Man, your arguements are went to pathetic.
These: “I know how to program…”
“I didn’t release a game , yet…”
That’s why I said that you are a wanna be savior. Everyone here who is a working adult, or somebody with a little bit knowledge knows this. Why? Because you think that this is your spot in the community, you want to be an important person here, the savior, the “smart one”, the one guy who will lead everybody out from dark, cause there is only one man who sees this situation trought: You.
What you have here, is a narcissistic personality disorder with some cocky, immature behavior. Stop it, honestly, that will be better. You should get up from that chair cause you are making fun of yourself.
IF you are acting, like now, do it right. Do not say things like “didn’t release a game yet”, cause we will all know that you are chasing your dreams here, and yet you are here with nothing. Drop the acting…honestly…it’s annoying.
My arguement with you is over with this, cause I’m not here to take care of your mental problems, but hey… good luck with the acts.