge.

Oh. And now you’re running off because I’m shredding your arguments and you’re still too young (you implied that you’re 15) to understand how to respond to the reality that you’re wrong and others can see it. We’ve all been there. It’s called humility. Easily handled by just admitting it, apologizing, and moving on. I did it once on this forum already after mixing up two names… well… it wasn’t two names I just thought it was two names lol… it happens.


they can’t if they dont have the money u know?

And responsible Dev (I’m not referring to game dev, but many other company that I knew) will usually work even when back to room.

Hell, even I have to work through Saturday and Sunday from times to times when situation arise.

i cba to read your wall of text lol…

yes thats how a Game company work lol…

they have PR,Business people, Designers,programmers and much more. programmers and designers have nothing to do with PR or business they are told by the GM and other people what to do lol

Please, do not talk to me…or talk, but first link me your fb profile, and let’s see who is that “adult, knowledgable guy” behind the words.

Cause as I see so far, you lectured 2 guy (including me) who has his own business. Which is nice…

Now you are saying that Riot does not have 24/7 support, when it’s a fact that they do. EVEN NOW! Man, honestly, DROP THE FREAKIN’ ACT.

Or just show yourself to us… We reached the point where we need a face for our new god, so we can pray. Cause I’m eager to know how old are you, what is your experience.

Honestly, drop the act, or show the fact.

I think it’s time to run away, and try to say some bullshit to avoid this thing. I mean, you better come up with something, why you are not doing this, and that you don’t have to prove anything here, cause you are just simply right.

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While in the midst of an argument any attempt to claim that something is a “wall of text” simply means it has intimidated you.

Or you’re lying. Either way. I left a tl;dr for you lol

P.S. I also destroyed all previous and future arguments you may present. Enjoy having zero credibility now.

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you are all acting like perfectionists, well tough luck is doesn’t work that way, humans make mistakes, deal with it, no mmo lauches 100% perfect, keep dreaming

I completely agree with these points on communication, so maybe “unfair” was a poor way for me to phrase it. So I guess what I was thinking was probably more like I didn’t expect it from them haaa… that’s not good, is it? :laughing: I just don’t think people should compare it as if it’s gonna help or be meaningful maybe.

I’m also not an iCBT player though and I just found out that this “early release” was brought on by fans supposedly and these problems have been around for a while. Sorry guys.

u cleary dont have a business lol and even if u do i still have more knowledge then u.

and no riot doesn’t have 24/7 staff try and go create a support ticket… they never respond from 12-6 am.
or check any of the maintence,twitter,facebook and whatsoever…

I’m a doctor.
If there’s an emergency, I go there and I do my damn job. If something goes wrong, it’s my damn job to talk to the patient or his family and admit, that there’s a problem. I don’t have PR manager saying crap about “being sorry for the inconvenience”.
They didn’t do their job. Screw them, unprofessional amateurs.

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Humans make mistakes all the time, i agree. You wanna know what decent human beings do to follow up mistakes? Fix them

IMC is proving quite well they are far from professional, they endorsed an obvious cash grab, and are now either crying cause they cracked under pressure or are sipping mimosas because their plan went perfectly.

Either way, IMC has messed up hardcore and doesn’t seem to understand how easy class actions are to make now a days.

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