Tree of Savior Forum

Tommorw is a new work day

your so dumb it hurts… it’s called reality kiddo… and beside the team of IMC isnt as big as u think fool. and u dont do shifts in programming u all program at same time to talk with each other in order to come with a better solution.

but its clear to me that u are a idiot who understand not even the basic of how the reaility works

Wait, how does translation have to do with coding. It’s an even bigger issue if all the language related stuff is hardcoded.

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Ok lets say your boss gives you a task.

You can do it in a week, but your boss says you need to do it for a day, because you need to appease the customers.

Is it your fault for not being able to comply? Or is it the boss’ fault for giving you bad time inequivalent to your capability?

Many bugs we encountered now are reported in the bug report section with the recreation step, and the bug is there since icbt 1/2.

They are just being lazy/incompetent.

Also, working your brain 18 hours per day for a full week isn’t something uncommon when you are rushing work. I bet you never work in a high demand industry before.

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the thing is when u do programming unless u have a design pattern or somewhat a manual as we call it. then its not easy to understand other people’s coding since no one ever code the same way. both in language

or maybe they are to busy finding the problems?

Programming is a universal language. A good programmer has a proper programming practice. If one can’t easily understand the code it either means the writer or the reader is incompetent.

That’s why they are being incompetent. 3 months are a very long time to solve a problem. This is not even a cutting edge technology game, it’s just a 2d on 3d rendered 2d map.

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The code the international uses is based on the KR one, which means they have to sort through korean made code, and fix stuff from it.

They’re given a pile of code that they didn’t make, so its like translating, but with much more difficulty in terms of sorting through and arranging and fixing the stuff the korean programmers did

Also the KR is on OBT, which means development is being made on both sides, which makes the code more spaghetti-er.

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industry and programming is two different things imo. as they have no need for a brain to just walk around carry stuff and do nothing really… compared to programming the longer u do it a day the harder it becomes

nope programming isnt a universal language… and a good programmer or professsional one will not be able to understand another persons code unless he somewhat got a design manual…

it’s the first thing u learn as a programmer to write a propper design manual if u so decide to sell or stop working on something then another person in the very same team or from another team can carry out your job.

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Recreation of a bug isn’t going to give the developers the complete puzzle to fix.

If and when they fix said bug, it might clash with another set of code, which then makes the whole problem worse.

Solving them isn’t an easy “let’s just remove this whole part and write our own stuff”

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Kinda true ,only difference is IMC is the boss since they are the developers of the game,the developers are trying to fix the game cuz they didn’t expect such a huge fan base.
They didn’t have this problem in Korea cuz the playerbase was way smaller compared to this one .

True, that’s why I’m claiming that they are either lazy or incompetent.

I did mean brain work, for example various research field, or phd work, or professor. There are many cases where you will be required to work 18 hours per day for a full week, especially when deadline is coming up.

Yes they are both brain taxing but being incompetent (not being able to solve the problem) is why they are working at a company with low resource in the first place. I fully understand those, that’s why I’m actually ranting for fun.

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lazy? or imcompetent? lol nope.

and no u are not even close to understand lol people are not imcompetent if they can’t solve the program u dumb ■■■■… they are mearly not able to decode the piece of korean code in the short time… but i understand u dont understand it

If they can’t attend their game properly then they should hire new employees or don’t publish a game at all.

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God you sound like someone who never enter the work force before. There is literally all types of incompetence in the work force over every single level of application. watch this video it is exactly how you sound like.

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They knew how many people will play. But the thought that early access will be able to solve this problem. It is their fault and they need to fix it immediately. They could prepare a more servers before starting.

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It’s obvious that no one here has ever worked in software development in any capacity in this thread. Solutions, in the best case scenarios, are usually not rolled out in a single day. There is a lot of work that goes behind updating code, especially in a professional setting and in a game of all things.

Even the smallest of change, one you might think would take five minutes has to go through many tests. And even if it passes the tests, you don’t simply roll out every single little fix you do. You push it in batches. Not to mention, it’s the weekend, Sunday of all days, so you’d think that maybe the staff are resting? Wait until Monday or Tuesday at least.

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Well it is the player who wanted it faster out not them, they gave us 1 mounth instead of 3 mounth as players think it was to long, really now the game is bugged as ppl dont take the freaking time to relax for a ■■■■■■■ bit sigh, ppl nowdays need to break a leg and relax lol :confused: just getting so tired of ppl raging and crying all the time. It is kinda fun to read sometimes ppl are raging xD. They should just put the Ea back for 1 more month really i will say so they can take it easy and make sure everything goes right instead of rushing as it will only make more bugs… Lol :confused:

Its a complete technical problem vs industrial problem.

The industry tries to enforce deadlines which may or may not be feasible, while the technical side makes/fixes things with a system that isn’t easily measurable time-wise.

I’m not sure about how many hours the programmers clock in, even more so the amount of dev hours the koreans made initially, but i can assume that the pile of code that is going to be fixed isn’t by all means simple.

At this point i’m just hoping they sort through the code as soon as they can.