Tree of Savior Forum

Token privileges or non-token punishment? Please, be nice

Wrong. I have cripple, grynas top and bottom, shade greaves, roxona plate gaunlets (i have newt plate gaunlets recipe, but i don’t know where the materials drop), pora, Crystal bracelet and revisan necklace.

Except for the cripple and grynas, and some materials, I’ve farmed what i have.

I’ve checked the equipment of other guys I’ve done ET with, and i haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary. Similar equipment of what i have.

The reason i don’t have a token is because i don’t need it right now, not because i can’t afford it. It’s true that i can’t generate 1M per day, and my progress is slower than the average but i don’t think I’m asking for impossible things. I’m not joining solmiki parties with my equipment, I’m joining the first levels of lolopanther.

If people checked my equipment and said “you have to improve your equipment” i’d do it, but that isn’t the case.

I believe SlyGoat is asking what level transcendence is your weapon at, which is pretty much the only thing that matters now.

Again, if people said “I’ve checked your equipment, and your transcendenced weapon won’t deal enough damage” i wouldn’t be complaining because i understand that they have more experience and they know better what we would deal with. However, that wasn’t the case.

Either they “kick me” (not really, i left because they wanted 2 runs and i couldn’t), or join and left without reason when I tried to make a party. Again nothing related with “your equipment isn’t good enough”

[quote=“lolipopo, post:18, topic:356635, full:true”]
It may look like imc offered the game as free but it really isn’t. Look at all the restrictions without a token: Take forever to learn a skill attribute and retrieve silver from market, less dungeon runs, market penalty, and etc… Now you can obviously see what imc is doing. The game is only free for you to try out, not for you to play.[/quote]
Free to play means that you can play the game for free.
However, “playing the game” does not neccessarily include having access to all features or benefits nor does “free to play” say anything whether the game has to be fun/acceptable if you don’t pay for it.
So yes, it’s “free to play”, it’s just kinda annoying/frustrating if you don’t get a token.

So what you’re saying is nobody ever said “This guy doesn’t have a token I’m going to leave” but somehow you inferred that was the reason.

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If you have a better explanation, I’m opened to ideas.

I can understand that a newbie joins the group and leaves kind of scared. “Too many high level… This isn’t for me”, but what explanation has a high level player?
If you don’t have time to do the runs, you won’t join in the first place, or at least you wait some time and tell the party you’ve run out of time

For someone who used to ride in this:

It’s very difficult to get used to it:

it’s still usefor for the move speed when riding it , quests , opening maps , exploering , farming noob monsters with low respwon rate , searching in the maps for the thing you want , back to the party faster id you dead while in the dungen/quests
those things only about riding and it’s still usefull without

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So, everyone wants a good game, with good development/management, but no one wants to pay for it? is that right?

for god sake… stop crying and go buy your token. it’s so fu**ing cheap…
if you cant afford a few dollar/month just farm it.

if you’re doing ET, you have at least 1 200+ character, does anyone here (above 200) think it’s hard to farm 2kk PER MONTH to buy the token in the market??

i work and i study, still pretty easy to buy my token every month.

PS: i’m not saying IMC have a good development/management, but to achieve that they will definitely need money.

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Preposterous! Velheiders are cute.

need money not bank!
and if you see that wrong to not pay then tell IMC to remove that [free to play] word from there game :stuck_out_tongue:

I want a Velheider Dragon.

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Maybe they should consider putting reset voucher for saalus and ET in the market, with a cooldown of 12 hours. Kind of small token, instead of the full one. It’s something I’d paid for.

ok, so how much you paid for the game?
free to play means free TO PLAY(and you can play it FOR FREE), not “altruistic business” or “here we work for free”.

as a company, IMC need money.


free to play means free to play
not come make our players happy and let them kill you in the pvp and let them see how much the game have ppl and farm for them and pay us more

need money not opening a bank!

free to play player should be respected more!

free to play player are not

for pay to win players


if u compare to cbt

it’s punishment


so much crying…

so, you think +3 move speed makes everyone kill you? or the problem is the extra buffs?..
if you’re dying because of that, you suck… the problem in pvp right now is the balance and they are working on it.

plus… since the begin my point is: you can easily buy your token, using money or just farming some silver, it’s cheap… but you’re too lazy, right? you cant find a job and you dont want to farm.

im still trying to understand that…

same here… still trying to understand that.

That’s all folks.

“Farm 1 month”.

  1. Get a token.
  2. Run Saalus 12 times. (6 days)
  3. Sell 12 shards.
  4. Use 2.4 million silver from the sale to buy token.

Nice, how much time you already play this game? So, tell me more how every beginner will know this.

And more, tell me more how up a char 240+ without token benefits, in less than 1 month playing 2hours a day…

Let’s go saalus without any item, will be great! Lots of fun.

PS: Shards in silute = 150~160k.