Tree of Savior Forum

Tommorw is a new work day


ALL porn sites have 24/7 staff. Blizzard DEFINITELY has 24/7 staff. Even my current company has a 24/7 staff HAHAHAHAHA and we’re a full volunteer force right now.

I get it now. You have zero clue what’s going on and are trying to pass off as someone who makes sense. I know who you’re voting for :wink:


I get you LOL Its hard, I was almost raging on Mr Boycott. xD

porn sites? pff no they dont and blizzard doesn’t either lol why do u think maintence happens early in the morning? and why do u think support or any staff head home late? try take a look on their twitter and so.

if they had a staff 24/7 they would do maintence around midnight …

Do you realize how long it takes to prep for a maintenance? You don’t do that prep a day or two ahead of time and then fire it off…

Kiddo just go outside and get some sun lol you’re losing this battle.

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Lol Toupée much?
No but really you should expect this to happen on many games, not all games have the money or the power to handle the masses. They did their numbers wrong, and im pretty sure they get it.
(Come on, they MUST check the forums… right?.. Anyone?)
Lets give em a chance to fix their mistakes without burning em out. Even i am upset about the commander but seriously its not like they arent trying (Last night’s emergency fix for Klaipeda)

eh a maintence is done on the day lol… they have a plan every week of what needs to fixed… the maintence overall isnt something u need time to prep…

and i get it too we still paid 50$ and the game is realy nice we want to play but well go play a game of dota 2 ea time tos make you rage you gonna rage on noob on dota 2

i didnot mean about the cilent think on dota 2 they a team to repair the ■■■■ and when is about 500 000ppl watching on twitch. and they still have prob

this game is far from dota 2 is not gonna take 2/3hours to fix it just got started

Man, your arguements are went to pathetic.

These: “I know how to program…”

“I didn’t release a game , yet…”

That’s why I said that you are a wanna be savior. Everyone here who is a working adult, or somebody with a little bit knowledge knows this. Why? Because you think that this is your spot in the community, you want to be an important person here, the savior, the “smart one”, the one guy who will lead everybody out from dark, cause there is only one man who sees this situation trought: You.

What you have here, is a narcissistic personality disorder with some cocky, immature behavior. Stop it, honestly, that will be better. You should get up from that chair cause you are making fun of yourself.


IF you are acting, like now, do it right. Do not say things like “didn’t release a game yet”, cause we will all know that you are chasing your dreams here, and yet you are here with nothing. Drop the acting…honestly…it’s annoying.

My arguement with you is over with this, cause I’m not here to take care of your mental problems, but hey… good luck with the acts.


They responded as you say, so tech it was still their choice.
like I said, blaming it on the community is quite dumb they could’v just said no.

The responsibility still falls on them and not the community.

Look, I have no qualms with the dev, I’m actually happy with the game but whats making me upset is that most of the problems that we are encountering today existed way back in cb1-cb2, you would’v thought that they would’v addressed those problems by now.

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Don’t read me as one of those guys picking up a pitchfork. I’m just also not one of those guys that’s going to sit back and listen to some ignorant whiteknights slam people who are voicing legitimate complaints.

My buddies and I all give them a week. We’re patient. At the same time I’m not PAYING for a beta LET ALONE one that is marketed as an “Early Access” which means “Ready For Release”.

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Hoho, I have somebody here who has seen trought our actor too :smiley: Just do not stomp him too much… :slight_smile:

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What? PLEASE let me know if you ever start running a business. I want to stay far away from that. You might actually have the worst business understanding of anyone who has openly tried to convince people otherwise.


My buddy is forcing me to do it :frowning:


I’m trying to get some Sunday entertainment and this ■■■■■■■ throws me under the bus.

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I agree completely. I’m giving them a week too, I expect them to work their asses off this whole week and if things arent getting any better I’m just gonna be liek
“Aight, I have you my chunk of change. Good luck pals”
Also BAD choice of IMC to call it an Early access without letting us know they were not on top of things. (I.E. Game is progressing and you might experience errors) Then again…

I didnt read the terms completely… so yeah. Lol.


the only one who has a bad understanding is u lol…

and no one would recruit a 15 year old kid like u anyway…

i know exactly how it works and beside it isnt something i have to do thats why PR exist… and business people exist for u idiot…

a programmer doesnt do PR and business he does programming.

also i dont have anymore time to deal with your stupidy today

Wow, if the guys working on this aren’t imc internals… I pity them…
Having an unexpected bug, contacting imc devs, waiting for an answer, trying to fix it…

Anyway, what we are criticizing is the execution of this OBT.
First, the whole EA things is an obvious cash grab.
Second, they pretended that there weren’t enough players to justify an EU server, which was a blatant lie.
Third, servers were coughing during launch so they added two more servers.
Fourth, they reduced spawn rate in order to ease the server pressure and allow more players to play.
Fifth, servers started to become retard.
Sixth, it’s weekend and imc gives minimal support like they accustomed us to.

About the past :

I can’t defend such an execution.
They launched it like a fan game. It isn’t.
They should have overshoot their needs (particularly maps servers, since theses seem the ones prone to crash) and hired enough staff.
It’s iCBT2 all over again… (In fact, it seems to be worse) Seriously…
Like WHY are current(=today) servers not beefy enough to support the players pressure ? Like they didn’t sell enough EA ? Tsss…
Now they’ll take the backfire and it’s deserved…

edit : oh yeah, and I didn’t give a cent to imc because I knew that it would be chaos.
I just didn’t expect such chaos :stuck_out_tongue:

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The problem here is nothing special. I mean, it’s ok to have problems, it’s ok to be bad and so on… You know what’s the real problem? They are not on the forums to say:
“Guys, sorry, we are trying our best…”
“Hello Guys! So, here are the progress regarding to…”
“Hello Guys! Just a friendly reminder that we are working hard , even now to provide a smooth service to you…”



Oh well, back to watching The Flash I guess.

And also, for the people that actually think they “need” a break, no mmorpg company in the history of ever would take a weekend break after an early access launch. At least they wouldn’t if the servers are in the state they are at the moment. But I guess common sense doesn’t apply to: BUT THEY NEED TO RELAX TOO!!!


I read them. Nothing that stated the game wasn’t in a “Ready To Release” state.

And before anyone says anything dumb about that term let it be known that the term is dictated by the PLAYERS. That means that if you’ve got quests that simply don’t work, server login/latency/lag issues that are not being addressed (silence is assumed a non-action/non-awareness of an issue… welcome to business), and that they were going to flip flop on how communicative they are with their community then you’re going to get vehement whiplash from the community.

For those of you that don’t know how business works the CONSUMER determines the RealValue.Quality of your goods/services not you. You don’t get to determine if your game (in this case) is AAA worthy or not - the players do. Period. Don’t like it? Go make a great game (like my team is doing) and you won’t have to worry about it.

Welcome to Capitalism.