Tree of Savior Forum

To whom it may concern, how Dina Bee Farm made me quit this game

Same sight on this for me, as I’m also coming from RO.
Orc Dungeon in RO was always filled with Homunculus-AFK-farming Alchemists/Genetics, and also fine for Looters to make Zeny. Actually healthy for the entire game. A few adjustments for ToS regarding Quests and alternative active playing/grinding maps, no autoloot for AFKers, and it will be a harmless alternative for some players. Also fun for other players (not so much for the AFKers) to occasionally fire off a bloody branch to spawn MVPs (bosses) who wreak havoc there for a few hours - all the dead Alchemists/Genetics littering the ground, haha^^ And I never fired a BB there, i was on the receiving end, but still funny thinking back.

It’s right there on their website